5 Şubat 2013 Salı

Allah Keeps His Promises: Jerusalem Belongs to Israel

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I am somewhat taken aback by thisarticle inasmuch as I have never understood the deep roots of the ChristianJudaic prophetic strain in Islam itself. That the instructions received by Mohammed and reported in the Koranwere also willfully altered in the name of political expedience is wellunderstood by a careful study of the text. Thus we are left with the picture of a true prophet arising unpreparedto his task and receiving true instruction that he too weak to handle.
The word traditionally used isprophet, but a correct phrase would be a Spiritual Adept able to successfullychannel GOD, GOD been mankind’s servant created with the first emergence ofmankind.
This also shows us how the peopleof Islam can shed the barbaric strain promoted by fanatical lovers of death intheir midst.
I have been tracking the prophetic strain all my live and I have observed a number of impossibilities become true in the flow of our history.  Most noteworthy is the reality today that the geographical assertion of Israel as prophesied is upon us and needs the smallest of nudges.   This was implausible only a couple of years ago and unimaginable a couple of decades ago.

Allah keeps His promises: Jerusalembelongs to Israel
Friday, February 01, 2013
By Ali Salim
 Jerusalem is the capital of the Children of Israel, now calledthe Jews; and it is forbidden for Muslims to demand it, just as a married womanbelongs only to her husband. Is it possible that Allah, who on His infinitemercy, calls them the Chosen People, and promises them the Holy Land, alsoplans to murder them, using the Muslims in Palestine as His intermediary? EveryMuslim knows that Allah does not break His promises.

If you listen in Arabic to the hate-speeches made by Egyptian PresidentMohamed Morsi; or to Turkish President Erdogan; or to the calls madefrom Qatar by Muslim Brotherhood leader SheikhYusuf al-Qaradawi andfrom the Gaza Strip by the head of Hamas,Khaled Mashaal for thekilling of the Jews, you will understand why Arabs and Muslims believe Allah ispunishing them by having them kill each other: It is because Hisprophecies are not being fulfilled.

For example, it is heresy and a violation of the will of Allah tosidestep calls for recognizing Jerusalem asofficial capital of the Children of Israel, and moving the Americanembassy there. It ignores the prophecy of the Noble Qur'an, which predictsthe return of the Children of Israel to their land from the four corners of theearth, as it is written in Al-Isra, Verse 104, "And we said tothe Children of Israel after him, "Dwell in the land, then, when the finaland the last promise comes near, we shall bring you altogether as a mixedcrowd."
[ this begs an important question.  Just where did the prophetic strain ofChristianity and Judaism come from?  Itis not spelled out in the Bible, yet it is well known and universally well receivedamong evangelicals.   That it may havebeen captured in Islamic texts is both plausible and also startling.  Arclein ]

Although the stance adopted by the leaders of the Western world in general, andthe American administration in particular, may be the consequence of theirdesire to strengthen their image in the eyes of the Muslim countries, theirimage is seen only as reflecting their weakness and attempts to ingratiatethemselves with both radical Islam and Christian anti-Semitism.

It is not my intention to state that the other monotheistic religions do notalso have their place in the holy city of Jerusalem.But political lies come mostly from radical Islamist sources, then somehowbecome accepted facts. This violates the prophecies of the messengers of Allah,and especially those of the greatest of His prophets, Muhammad (Peace and theblessing of Allah be upon him:sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

The various distortions of history and religion by politically-oriented Islamicsheiks and leaders for the sake of false, infidel, political goals, are legion.The way the Salafist Islamic sheiks and members of the MuslimBrotherhood twist the Noble Qur'an to suit their narrow political goals makesme angry, as it also makes angry the millions of Muslims around the world whoknow the eternal truth written in Islam's Noble Qur'an.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, for example, invented thefabrication that Palestinians are the descendants ofthe Jebusites and other Canaanite tribes of the land of the atthe time of the Book. Behind this fabrication was Arafat's attempt to"prove" that the Palestinians lived in the Holy Land before theChildren of Israel,and that therefore they have a greater right to it.
[ this was aparticularly clumsy fabrication but that is true of much of jihadist ideologyanyway ]]

According to the Qur'an, however, "a race of giants" lived inthe Holy Land but were destroyed by the Children of Israel, led by Joshua with the helpof Allah the Almighty.
[ this was surely the Philistines or Minoans cumAtlanteans we have spoken to and their allies the Irish Giants. - Arclein ]There were never "Palestinians" inthe Holy Land, nor is there one word of them in the Noble Qur'an, nor anyprophecy regarding their existence, nor any right to the Holy Land or any otherplace in the future or on Day of Judgment in the Noble Book of Allah.

