16 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

With Hot Air Treatment, Bacteria Fly the Coop

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This could even be rigged up quite cheaply with a heater and ablower. It certainly applies to all animal handling situations andlooks to be a simple add on to a wash down. At least it promises tobe cheap to accomplish and manpower would be on hand anyway attendingto other tasks.
At least we know that it is effective enough.
It is also a handy tip for the individual pet owner who can apply ahair dryer to pet bedding and devices and make it better.
With Hot AirTreatment, Bacteria Fly the Coop
by Rosalie MarionBliss for USDA News

Athens TX (SPX)Feb 01, 2013

Forced hot air canbreak the cycle of bacterial cross-contamination in poultry,according to new ARS research. Photo by Stephen Ausmus.
Poultry producers canreduce bacterial cross-contamination in poultry cages by treating thecages with forced air that's been heated to 122 degrees Fahrenheit,according to a study by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)scientists.
While beingtransported in coops on trucks, poultry that have bacteria such asCampylobacter can contaminate, through their feces, other poultrythat are free of pathogens. Those disease-causing bacteria can thenbe passed on to the next group of birds during the next trip, and soforth, unless the cycle is broken.
Campylobacter is afood-borne pathogen that can be present in raw or undercookedpoultry. Since the bacteria are commonly found in the digestivetracts of poultry, they're readily deposited onto coops and truckswhen contaminated animals are transported to processing plants.
In the study,Agricultural Research Service (ARS) microbiologists Mark Berrang andRichard Meinersmann collaborated with researcher Charles Hofacre ofthe University of Georgia at Athens. Berrang and Meinersmann work inthe ARS Bacterial Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Resistance ResearchUnit in Athens. ARS is USDA's principal intramural scientificresearch agency, and this research supports the USDA priority ofpromoting food safety.
The researcherstested the use of hot flowing air to speed the process of dryingsoiled or washed cages to lower or eliminate detectable Campylobacteron cage flooring.
When the hot flowingair was applied to fecally soiled transport cage flooring samples for15 minutes after a water-spray wash treatment, Campylobacter levelsdeclined to an undetectable level. Static heat at similartemperatures was not nearly as effective, and unheated flowing airwas moderately effective, but less so than hot flowing air.

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