5 Şubat 2013 Salı

Real Employment Continued Contraction

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What this tells you is that the real economy has contracted by aboutthree percent since 2007. Everything else is window dressing todisguise this fact. As I posted in the past, we are repairing thecredit collapse the hard way. It is also the slow way.
The good news is that the banking system now knows what they have towork with and they have begun to lend again and this will begin tostimulate demand to allow a recovery to get under way. I think weare now into a three year cycle of slow steady recovery.
I have also posted before that it did not need to be way but nothingapproaching economic competence appear possible in Washington. Worse,the looting culture of Wall Street remains intact and will strikeagain in eight years unless real reform is put in place.
I think that the contraction itself is complete although governmentseverywhere are printing to support welfare payments. Thesestatistics tells us that there are somewhere close to 20,000,000workers out there wanting to participate in the economy and another40,000,000 looking for a much better position. Capitalizing them andtheir jobs would readily support a plus five percent growth rate forfive to ten years. Sadly it does not appear to be happening.
Perhaps it is time for Canada and the USA to do a joint Great LakesRedevelopment Scheme similar to the TVA of times past.
Shocking NumbersThat Show The Media Is Lying To You About Unemployment In America
by Michael, onFebruary 1st, 2013
Did you know that thepercentage of the U.S. labor force that is employed has continuallybeen falling since 2006 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics? Did you know that the increase in the number of Americans "notin the labor force" during Barack Obama's first four years inthe White House was more than three times greater than the increasein the number of Americans "not in the labor force" duringthe entire decade of the 1980s? The mainstream media would have usbelieve that 157,000 jobs were added to the U.S. economy in January. Based on that news, the Dow broke the 14,000 barrier for the firsttime since October 2007. But if you actually look at the"non-seasonally adjusted" numbers, the number of Americanswith a job actually decreased by 1,446,000 between December andJanuary. But nowhere in the mainstream media did you hear that theU.S. Economy lost more than 1.4 million jobs between December andJanuary. It is amazing the things that you can find out when youactually take the time to look at the hard numbers instead of justlistening to the media spin. Back in 2007, more than 146 millionAmericans were employed. Today, only141.6 million Americans areemployed even though our population has grown steadily sincethen. When the government and the media tell you that we are in a"recovery" and that unemployment is lower than it was acouple of years ago, I encourage you to dig deeper. The truth is thateven the government's own numbers tell us that the percentage of theU.S. labor force that is employed continues to fall and that the U.S.economy is heading into a recession. The Obama administration and themedia have been lying to you about unemployment and about the truecondition of our economy. After you see the numbers that I havecompiled in this article, I think that you will agree with me.
First of all, let'stake a look at the percentage of the civilian labor force that hasbeen employed over the past several years. These numbers comedirectly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  As you can see,this is a number that has been steadily falling since 2006...
2006: 63.12007: 63.02008: 62.22009: 59.32010: 58.52011: 58.4
In January, only 57.9percent of the civilian labor force was employed.
Do the numbers aboverepresent a positive trend or a negative trend?
Even a 2nd gradercould answer that question.
So how in the worldcan the Obama administration and the mainstream media claim that theemployment picture is getting better and that we are in a "recovery"?
But most Americansbelieve what they are told. It is almost as if we are in some kindof a "matrix" where reality is defined by thecorporate-controlled propaganda that is relentlessly pumped into ourbrains.
The only way that thegovernment has been able to show a declining unemployment rate is bydumping massive numbers of Americans into the "not in the laborforce" category.
Just check out how thenumber of Americans "not in the labor force" has absolutelyskyrocketed in recent years...
2006: 77,387,0002007: 78,743,0002008: 79,501,0002009: 81,659,0002010: 83,941,0002011: 86,001,000
In January, there weresupposedly 89,868,000 Americans that were at least 16 yearsof age that were not in the labor force.
That number has risenby more than 8 million since Barack Obama first entered the WhiteHouse, and that is highly unusual, because the number of Americans"not in the labor force" only increased by2,518,000 duringthe entire decade of the 1980s.
