16 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

Ketchum Bigfoot Paper Uproar

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We are presentlywitnessing the present struggle of Dr Melba Ketchum to introduce herscientific DNA work into the science world. This represents thefirst serious DNA study of purported Bigfoot samples. This delivers amass of unique data points and some conclusions that support theexistence of a North American hominid. It may or may not be a humanhominid hybrid and the mass of third party reports does support justthat prospect, but it certainly a hominid confirmed over a widespectrum of samples.
What is outrageous is theblanket of authoritative dismissive attacks turned against her andher work. She was ultimately was forced to accept publication in afaux journal just in order to share her report. If you can not takenew work to a presently recognized journal because such a journal cannot exist, it becomes necessary to make ad hoc arrangements such asshe has.
The fact remains that shehas the necessary skill set and she has chosen to gather the data forthe first time for a proper study. This work can be replicatedimmediately and continuously as more samples flow in for testing.
My blog is very muchabout new science. Much of which I report on as work in progress cannot reasonably be published because it certainly challenges presentreceived knowledge and paradigms. Yet it is all valid work untilfresh data arrives to discredit it. More compelling is that a newparadigm informs you to make new experiments and this delivers newdata that builds on gthe original paradigm proposed.
A great and compellingexample of this is Darwin's Origin of the species. It led to lookingat the incoming data with new eyes and testing it in a differentmanner. A century and a half of fresh data has secured its augustposition as a key intellectual paradigm.
The central point here isthat truly new science often does not have a platform. For thatreason alone it struggles to be heard.
The whole field ofcryptozoology has suffered from this neglect. That is why I began mymanuscript titled Paradigms Shift with a recrafting of thefundamental rules for what is accepted and applied as scientificmethod. Believe me that I did not wish to begin a book with achapter on philosophy but it needed to make sense of the later methodand language used.
This whole brouhaha isone more example of just how flawed our primitive concept ofscientific method happens to be. Melba Ketchum is practicing goodscience. Her critics are practicing ignorance and generally proud ofit.
The upside is that we nowhave a stack of DNA sampled material that has totally supported theBigfoot hypothesis as had to exist from the mass third party reportswhich number some ten thousand. It was frustrating to wait forsomeone to actually do this work but it has been indicated for years. It is now out there and more reports will also be done and opened topublic review.
Name calling is a pooranswer to lab work.
In the meantime i have been unable to download the paper but have seen parts.

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