13 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Mohammed's Conversion on the Road to Mecca

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This puts ourunderstanding of fundamental Islam on an entirely another level. Itis actually a worse ideology than Nazism. Effectively women aredenied the right of free will. The same process also ensnares the menwho also be come as compliant.
Do not think that Islamis generally successful in what it sets out to do. But it issuccessful enough to seriously skew its population part way into thisregime to the point that a modest push or event easily brings forward fanatics.
What Mohammed began withwas no more that the normal shape of spiritualism in his time andplace and acceptable. The two changes here then imposed are contraryto every spiritual tradition. They are not so contrary to theabusive idol based traditions though which was all over the map whenit came to women and slaves.
Your household God was asimple license to be a household tyrant.
Quite bluntly, Mohammedchose to adopt barbarism when he was put to the test and applied'dualism' to square the philosophical circle. He was in pursuit ofrevenge. His was the archetypal test that Christ passed and hefailed.
Islam is facing its trueArmageddon today because modernism is grinding it down. Modernism isin fact impossible unless the family engages the women and educatesthem. An educated woman will soon work to break the bonds of theStockholm Syndrome.
In the short sightedpresent, we see and experience the pain but not the trend lines oreven the inevitability. We can actively speed the process up butthat may not even be necessary. The Arab spring ended socialstability in the Islamic world forever. Every civil war and everyprotest is grinding down the ideology of submission.
The truth may be thatthese populations need to ripped back and forth internally until theyemerge out the other side as a modern people. Whatever the case,Islam itself is doomed unless they utterly cleanse the religion ofMohammed's conversion to barbarism on the road to Mecca.

Mohammed’sGreatest Discovery
KennethRoberts, Associate Writer

Whatcauses a Muslim woman to honor-kill the children she has borne andraised? The explanation is ‘the Stockholm Syndrome’. It is oneof the secret keys of political Islam and Mohammed’s greatestdiscovery.
TheStockholm syndrome or ‘capture bonding’ is a psychologicalparadox in which hostages develop empathy and positive feelingstowards their captors, even to the point of adopting the captor’soppressive ideology. One would expect captives to experienceresentment and hatred towards an abuser, but that is not what occursin the Stockholm syndrome.
Rather,the Stockholm syndrome takes hold in a few days as a result ofcaptors performing small acts of kindness towards their doomedcaptives. The threat of certain death in contrast with kindgestures is thought to bring about the syndrome. The confused captivesoon begins to identify with the cruel psyche of the captor in orderto survive.

Thispush-pull dynamic of terror alternating with moments of relativebenevolence produces this delusion in the mind of the captive. Thecaptive then begins to believe the far-fetched justifications forbrutality and murder that bend the minds of her or his terroristcaptors.
TheStockholm syndrome is a severe form of a psychological phenomenonknown as dissociation. It is the mind's survival mechanism, the waytrauma victims convince themselves that "this isn't happening".Mohammed discovered it by accident.
Why‘Greatest Discovery’
Thediscovery of the Stockholm syndrome changed Mohammed’s life. Beforediscovering the Stockholm syndrome, Mohammed preached religion for13 years and collected about 150 followers. After his discoveryof capture bonding, Mohammed’s political movement grewexponentially.