The Palestinians are not mentioned or even hinted at in the Noble Qur'an, butthe Children of Israel are mentioned countless times and they are mentioned asthe Chosen People, as it is written in Al-Baqara, Verse 47, "OChildren of Israel, remember My favor that I have bestowed upon you and that Ipreferred you over the worlds." They are mentioned as inheritors of theHoly Land which, according to all the Islamic commentators, is Jerusalem and the country around it. TheMuslim claim that the Divine promise to the Children of Israel appearsin the Noble Qur'an in the past tense and therefore is not relevant today is amalicious lie. Everyone knows that most of the Noble Qur'an was written inthe past tense, but what was written about the Children of Israel was a promise and aprophecy, and Allah does not change His mind or break His promises.

Anyone who claims that what is written about the Jews is only relevant for thepast and that the Children of Israeldisappeared turns our beloved Prophet from prophet to mere historian who didnot know what the future would bring. Anyone who claims that the"real" Children of Israel disappeared and that the Jews of today arenot the genuine Children of Israel of the Noble Qur'an is a liar and adeceiver, because if there are no Children of Israel then the prophecy ofMuhammad, (Peace and the blessing of Allah be upon him)(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), is irrelevant and he did notforesee the return of the Children of Israel to their land for the third timeand instruct them to settle it, and promise that if they did what was right inthe eyes of Allah and acted well they would succeed, as it is writtenin Al-Isra, Verses 6 and 7, "We gave you back the power against them,and aided you with wealth and children, and made you larger in numbers. Now, ifyou do well, you will do well for your own souls; and if you do evil, it willonly go against them…."

And if one prophecy is false then all are false, and the NobleQur'an has no value. Thus we have to admit that regardless of the mistakesthe Jews make concerning our Palestinian brothers, they in fact act well, evento the Arabs in Israel, and they are charitable according to the tradition ofIslam, and they are clearly more honest than the Arab and Muslim leaderstoday who oppress their own people and daily slaughter them and shed theirblood.

To the eternal credit of Islam it must be said that in the seventh century thearmies of Islam invaded Palestine and wrested it from the Byzantines, andthat Jerusalem was turned over without a battle to the Muslims by the ChristianBishop Sophronius. This was the beginning of the Arab presence in the HolyLand, which ended and was renewed for years under various conquests, includingthe Crusaders, but ended for good nearly a century ago, when the Turks went backhome. The Holy Land was then given back into the hands of the Children of Israel,according to the decree of the Noble Qur'an and the prophecy of Muhammad,(Peace and the blessing of Allah be uponhim:sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

The Children of Israelcame from all the corners of the earth, as it is written in Al-A'raf,Verse 137, "And we caused the people who had been oppressed to inherit theeastern regions of the land and western ones, which We had blessed. And thegood word of your Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel because of what they hadpatiently endured."

The Palestinian claim that the Prophet Jesus was a Palestinian Arab is also afabrication, unfortunately characteristic of Palestinian leaders who inventthem and invest enormous sums of money to buy weapons, kill the Children ofIsrael, carry out terrorist attacks and launch Qassam rockets at civiliansinstead of rehabilitating the Palestinian refugees, their brothers, who, as aresult of the establishment of Israel, actually returned to the bosom of theIslamic nation.

The more the Palestinians repeat the infamy that Jesus was a Palestinian Arab,the more likely it is that the Christians themselves will believe it,especially those who, by ignoring and denying the rights of the Children ofIsrael to Jerusalem, reveal their own baseness and lack of respect for theirown religion, based on Judaism and begun in the Jewish capital of Jerusalem.According to such an absurdity, the Jewish prophet Jesus, son of Mary, whoopposed the corrupt Jewish priests in the Jewish Templein Jerusalem,was a "Palestinian Arab; " but it is just another way of denying theJews the right to their land. Christians who ignore the Jewish right to Jerusalem are also denyingtheir own religion.

From a religious point of view, the connection between Muslims and Jerusalem began with the"Night Journey," a dream that appears in the Noble Qur'an and wasalso reported by the Prophet's beloved child-wife, Aisha. According to thedream, Muhammad (Peace and the blessing of Allah be uponhim: sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), went on a night journeyfrom Mecca to Jerusalem riding on a marvelous animal named Al-Buraq, andfrom Jerusalem to heaven, where he received the principles of Islam. Jerusalem was then temporarily designated as the"Kibla," the first direction for Muslims to face during prayers; butMuhammad (Peace and the blessing of Allah be uponhim: sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) changed the direction toMecca.Since that time Jerusalemhas been considered as only the third most sacred place for Islam.
[ Itappears that Mohammed received guidance and then chose to modify them! -Arclein ]

It is saddening to think that we deny the Jews, the modern-day Children of Israel,their identity, despite the fact that we know that they preserved their faithfor thousands of years in the face of torture, rape, persecution, burning andgenocide, all crimes committed against them because they were Jews and weredetermined to remain Jews.