You sure can get thenumbers to look more "favorable" if you pretend thatmillions upon millions of American workers simply "don't want ajob" any longer. The truth is that if the labor forceparticipation rate was at the same level it was at when Barack Obamawas first elected, the official unemployment rate would be well above10 percent.
But that wouldn't doat all, would it? 7.9 percent sounds so much nicer.
And of course even ifyou do have a job that does not mean that you are doing okay.
If you can believe it,in America today 41 percent of all workers make $20,000 a year orless.
To me, that is a mindblowing statistic. It would be incredibly challenging for anyone tolive on $20,000 a year, much less try to support a family.
If you live inWashington D.C. or New York City and you have a "good job"working for the establishment, you may not realize it, but there aretens of millions of American families that are really hurting outthere. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 millionAmericans are either "poor" or "low income" atthis point, and most of those people actually do have jobs.
For much more on the"working poor" in the United States, please see my previousarticle entitled "35 Statistics About The Working Poor InAmerica That Will Blow Your Mind".
If something is notdone, the middle class will continue to disappearand poverty inAmerica will continue to explode.
In a previous article,I noted that during Obama's first term, the number of Americans onfood stamps increased by an average of about 11,000 per day.
How bad do things haveto get before people realize that we are living through a nightmare?
Sadly, most Americansstill have faith in the system.
Most Americans arestill convinced that our politicians will somehow find a way to turnthings around.
Most Americans willgather around their television sets this weekend and watch the SuperBowl and laugh at all the funny commercials without even thinkingabout how America is literally falling apart all around them.
But there is one groupof Americans that is acutely aware of how bad things have reallygotten.  Small businesses have traditionally been the primaryengine of job growth in this country, but right now small businessowners all over the nation are facing a tremendous crisis.
Millions of smallbusinesses are on the verge of extinction, and yet our politiciansjust continue to pile on more taxes, more rules and more regulations.
A recent Gallup pollfound that 61 percent of all small business owners inAmerica are "worried about the potential cost of healthcare",and that an astounding 30 percent of all small businessowners in America are not hiring and fear that they will go out ofbusiness within the next 12 months.
In a previous articleentitled "We Are Witnessing The Death Of Small Business InAmerica", I detailed how small businesses in America are beingsystematically wiped out.  Small businesses are dying all aroundus, and the number of new small businesses continues to decline.
According to economistTim Kane, the following is how the decline in the number of startupjobs per one thousand Americans breaks down by presidentialadministration...
Bush Sr.: 11.3Clinton: 11.2Bush Jr.: 10.8Obama: 7.8
Is that a good trendor a bad trend?
All of this is sosimple that even the family pet should be able to figure it out, andyet most Americans seem oblivious to all of this.  They justkeep gobbling up the mainstream media propaganda and they justcontinue to go out and wildly spend money.
It is almost as if wedidn't learn any lessons from 2008.
Even while householdspending in Europe has moderated, household spending in the UnitedStates continues to soar. Just check out the charting this article.
And guess what? Theinfamous "no money down mortgages" are back. If we waitlong enough, perhaps "interest only mortgages" will make acomeback as well.
Unfortunately, I amafraid that time is running out. we have been living in the biggestdebt bubble in the history of the world, and it is only a matter oftime until it bursts.
2008 was just a"hiccup" compared to what is coming.  Our politiciansand the Federal Reserve were able to keep the house of cards fromcompletely crashing down back then, but they are not going to be ableto avert the economic horror show that is rapidly approaching.
I hope that you aregetting prepared. Back in 2008, millions of Americans suddenly losttheir jobs, and because many of them did not have any savings, manyof them suddenly lost their homes. One of the most important thingsthat you can do to prepare for the coming crisis is to build up anemergency fund. If things suddenly go bad, you don't want to loseyour house and everything that you have always worked for.
In addition, anythingthat you can do to become more self-sufficient and more independentof the system is a good thing, because the system is failing. Theyears ahead are going to be much more chaotic than what we areexperiencing right now, and when the next crisis strikes you will bevery thankful for the time and the energy that you put intopreparing.
So what are all of youseeing in your own areas?
Are businessesshutting down?
Are people having ahard time finding good jobs?
Please feel free topost a comment with your thoughts below...

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