20 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Gold Disinformation

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This story has beenevolving for a long time. Essentially there is excellent reason toconjecture that the gold in Fort Knox in particular has beenoutright looted by the substitution of a large number of gold barswith tungsten adulterated bars. I can assure you that this can bemade to work and it can even be set up to pass appropriate tests witha compliant assayer who knows where to drill. Google this blog topick up the earlier posts putting this all together.
Knowing this, andknowing that the Chinese are wise and by implication so are the othercentral banks, it has not been too difficult to understand theirpresent movements and that of the Fed. In a way it resembles highcomedy.
Here we have a wellpublicized exercise in formally assaying gold held outside the USreserve while omitting to name the actual owners or that it isoutside Fed management anyway. It almost gives the illusion that itis business as usual and all very positive. We must confirm everyounce.
In the event, it isworth recalling that the USA is a significant gold producer in itsown right and reserves are way less meaningful.
This story has not become hot enough to force an actual audit of Fort Knox yet.  

Get Ready for SomeMajor Disinformation about America's Gold
An audit of the goldheld at the New York Federal Reserve has been completed and thedisinformation campaign has started. Notice how LaTi reports thestory:
The U.S. government’sgold in New York is safe in a vault underneath Manhattan, and some ofthe precious metal there is purer than previously thought.
The problem with thisis that the gold held at the New York Federal Reserve is not "TheU.S. government’s gold." It is gold held, for the most part,by the Federal Reserve for foreign countries.

LaTi goes on:

That’s according toa first-ever audit conducted last year by the Treasury Department ofU.S. gold on deposit at Federal Reserve banks in New York andelsewhere.
This is curiousbecause it is the government conducting the audit.  That's likehaving Bernie Madoff's brother auditing Bernie's customer accounts.Why wasn't an independent auditing firm brought in? And since thegold is held for countries like Germany, why didn't Germany andothers who have gold on account get to pick the auditor?

Here's moreLaTi disinformation, which misdirects from the above importantquestions:

As part of the audit,the Treasury tested a sample of the government’s 34,021 gold barsin the New York Fed’s vault five stories below Manhattan’sfinancial district, according to the inspector general’s office.Auditors drilled tiny holes into the bars to remove samples that weretested for fineness in a process called assaying.
In three of the 367tests, the gold was more pure than Treasury records indicated,according to the Treasury's inspector general. As a result, thegovernment notched up the value of its gold holdings by approximately27 fine troy ounces – or about $43,500, based on gold’s marketvalue Monday.
Then LaTi tells usthis:
The audit of the Fedgold came after 2012 presidential contender and former U.S. Rep. RonPaul (R-Texas) questioned the central bank's gold holdings. While hewas in Congress, Paul questioned whether the New York Fed had loanedor otherwise encumbered U.S. gold in financial arrangements, and headvanced a bill that would have required a full assay and audit ofthe country’s gold reserves.
But Dr. Paul was mostconcerned about "the country’s gold reserves," which isdifferent from what is held at the Fed. The country's gold reservesare held mostly at Fort Knox, which no one is allowed to see, muchless audit.

Then we havetwo more paragraphs of disinformation:

The New York Fed holds99.98% of the U.S.-owned gold bars and coins in the custody of theFederal Reserve. The rest of the gold is on display at Fed banks incities such as Richmond, Kansas City and San Francisco.
As of Sept. 30, whenthe market price of gold was $1,776 an ounce, the Fed banks held$23.9 billion in U.S. gold. (Gold has since declined in value, and onMonday the precious metal was hovering around $1,610 an ounce.)
Unlike Fort Knox, theNY Fed gives tours of its vaults, so Americans can see the gold ofother countries, but not US gold.
Bottom line: Thisaudit was designed to confuse. Expect more stories about how theTreasury conducted and audit of US gold. Not true. Fort Knox gold,where America's gold supposedly sits, is off limits to alland has never been audited.
Again, the gold heldat the New York Fed is mostly gold held for foreign countries. Itdoes not belong to the Federal Reserve or the United Statesgovernment. LaTi after misdirecting throughout the full story, endswith the limited truth:
The vast majority ofthe country’s gold reserves is held elsewhere, in Fort Knox, WestPoint and Denver.
Of course, the fulltruth is this gold has never been audited and unlike the NY Fed,which provides tours, there are no tours of the Fort Knox gold.
Bottom Line: The auditof the NY Fed gold will be used to deceive and give theimpression that the gold supposedly held for American's has beenaudited.

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