6 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Superconducting at 35 Celsius

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 Even better the material produced has far better characteristics forworking with. What is important is that this work has produced aclass of products able to operate at thirty degrees Celsius and thatmakes it practical for normal operating conditions and regularcooling arrangements. Sooner or later, we are going to produce amonolayer on a working substrate and be able to actually use it.
Joe Eck has been leading the way in this work for a number of yearsand has been making incremental advances and obviously continues todo so.
As previously posted, this technology is necessary for manufacturingthe Magnetic Field Exclusion Vessel of MFEV a reported in my articlepublished in Viewzone in 2007.
Joe Eck Reports 35 Celsius Superconductor after substitutingSilicon
FEBRUARY03, 2013

Superconductors.ORG(Joe Eck) reports the 30 Celsius superconductor discoveredin December 2012 has been successfully reformulated to advancehigh Tc to above 35 Celsius (95F, 308K). This was accomplished with asimple substitution of tetravalent silicon into the magnesium atomicsites. The chemical formula thus becomes Tl5Pb2Ba2Si2.5Cu8.5O17+.This is the third material discovered with a critical transitiontemperature (Tc) above room-temperature.

JoeEck is a lone researcher who has had some previous work published insmaller journals and some other researchers have copied his work andhad them published. He detects magnetic transitions that indicatelikely superconductivity but the material has a low percentage ofsuperconducting material and needs to be processed and purified. Hehas not been able to get the interest or cooperation of largerinstitutions. Joe has also done work to improve the formulationof YCBO superconducting materials

Multiple magnetization testswere performed on two separate test pellets to confirm thisexceptionally high Tc. The highest and lowest measurements on thefirst sample ranged from 37.1 C to 35.8 C. The second pellet produceddiamagnetic transitions between 37.5 C and 35.5 C. The average of allthe tests was just under 36 Celsius. The flashing lines in the twoplots at page top represent the average of the noise componentskewing apart near 36 C in both warming and cooling test cycles

Withan ionic radius smaller than magnesium (0.4 Ã… - vs - 0.72 Ã…)silicon will occupy the same atomic sites in the "Light"region of the C1 and C2 axes as magnesium does. This is illustratedin the D9223 graphic at left with an arrow pointing to the Si-Cuplane. Though the planar weight ratio is lower with silicon than withmagnesium, the Cu02 planes clearly benefit from being electron-doped.

Belowis the plot of a second sample pellet, synthesized and tested threedays after the first pellet. The plot again shows an unambiguousdiamagnetic transition just below 36 C. Resistance tests were notpossible with this formulation, as the non-superconductive bulkmaterial i 

  The idea that silicon might be an acceptable substitute for magnesium came from two prior discoveries that included silicon. The proto-compound TlSiBa4Tm2CaCu5Ox produced a minority phase with Tc near 208 Kelvin. And (Tl0.5Pb0.5Si)Sr4TmCaCu4Ox produced a minority phase with Tc near 213 K. The only way for such high transition temperatures to result from such small unit cells was if silicon was occupying both the C1 and C2 axes.

       A dot and yellow rectangular box have been placed within the C1 plot below, depicting where D223(Si2.5Cu8.5) lies relative to the other high performance thallium copper-oxides. Even though the PWR-v-Tc has decreased along the C1 axis, with this formulation the rich electron doping of the CuO2 planes has increased Tc well above the curve of its progenitors.

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