Howdid Mohammed’s great discovery occur? It began with a problem.
Afterleaving Mecca, Mohammed’s small, impoverished movement began topick up ruffians to assist in pillaging the Meccans. Mohammed hadpreviously been living in a polite, middle class, businessenvironment. He and his followers were not used to the rough, rudemanners of the pillaging ‘Ansaris’ (auxiliaries) that Mohammedhad hired in exchange for a share of booty on his vengeful raidsagainst the Meccans. Even the manners of Ansari women were rough andinsubordinate. The women of Mohammed’s group began to pick up thehighly assertive manners of the Ansari women. At first, Mohammed tookno notice, but Omar bin Khattab did. Omar pushed Mohammed to receivea revelation from Allah.
Allahsoon sent Mohammed an eternal revelation that men should beat theirwives into submission.Were these original Muslim women beaten ‘lightly’ as recommendedby modern mullahs? Apparently not. Aisha (Mohammed’s preteen bride)later said, “Ihave not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women.”(Bukhari 7:72:715)
Veilingand Isolation: Ingredients of Stockholm Syndrome
Veilingis another important contributor to the Islamic Stockholm syndrome.Veiling causes isolation from perspectives other than those of thecaptor.
Veilingcame about when Omar yet again provoked a crisis, this time byfollowing Muslim women to the privies. Omar noted that free Muslimwomen, if left unveiled, could not be distinguished from unveiledslaves. Since Mohammed permitted his men to ‘molest’ slaves, Omardemanded action “…as he desired eagerly that the verses ofal-hijab may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "al-Hijab"(Sahih Bukhari 1.14.148). Allah swiftly gave an eternal command aboutveiling, so that married women (including Omar’s wives) could nolonger be ‘misidentified’ as kafirs and ‘molested’ byjihadists (Koran 33.59). Accordingto Allah, unveiled women don’t get protection from rape.
Bylimiting women’s independence of movement and making themindistinguishable one from another, veilingproduces permanent isolation of women, a necessary condition for theStockholm syndrome.The combination of isolation, beating and the veil turn Muslim womeninto passive, isolated, malleable non-persons. Muslimwomen live in a permanent state of dissociation and denial.
Becauseof Omar, the freedom of Muslim women has not increased at all in thelast 1400 years, while everywhere else women’s rights have steadilyevolved. Muslim women are still restricted to a form of housearrest as ‘domestic animals’ or ‘prisoners’, forced tointeract only with their husbands and children (read ‘Mohammed’sFinal Sermon’).
ChoosingCompliance as an Alternative to Death
Asthe Stockholm syndrome takes hold, victims perceive they can eitherresist the perpetrator and meet certain death or they can comply andhope to live. The threat of certain death is a necessary factor inthe Stockholm syndrome. Islam provides this permanent threat to womenthrough the eternally existing Koran, Mohammed’s Sunna (perfectexample) and sacred Sharia law.
NoIslamic doctrine depends on a single verse, but on the Koran,Mohammed’s example and the canonical decisions of Islamic jurists.They create a three-dimensional picture of conduct that all Muslimsmust follow. Tragically, Islamic law provides broad loopholes forthe honor killing of women.
TheKoran says that if a Muslim woman obeys her male owner after abeating, no further action should be taken. The words ‘take nofurther action’ (Koran 4.34) are highly significant, since theyimply that actions beyond beating may be taken, perhaps mutilation,perhaps starvation or death through honor killing. The choice of‘further action’ is up to the male owner of the chattels. Modernmullahs often try to tone this down for Western audiences, butsuch moderation is not in foundational Islam. Koran 4.15 & 34offer the basis for honor killing of women, since a husband needn’tfeed a woman if her performance is unsatisfactory. She may be lockedup and starved in her home.
Mohammed’ssacred example approves of a blind man who murders the mother of hischildren because she blasphemed Mohammed.
Sharialaw also makes ample room for honor killing of women by omitting anypunishment for the murderer of an apostate or the murderer ofdisobedient children or grandchildren. In the context of cousinmarriage, Sharia leaves the door open to the honor killing of womenwith the blessing of the couple’s common grandparents (Reliance ofthe Traveller, o1.2, 1-5). Such honor killing is perfectly legalunder Sharia, there being no punishment for it.
Honorkilling is eternally permitted (though not commanded) in Islam. Suchviolence against women is part of jihad, the ‘struggle’ to forcewomen and ‘others’ to submit without resistance to Muslim males.
Dhimmitude:a Captivity Contract
Dhimmiscapitulate to Islamic rule. Captive Muslim women (as well as entirecaptive nations) are given the stark choice of being beaten (or dead)prisoners…or living, compliant semi-slaves to Islam. Since it isdifficult to endure the despair of permanent captivity, Islam’scaptives dissociate and ‘voluntarily’ choose compliance. Thiscondition of surrender to Islam is called ‘dhimmitude’. Whenentire kafir nations submit to Islamic supremacism, they becomepacified kafirs or ‘dhimmis’ under a humiliating ‘dhimma’(protection) agreement. Nevertheless, if dhimmis resist their Muslimoverlords even a little, they are deemed to have broken theircontract of ‘protection’ and they revert to being unprotected‘kafirs’ or ‘harbis’ who must be ‘fought’.

