7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Bacterial Supplement Energizes Pig Immune System

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This is really neat and as noted it should carry over to humanhealth. We all want a robust immune system and it could just be thata dose of this pro biotic at the right time will do the trick. Wealso have a core pathway to recognize a working protocol.
In the meantime, do eat high quality yogurt from time to time. Itjust may be powering up your immune system in ways that the textbooks never knew.
I keep been struck by just how ignorant we are of our interactionwith the natural world and how so much seriously wrong ideas are outthere that are accepted with little study. After all if it soundsgood it must be. What is worse, what we do loosely, science has beendoing in spades.
In a better world we can take a yogurt holding an age adjusted doseof pro biotic s every month or two and then forget everything else wethink we know about germs and disease because they will all besuppressed. I suspect we are closer to this world than is obvious.
Bacterialsupplement could help young pigs fight disease
by Staff Writers

Orlando FL (SPX)Jan 24, 2013


In a study of 36weanling-age pigs, researchers found that a dose oflipid-producing Rhodococcus opacus bacteria increased circulatingtriglycerides. Triglycerides are a crucial source of energy for theimmune system.
"We couldpotentially strengthen the immune system by providing this bacteriumto animals at a stage when they are in need of additional energy,"said Janet Donaldson, assistant professor in Biological SciencesMississippi State University. "By providing an alternativeenergy source, the pigs are most likely going to be able to fight offinfections more efficiently."
Donaldson and otherresearchers tested R. opacus because the bacterium naturally makeslarge amounts of triglycerides. Normally, R. opacus would use thetriglycerides for its own energy, but a pig can use the triglyceridestoo.
Jeff Carroll, researchleader for the USDA Agricultural Research Service Livestock IssuesResearch Unit in Lubbock, Texas, said R. opacus could be used sort oflike an energy producing probiotic. He said weanling pigs are moresusceptible to pathogens and stress because they have to adjust to anew diet and a new environment. To add to the risk, weaning comes ata time when a pig's immune system is immature. The stress of weaningcan lead to reduced feed intake, less available energy and anincreased risk of infection.
With an oralsupplement of live R. opacus, weanling pigs would have an alternativesource of energy. Even if pigs ate less feed, they would still haveaccess to the triglycerides produced by these bacteria.
The triglyceridescould be used as an energy source during this critical stage ofdevelopment.
Throughout theexperiment, the researchers kept watch for any potential sideeffects. Donaldson said they saw no negative side effects in the pigsgiven R. opacus. Because of this success, Donaldson said pigproducers might someday use R. opacus on their own farms. She saidthe bacteria could be provided to pigs through existing wateringsystems.
The next step in theexperiment is to test how pigs given R. opacus react to an immunechallenge such as Salmonella. Carroll said he is also curious to seeif R. opacus can help calves stay healthy during transport.
"This couldpotentially be carried over to human health as well," Donaldsonsaid.
This study was acollaboration between Janet Donaldson at Mississippi StateUniversity; Jeff Carroll at USDA-ARS' Livestock Issues Research Unit;Ty Schmidt at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Todd Callaway atUSDA-ARS' Food and Feed Safety Research Unit; Jessica Grissett atMississippi State University; and Nicole Burdick Sanchez at USDA-ARS'Livestock Issues Research Unit.
The abstract from thisproject, titled "Novel Use of Lipid-Producing Bacteria toIncrease Circulating Triglycerides in Swine," is the 2013recipient of the National Pork Board Swine Industry Award forInnovation. The award will be presented at the 2013 American Societyof Animal Science Southern Section Meeting in Orlando, Florida

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