15 Şubat 2013 Cuma

EU Urges Two-year Ban on 'Disturbing' Bee Insecticides

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Here we are, a decade into the colony collapse disease syndrome inwhich these new pesticides are clearly indicated and are in fact theonly new factor plausibly introduced and the lobby keeps grinding.
This is one of those situations were it is proper to halt usage anddemand compelling evidence for renewal before the ban is lifted. Ofcourse it is not fair. How about putting up a billion dollar plusbond to cover damages while it is all sorted out?
This is serious as are other plausible pesticide relatedenvironmental issues such as amphibian decline.
In the meantime we see agriculture preparing to transition fully backto a full organic regime although that will certainly take twogenerations. Long term we will be fine, but in the short term we areconducting egregious commercial biological experiments that arenaturally risky.
I really do not think this sector can be regulated properly.

EU urges two-yearban on 'disturbing' bee insecticides
by Staff Writers

Brussels (AFP) Jan31, 2013

The EU urged nationalgovernments on Thursday to ban pesticides deemed dangerous to bees byscientific experts in a bid to prevent a disastrous collapse incolony numbers for an insect considered vital to the integrity of thehuman food chain.
European Commissionspokesman Frederic Vincent said the European Union executive hadproposed a "two-year ban" on the use of three so-calledneonicotinoid insecticides used in maize, rapeseed, sunflower andcotton cultivation.
Sources told AFP thatmajor EU states Germany, Britain and Spain, amongst others,nonetheless indicated serious reservations about the plans.
A decisive meeting isset for February 25, Vincent added.
The elements in doubt-- clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam -- are present inchemicals produced by pharmaceutical giants Bayer, Syngenta andCruiser OSR.
The insecticides weresaid by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) earlier this monthto pose "disturbing" risks, with bees and other pollinatinginsects hugely important for food production, especially of fruit.
EFSA said theso-called neonicotinoid insecticides in question attack the centralnervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death.

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