Sharia’slogic is that a Muslim woman who resists her owner has become anapostate from Islam, a ‘kafir’ or even a ‘harbi’ who maylawfully be murdered, since she has abandoned the rules of Islam.Under Sharia, no blood indemnity is required in the murder of anapostate, so killing defiant women is permitted. This is easily donewith the consent of the parents or grandparents in a cousin marriage.
Amajority of Muslim women actually marry a first cousin, sofamily-directed violence against women is rife in Islam. Cousinmarriage places a secure sociological noose around the majority ofMuslim women. Thanks to Sharia law and cousin marriage, Muslim womenare Mohammed’s prisoners having no escape from violence and death.
Jihad-and-hegira(attack-and-retreat) is the third ‘essential doctrine’ (usulud-deen) in Islam. This push-pull dynamic, applied against women,produces Islam’s Stockholm syndrome, forcing women to submit tomen. Compliant women in turn create compliant families in acompliant, monocultural Muslim society.
Muslimsinstinctively recognize jihad-and-hegira, a dualistic pattern thatallows Muslims in stages to be both militant, then conciliatory.Jihad and hegira are opposite ends of one swing or, if you will, twophases of one cycle. Militant jihad prepares the way for conciliatory‘peaceful Islam’. ‘Peaceful Islam’ then sets up jihad/holywarfare. In this manner, Islam ratchets itself forward, just as areaper advances into a field, cutting wheat with theforward-and-back, swinging motion of a scythe.
DualisticJihad-and-Hegira creates Stockholm Syndrome
Muslimsinstinctively expect jihadic violence to set up the conditions forconversion to ‘peaceful Islam’ (and so it does), but the‘miracle’ they perceive is actually the Stockholm syndrome. Anexample from the Sira illustrates this point:
Mas’udleapt upon Sunayna, one of the Jewish merchants with whom his familyhad social and commercial relations and killed him. The Muslim’sbrother complained, saying, ‘Why did you kill him? You have muchfat in you belly from his charity.’ Mas’ud answered, ‘By Allah,had Muhammad ordered me to murder you, my brother, I would have cutoff your head.’ Whereupon the brother said, ‘Any religion thatcan bring you to this is indeed wonderful!’ And he accepted Islam.”(Ishaq: 369)

Thiscounterintuitive story from the Sira illustrates how terrorism andthe startling threat of fratricide lead to Islamic conversion. Afterthe carnage of 9-11, Muslims around the world claimed withoutevidence that there was an increase in conversions to Islam. Muslimssincerely believed the viciousness of 9-11 had led to a miraculousadmiration for Islam, rather than revulsion. This is a telltalesign that Muslims unconsciously recognize the Stockholm syndrome.
However,victims of the Stockholm syndrome are unaware they have beenprogrammed to endorse violence. Muslims themselves, and theirvictims, become dissociated through the ratcheting motion ofjihad-and-hegira.
Kafirsneed to recognize that militant jihadists (what politicians call‘Muslim extremists’) and ‘nice Muslims’ (i.e. ‘moderateMuslims’) are simply opposite ends of Islam’sbipolarity…jihad-and-hegira…rather two different kinds of Muslim.Muslims shift easily between the two poles.
FromSubmissives to Co-perpetrators

Jihad-and-hegirais classic Islamic dualism. Dualism explains most of Islam. Indualism, there are unequal pairs in which one side must submit to theother. In the Stockholm syndrome, there is a dominator and asubmissive. In Islam, women always submit to a man. Under thepermanent threat of execution sanctioned by Allah in the Koran andsacred Sharia law, Islam’s unwilling female victims are transformedinto willing codependents and active co-perpetrators with thejihadists.

Gendercideembedded in Sharia Law
Islamicmale supremacism is embedded in the eternally valid words ofMohammed. He said that women are mentally and spiritually inferiorto men, that they may be controlled by their husbands by beating themand by isolating them. Muslim husbands even have the right tohonor kill their wives under Koran 4.34: “Then if they obey you,take no further action against them.”
Thechoice of ‘further action’ is up to the male owner of thechattels. Daughters and granddaughters may be honor killed underKoran 18.81 and Sharia law (ref. o1.1-4, ‘The Reliance of theTraveller’). In many Islamic countries, honor killings are notpunished with severity, if they are punished at all.
Mullahsliving in Western countries sometimes claim that honor killing is‘un-Islamic’; however, here it is clearly allowed in Sharia law.What is left unsaid in Sharia’s murder loophole is moreimportant than what is said, because murder is morally reprehensibleand the mullahs need plausible deniability.

Muslimwomen realize honor killing is a valid part of Islam, since it iseternally approved by Allah/Mohammed and by Sharia. Muslim women alsoaccept that they have half the value of a man and that their entirebody is a shameful sexual organ (‘awra’) that must be concealedby veils. They accept that the male head of the family is authorizedunder Sharia to be judge, jury and executioner within his family inthe matter of honor killings. Muslim women are sociologicallyisolated through cousin marriage, so they accept there is nothingthey can do about their lot but submit. Even so, thousands of Muslimwomen commit suicide every year in order to escape from Islam.
InIslam, women are ‘prisoners’ and ‘domestic animals’ of men.Noncompliant women may thus be culled in the same way a farmer cullsrogue animals that exhibit behavioral problems.
Muslimmales (and their female co-perpetrators) perceive honor killings asrestoring family honor by removing an embarrassing behavioralproblem.
PsychologicalEffect on Muslim Women

Whilejihadic violence is the initiating cause, the Stockholm syndrome isthe psychological effect on Muslim women. Briefly put, jihad’spermanent, Allah-given threat of violence against women produces theastonishing psychological effect of cooperative victims.

