23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

Primal Evil's Physical Basis

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There are two types of evil.  The type this addresses is the worst kind and we will simply label it primal evil and it is strongly associated with a physical flaw in the brain itself.  Evidence exists suggesting that Hitler suffered a war injury to the head and that effected his subsequent behavior.  Other specific cases also typically are associated with brain flaw and this work polices the obvious science.
The other type of evil is derivative evil and it is learned and impressed through the social environment.  This is both forgivable and also modifiable if not outright curable.  That is not necessarily easy as the victim has a whole sense of self bound up in abhorrent behavior.  Recall that it requires time and effort to bring a soldier back down into civilized behavior at best.
My own observations and readinghad come to the general conclusion that primal evil was expressing a physicalabnormality.  This indicates that we havefound at least one such source.  It mayeven be sufficient.  Obviously the nextstep is to diagnose this whenever indicated and if this work is an indication,operate to remove the problem which may be as simple as scaring.  An unlucky blow to the head can inducebleeding and derivative tissue damage and physical scaring.  The same holds true for difficult births.
We now know these people can beidentified and are themselves victims in need of corrective surgery to makethem safe to society.
We should be so lucky as to have an equally simple solution for obsessive learned bad behavior.  Pedophiles, kleptomaniacs and many other obsessives want to be cured.  So far our only avenue open appears to be shamanism and their curious drug therapy.

What evil lurks in the brain? German neurologist says he's found a'dark patch'
By JeremyA. Kaplan
Published February 07, 2013

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After studying the brains of violent killers, rapists and robbers,German neurologist Gerhard Roth claims to have found a “dark patch” in thecenter of the brain -- he calls it the evil spot, a genetic source of violentbehavior.
Roth, a professor at the University of Bremen, told Germany news site Bild.de that hehad shown short films to criminals and measured their brain activity. A smallsection at the front of their brains showed no reaction to violent scenes; itremained "dark" when shown dark scenes.
"Whenever there were brutal and squalid scenes, the subjectsshowed no emotions. In the areas of the brain where we create compassion andsorrow, nothing happened,” Roth said.
BioEdge, a blog dedicated to bioethics news, translated Roth's Germaninto English: “This is definitely the region of the brain where evil is formedand where it lurks.”
Not so fast. Human behavior, affect and emotion is likely a far more intricate thing, explained Dr. Steven Galetta, chairman of the neurology department at the NYUSchool of Medicine.
'It’s probably not as simple as X marks the spot for a particularbehavior.'- Dr. Steven Galetta, chairman of the neurology department at the NYU Schoolof Medicine
“People look at the blood flow to one area and they say, ‘aha, this is the evil patch.’ It’s probably a lot more complex than that,” Galetta told FoxNews.com.
“Certain areas are likely important for certain behaviors, certainattitudes. But it’s probably not as simple as X marks the spot for a particularbehavior.”
Roth’s study, according to Bild.de, was conducted for the Germangovernment on violent convicted offenders. He said the dark mass that he hasidentified appears in all CT scans of people with such records -- and takingit out ended their “evil” behavior.Roth did not respond to FoxNews.com requests for more details on hisstudy.
Terre Constantine, executive director of the Brain Research Foundation  andthe former director of the Jack Miller Center for Peripheral Neuropathy,expressed skepticism at the report, but agreed that brain abnormalities such astumors can affect behavior.
“It absolutely can affect the brain and your personality and how youcommunicate. And it can make you aggressive -- not all tumors, of course: itdepends where it is,” Constantinetold FoxNews.com.
Her foundation, which funds research into neuroscience seeking tounderstand the brain’s workings, has aided research similar to Roth's with moreadvanced imaging techniques.
One recent study from a University of Chicago researcher studied parenting behavior. It found activity in the amygdala -- a portion of the brain connected to the limbic system -- correlated to parenting style. It “lit up” in the brains of normal mothers, while “harsh parents” didn’t react to scenes of bad parenting.
“There’s clearly differences in the brain depending on what sort ofdisease or abnormality a person has,” she told FoxNews.com. And many things cancause abnormal behaviors. “They’re either wired differently or there might besome disease that’s causing the brain to atrophy.”
But Constantine agreed with Galetta: Complex topics and behaviors are likely linked to other areas of the brain, rather than concentrated in one “evil area.”
“I would argue it’s probably not the only “evil” spot,” she said.“There are other areas in the brain, there are lots of … empathy areas orviolent areas or just social reaction areas within the brain.”
“This may be one of the spots, but I’d be surprised if it’s the spot.”

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