7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Municipal Waste Conversion to Diesel

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 I do not have the material on the originator but they obviously havea deliverable. We also get no idea of the process energetics orcatalyst efficiencies. However the simple achievement on its own isextremely promising. This result can be also produced by highpressure reforming, or close enough.
If it can be done well enough and cheap enough then this is certainlyimportant. Partial reforming could isolate the non organics,hopefully eliminate organic acids in the tar and convert a seriousportion into fuel that as stated can then be polished to commercialstandards.
I then interviewed Don Allan and confirmed the following:
1 The process does not use pressure.2 It is operated below the charring temperature.3 The catalyst is readily available and cheap making its costinsignifica4 Yield from an organic feedstock is 75% diesel, 20% tar and 5%water. This is excellent.
This is obviously perfect for all municipal waste streams in whichblack sewage sludge can be blended with shredded garbage and thenprocessed. Non-organics can be easily separated a at 300 degrees asthe tar will be like water.
I can not imagine the economics not working out for this technologysimply because the municipal feedstock is already in deliverable formin most cities and municipalities. It is a sunk cost and besides,the cities are natural plant buyers or financial partners at leastfor a piece of the revenue.

Revolutionary”plant promises to turn local garbage into diesel fuel.
Red Deer Advocate,January 31, 2013
Blue HorizonIndustries Inc. president and CEO Don Allan, left, talks with plantoperator Peter Shushmaruk and executive vice-president Darcy Grahn,right, during an open house at the Blindman Industrial Area businesson Wednesday.
Photo by JeffStokoe/Red Deer Advocate.
A Red Deer companywants to turn local garbage into fuel – and it insists it’s gotthe technology to do so. Blue Horizon Bio-Diesel Inc. Conducted ademonstration in a Blindman Industrial Park shop on Wednesday,feeding a mix of municipal solid waste, sawdust, used motor oil and aspecial “catalyst” into a scaled-down plant, which churned out asmall quantity of diesel fuel a short time later.

About 60 peoplewatched the display, including Red Deer Mayor Morris Flewwelling andofficials from at least three other municipalities. Also inattendance were representatives of the provincial and federalgovernments, investors and official from recycling companies, saidDon Allan, president and CEO of Blue Horizon.

What you’re lookingat is revolutionary,” he told his audience.
We believe garbageis the wave of the future for us. We believe it’s a multi-trilliondollar business.” Allan said later thatBlue Horizon hopes to begin work on a commercial scale plantimmediately. It would produce about 700 litres of diesel fuel anhour; as compared with the approximately 50 litres per hour that thedemonstration plant generates.
If everything goeswell, we’ll be in operation by late August,” he said, adding thatthere’s some uncertainty about the timelines required to obtainregulatory approvals.
Allan said BlueHorizon would like to locate the plant at Red Deer’s wastemanagement facility, and ultimately connect it to five othersimilar-sized facilities.
Our goal is to have35-million litres a year being produced right her in Red Deer.”
He acknowledged thathis company has had only preliminary discussions with the city, buthe’s optimistic talks will pick up now that the technology is ondisplay.
The demonstrationplant was developed by a German company about six years ago, saidAllan. It was at the Alcoa Inc. research site in Nevada when BlueHorizon purchased the equipment. Blue Horizon has also obtained theexclusive right of first refusal for other countries, he said.
Allan listed Mexico,the United Kingdom, Cuba, Brazil and Argentina as among the countriesBlue Horizon is talking to.
Everybody has trashproblems,” he said, “They’re looking for a solution, and wehave a solution.” The demonstrationplant produces bunker diesel, said Allan, which is suitableoff-highway applications like powering mining equipment and as anadditive to bitumen to allow it to flow in a pipeline. Modificationsto Blue Horizon’s commercial plants – including the addition of adesulphurization unit and a hydrotreater – will improve the fuelconsiderably, he said.
We want to make thehighest quality diesel in North America.”
Allan added that BlueHorizon’s diesel could be marketed to fuel blenders to satisfyAlberta’s renewable fuel standard, which requires that diesel fuelsold in the province contains at least two per cent renewable fuel.
Right now theycan’t get it, so they have to bring it in from the States.”
Suitable input for theproduction process includes plastics, paper, cardboard, sawdust andwoodchips, tires and waste oil from vehicles or even well sites.
In a perfect world,we want to use 75 per cent renewables and 25 per cent used oil,”said Allan, pointing out that the ratio on Wednesday was 50-50. Themixture was mixed with catalyst and heated to 300 and 330C.
The intent is totake the molecules and break them down into a long strand,” saidAllan. “Then we’re able to pull the hydrocarbons out of thatmolecule strand.”
Byproducts of theprocess are carbon dioxide, water and a tarry material that could beused in the production of asphalt, said Allan.
A catalytic converterincinerates most of the harmful emissions, he added.
it’s the greenestrefinery ever built in the world.”
Central Alberta hasflirted with the waste-to-energy technology in the past.

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