25 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Vietnam Lizard Being Encounter

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I have posted several reports now aboutthese lizard beings. They are all rather substantial in terms ofdetail and relay a tale of an evolved Terran race established onEarth for millions of years. This is a creditable proposition aseven the fossil record supports that possibility. Almost allencounters appear either underground or close to such access.
It is relayed to us that thesecreatures reside deep underground in large formed habitats with ampleaccess to the surface for rare intrusions. Again we are entering afuture in which our mastery of material strength will allow superiorunderground construction. We do fine at present, but it is clearalso that a lot better is plausible and desirable.
What we do get is rare close encountersand they will chase us off. In this case, they were surprised by thefire power and simply bugged out. That was the only rational thingto do.
Very important here is the descriptionof the cave itself. The sides are smooth, with precise grooving andare tapered toward the top to distribute pressure. It is clearly acorrect design model that we do not use at all because we still relyon blasting. This is completely new information.
Most certainly this entry was thenopen. The grooves would likely carry a blocking plug that was thenretracted. This is again advanced methodology meant to preventunnecessary discovery.
As an aside, way more data has been shared in a couple of separate reports than we have for any other oddity.  Most important though is that they claim to be non alien and as mankind could also move underground if it proved desirous as our culture advances, none of this is unreasonable.  My difficulty is that we have on hand several deeply detailed reports regarding several plausible scenarios that are best described as unique, unconfirmable (This one by way is confirmable and likely has been ) and way too good to be true.  They all could easily have been lifted out of 1930's pulp fiction.
In short, they are stories that are too well written and that i could have made up out of whole cloth myself.  you get the point.
LizardBeings: Encounter & Engagement
During the past months I have collected anecdotes from readerswho had personal experiences or were told of cryptids / anomalousencounters in Vietnam and other parts of Indochina. I received aparticular narrative that was much different than the others that hadbeen forwarded to me...so I decided to publish it separately. Thepost is a compilation of 3 emails, which included answers to a few ofmy questions. The man who provided this information was, at the timeof the incident, a U.S. Army corporal...who has since retired fromthe military after a lengthy career. He did not give me specifics asto his unit and mission...but feels strongly that his experienceshould be told. He provided two identification references, whichchecked out. Overall, this man served a distinguished military careerand his reputation is quite admirable from what I have seen. Some ofthe information has been edited at the request of the witness: [Lon]
In 1970 I was servingas a corporal in the U.S. Army – deployed to South Vietnam in anregion about 30 miles south of the DMZ. At the time I wassecond-in-command of a squad of soldiers. We had setup a bivouac in ajungle area that had a few steep hills. That evening my section wasordered to patrol one of the small valleys west of the encampment. Wemoved out led by our sergeant.

Not long afterentering one of the small valleys we detected movement ahead of us.It seemed to be scattered activity, so we doubted it was VC but weweren’t positive. We hunkered down for about 15 minutes gettingoccasional glimpses of something moving within the trees and brush.There wasn’t enough light to detect what we were observing eventhough the moonlight was bright that night.

After awhilethe activity halted, so we continued to move slowly through thevalley. As we approached a sheer wall on the hill it looked likesomeone or something had stacked large stones and boulders in thepass in front of us. There was also an opening in the hill sidethat looked like a cave entrance – approximately 5 foot highand 3 foot wide narrowing at the top. When observing thepassageway, it appeared to have been cut away by machinery – theedges were smooth with small even-spaced grooves.

We werepuzzled by this because we had never seen enemy caves like this –just underground tunnels. The sergeant suggested that it may be a VCsupply depot, so we started to assess how we were going toinvestigate the cave.

About thistime, things got very strange.

Webegan to notice a putrid odor emanating from the cave entrance –the only thing I can compare it to was rotting eggs and human decay.It was so revolting that a few of the soldiers were becoming ill andstarted to back away into the jungle – including the sergeant. Iwas directing a light into the entrance in order to observe anything,but there was a haze that was impossible to see through. We had noidea what was before us.

Theentire squad took a position in the heavy brush approximately 150feet from the entrance – far enough not to be detected but closeenough to observe the cave entrance. We quietly remained there forwhat seemed like forever. The jungle was strangely calm though weheard rumbling sounds coming from the distance. It was really eerie.The sergeant was sitting near me talking to himself - it was obviousthat he was frightened. I was looking at the rest of the squad –each had wide eyes and scanning the area. No one was going to dozeoff during this patrol.

After severalhours, dawn was approaching and it started to lighten up. I checkedmy watch – it was just before 0500 hours. Just then we noticedmovement in front of the cave. A being (I first thought it was a man)moved through the entrance into the clearing in front of the cave. Asit stood up from a crouch it stood at least 7 foot high and startedto look in our direction. At that time, another similar-lookingcreature was moving out of the cave. They were making hellish‘hissing’ sounds and looking directly at us.

The only way Ican describe these beings is that they looked like upright lizards.The scaly, shiny skin was very dark – almost black. Snake-likefaces with forward set eyes that were very large. They had arms andlegs like a human but with scaly skin. I didn’t notice a tail –though they wore long one-piece dark green robes along with a darkcap-like covering on their heads. I never noticed if they hadanything on their feet.

No one gavethe order – it seemed like the entire squad opened fire at once.Every piece of vegetation between us and them was quickly shearedaway. I yelled out a cease-fire order – at the same time I waslooking in the direction of the cave. There was nothing there. Weimmediately checked our flank in case these things circled around us– but there was nothing.

Aswe approached the cave, ready to resume action if needed, it becameapparent that the beings had escaped – most likely back into thecave. It was soon decided to set charges and close the cave entrance.

When wereturned to camp we all seemed to be in a daze. There was littlediscussion of the incident and we were never debriefed – so I knowthe sergeant never filed a report. Then again, if he did, it was keptquiet by the brass.

NOTE: Well...Itold you. None of the anecdotes or narratives I received match thisone. But then again, I never know what will turn up in my mailbox. Ilook forward to receiving your well-written sighting and incidentreports. Thanks...Lon

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