Onesimple definition of jihad is the subjugation of women and ‘others’using Mohammed’s methods. Mohammed’s methods implant theStockholm syndrome in women.
Idealfemale cooperation with the Muslim perpetrator is illustrated inMohammed’s official biography, The Sira:
Whenthe apostle arrived at the home of his family he gave his sword tohis daughter Fatima, saying, ‘Wash the blood from it, little one.By Allah, it has been true to me today.’ Ali, too, gave her hissword and said, ‘Take this and wash the blood from it. By Allah, ithas been true to me today’. The name of the apostle’s sword wasDhul-Faqar (spine-splitter).” (Ishaq, Chap.14, Uhud)

Mohammed’sdaughter Fatima is the perfect example of the Stockholm syndrome: sheprepares the weapons of jihad which will in turn subjugate andenslave more women, herself included. She is a co-dependent.
Psychologically,the Stockholm syndrome is a Muslim woman’s attempt to escape fromthe despair of lifelong incarceration in Islam. Muslim women may bebeaten, locked up and even honor-killed. Muslim women accept thisabusive relationship because Allah eternally commands it in theKoran, as well as Mohammed in his final sermon. Muslim women giveconsent to men keeping them as ‘prisoners’ and ‘domesticanimals’.
Mohammed’schauvinistic final commands contained in his final sermon may neverbe abrogated, so Muslim women cannot be liberated until the end oftime.
With600 million female captives, Islam is a case of the Stockholmsyndrome on an industrial scale. Muslim women cooperate in their owncaptivity because it is Allah’s will that they do so, even to thepoint of participating in the honor killing of other female relativesor their own children.
Co-perpetratorsin Honor Killing

Victimsof the Stockholm syndrome accept the violent ideology of theircaptors. They accept that the captors have the right to take hostagesand even murder them in the name of their cause. As the Stockholmsyndrome deepens, hostages finally become true believers and evenco-conspirators as was observed in the famous case of Patty Hearst.

InIslam, all women are permanent hostages who may be honor killed bytheir male guardians at any moment. The justification for honorkilling comes from Allah’s eternally valid words commanding themurder of apostates who leave Islam (K.18.81).
AMuslim, who refuses to be compliant to Islamic theocracy, becomes aguilty non-Muslim kafir, one who ‘hides’ the fact that Mohammedis right.
Islam’snon-compliant women have become kafirs and traitors to Islam who mustbe executed. Under the draconian rules of Sharia law, no bloodcompensation is paid to a family in the killing of an apostate fromIslam nor is there any Sharia punishment for the killer (Reliance ofthe Traveller, o8.4). This means that murdering an apostate isnormative Islam. This permanent death threat to all Muslims who rebel—and especially to all women—is the key component of Islam’sStockholm syndrome.
AMuslim woman has three options: 1) embrace the Stockholm syndrome, 2)wait to be honor-killed or 3) flee Islam (suicide is one way offleeing Islam).
Tragically,many victims of Islamic honor-killings have first been lulled into asense of false security by their captors before being betrayed andhonor-killed by them. Giving false assurances to victims and luringthem into a trap is the sacred example of Mohammed in the Hadiths andSira.
Aslifelong prisoners of men, Muslim women are Islam’s first victims.After succumbing to the Stockholm syndrome, Muslim women endorseMohammed’s brutal methods. The more they dissociate and identifywith Mohammed, the more women act as co-dependents andco-perpetrators.
Inspite of thousands of Islamic honor killings each year, WesternFeminists have shown little interest in addressing Islam’sindustrial-scale misogyny. Western Feminists have instead becomepacified dhimmis, unconsciously embracing Islam’s Stockholmsyndrome and abetting the perpetrators, rather than live under theconstant anxiety of jihad. By their silence, Western Feminists havegiven up the fight against male supremacism and submitted to Islam.
ASuccessful Program of Intimidation
Thestability of Islam depends on its complete control of women.
Thepermanent threat of death for non-compliance is the key tounderstanding Islam’s great psychological control over women anddhimmis. This ‘living under the avalanche’ creates the Stockholmsyndrome which gives Islam its enduring stability and power.
TheStockholm syndrome is arguably Mohammed’s greatest discovery andthe key to Islam’s success. Mohammed and his followers thought theStockholm syndrome was a true miracle! But it is no miracle.Feartransforms Islamic society through the unending threat of violenceand death. The Stockholm syndrome is the psychological heart ofIslam.

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