We, however, the faithful of Islam, accept into our ranks everycriminal and murderer who converts, in or out of prison, who only has to say,"There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet;" all it takesis five minutes. This new Muslim is considered a good Muslim, but a Jew who hasadhered to the history and faith of his Jewish ancestors, the faith kept forthousands of years, is not in our eyes a genuine Jew, a Child of Israel.How long will we deny the Islamic faith and the prophecies of our ProphetMuhammad, (Peace and the blessing of Allah be upon him)(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)?

Unfortunately, even those among us who do believe that the Jews in Israel aregenuine Children of Israel, the ones Muhammad (Peace and the blessing of Allahbe upon him: sallal laahu alaihiwasallam), referred to in hisnoble Surahs, the ones who have inherited the Holy Land promised to themby the Noble Qur'an, conduct themselves despicably. They adopt the counterfeit,apocalyptic, false sayings which do not appear in the Noble Qur'an and arefalsely attributed to the Prophet of Allah. They adopt as genuine traditionsthose which are lies, and, contradicting the promises made by Allah in theNoble Qur'an, falsely prophesy the destruction of the Jews by the Muslims in Palestine.

These commentators, inspired by Satan, refer to the Jews as"Zionists," as though changing their name makes it permissible tokill the People of the Book and violate the words of Allah and His prophets. Isit possible that Allah, who in His infinite mercy calls them the Chosen People,and promised them the Holy Land, also plans to murder them using the Muslims inPalestine asHis intermediary? Every Muslim knows that Allah does not break His promises.Therefore, his promise to the Children of Israel is both relevant andeternal. The Jews, weak and miserable, who came from all over the globe,victims of hatred and murder would not found their state in Palestine unless itwere the will of Allah, who supports them.

Jerusalem is the capital of the Children of Israel and it is forbidden forMuslims to demand it, just as a married woman belongs only to her husband.Jerusalem is never mentioned by name in the Noble Qur'an, but it is mentionedthere as the heart of the Holy Land given inperpetuity to the Jews. It therefore has to be capital of the Children of Israel in the Landof Israel and not of the planned stateof "Palestine."

If, as Muslims, we look into our hearts, we have to admit that a state called Palestine never existed but we need to help it come intobeing, with the help of Allah, next to Israel. Since there never was astate called "Palestine" or a Palestinianpeople, Jerusalem was never their capital or thecapital of any people or country except for the current State of Israel.Therefore the Palestinians cannot demand Jerusalemas its capital, but they can demand the right for all Muslims to pray at Al-Aqsamosque.Actually, the Jews allow freedom of worship to all the religions in Jerusalem,and Al-Aqsa mosque is under the management of the king of Jordan, adescendant of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and the blessing of Allah be uponhim: sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

In addition, nowhere in the world have Muslims turned a city holy to Islam intoa capital. Neither Meccanor Madinah is the capital of Saudi Arabia and Karbala and Qom are not the capitals of Iraq and Iran. Even Jordan, whose capital is Amman,did not turn Jerusaleminto its capital when it controlled the city between 1948 and 1967.

Instead of the monotheistic religions' helping the Jews to construct Jerusalem in preparationfor Judgment Day and as proof of the truth of the prophecies in the NobleQur'an, the infidels protest construction of new housing. If the Muslims usedthe return of the Children of the Book to Israel as proof of the truth of theprophecy of the Noble Qur'an, they would succeed in fulfilling the mission ofMuhammad, the prophet of the entire world (Peace and the blessing of Allah beupon him: sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)to Islamize the world. Whoever goes against the will of Allah willfail.

The Christians as well suffer from the historical lie and from the denial ofthe rights of the Jews to Jerusalem.What is happening in the Middle East and the mutual bloodletting of the Muslimsis not a consequence of the "problem of Palestine." It is a manifestation ofAllah's anger at the infidels of the world who do not accept His prophecyregarding the return of the Jews to their land and establishing their capitalin the united holy city of Jerusalem.

Ali Salim writes for TheGatestone Institute, from where this article is adapted.

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