What makes this probleminteresting is that the population was both dispersed but mobile and thisallowed any single unit to avoid outright absorption and assimilation. Intermarriage took place often enough but itwas a single individual every few years and they would always move on severingany local ties. Thus the populationremained internally more homogenous than would be expected.
They also arrived in Europe atmuch the same time as the Jews entered Europe from the
It is a reminder that peoples dotend to survive even if their name changes to confuse historians. It has been popular to assume actualextinctions as a common occurrence. Notso of course. Even conquered peopleswould see their people enslaved but integrated all leading to inter marriage atworse. Even driven out of a homeland thensaw them absorbed next door by a tribe eager to increase their strength to facethe conqueror. There are exceptions butnot as common as claimed.
What is true here is that thefolk history and other clues all hang together.
European Romani exodus began 1,500 years ago
Posted by TANN
Despite their modern-day diversity of language, lifestyle, andreligion,
The Romani represent thelargest minority group in
"We were interested in exploring the population history of European Romanibecause they constitute an important fraction of the European population, buttheir marginalized situation in many countries also seems to have affectedtheir visibility in scientific studies," said David Comas of the Institutde Biologia Evolutiva at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Spain.
The Romani people lack written historical records on their origins anddispersal. To fill in the gaps in the new study, Comas and Manfred Kayser from
The genome-wide evidence specified the geographic origin toward thenorth or northwestern parts of
"From a genome-wide perspective, Romani people share a common and uniquehistory that consists of two elements: the roots in northwestern
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