13 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

No Leniency in China

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There is certainly no better time than just at the beginning of a tenyear rule to shed the top layer of officialdom of whom ninety percentcan be easily replaced by understudies. Not only does it cool offthe greed aspect for quite a while, it restores institutionalresponsiveness to effective levels without entering into a lot oflocal fights. So this is good and sets the stage for actual action.
I can not imagine that the process will take long either asessentially everybody is guilty and will be begging for mercy and aquiet retirement. While this is going on, Bo will be publicly put ontrial so everyone can measure their good fortune as they negotiateescape.
I wonder how many will simply try to brazen it out?
In the meantime plenty of great condos are for sale for quick cash atgreat prices as public servants rediscover public service.
China's Xi says 'noleniency' in corruption fight
by Staff Writers

Beijing (AFP) Jan22, 2013


China'spresident-in-waiting Xi Jinping intensified calls for a crackdown oncorruption Tuesday, saying there would be "no leniency" forparty officials whatever their rank, state media reported.
Xi, who is alreadyCommunist Party boss and due to become China's president in March,has repeatedly pledged to fight graft amid rising social discontentover government corruption and political scandals that have engulfedthe party.
He carried that callTuesday to a meeting of the Central Commission for DisciplineInspection, the party body tasked with disciplinary issues, theofficial Xinhua news agency reported.
"We must have theresolution to fight every corrupt phenomenon, punish every corruptofficial and constantly eradicate the soil which breeds corruption,so as to earn people's trust with actual results," Xi said in aspeech.
"No exceptionwill be made when it comes to party disciplines and law," Xisaid. "Cases will be investigated completely and no leniencywill be meted out no matter who is involved."
Using colourfullanguage, Xi called for cracking down on "tigers" --meaning high-level officials and big corruption cases -- as well as"flies" -- low-level officials and smaller cases.
China's new leadershiphas made a point of sending a clear signal that it is serious aboutreining in graft, which, if left unchecked, it sees as a threat toparty rule.
Xi's speech was alsoattended by other members of the party's powerful seven-memberPoliburo Standing Committee, which was named during a key partycongress in November.
That meeting put inplay China's highly choreographed, once-in-a-decade leadershipchange, which saw Xi take over the party reins from Hu Jintao.
China's politicaltransition was tarnished last year by the case of disgracedpolitician Bo Xilai, whose wife was convicted of murdering a Britishbusinessman.
Bo is awaiting trialfor corruption and abuse of power after allegedly using police inChongqing city where he ruled to remove political opponents anddissidents -- practices that are routine in China.
The scandal unveiledrampant graft and lawlessness at the pinnacle of Chinese politicalpower.

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