23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

Green 'Space' Slime Baffles Nature Experts

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Here we go again. My conjectureregarding a stratospheric slime mold balloon as unreal as it seemscontinues to bear fruit. Such a balloon would contain methane andrise at night from our swamps into the stratosphere. Very likelythey naturally refract the sun's light to produce high altitudelights which I have seen and has also been called Brown lights aroundmountains were the rising uplifts would jostle them around a lot.
When a meteor strikes, a sharp shockwave is produced and this likely disrupts a large number of suchcreatures that then fall to earth to appear as blobs of slime. Wehave seen that phenomena world wide and often associated with arecent meteor event.
Up there we would never even see thesecreatures unless we had special viewing hardware. To do so we needobservation balloons able to reach the stratosphere and some speciallighting to create contrast. That should work.
Alternatively, we need to captureimages of these forming up and rising out of swamps and that may bemuch easier although I suspect foam making conditions must existwhich we still do not understand. I do not expect to be lucky onthis hunt. However lighting should not affect such a search.
Setting up on the banks of the ponds discussed here would be ideal.

Green 'Space' SlimeBaffles Nature Experts
An unexplainedjelly-like substance which is said to occur during meteor showers hasbeen found on a wildlife park in Somerset.
18 February 2013

A "weird"green slime said in folklore to appear at the same time as meteorshit Earth has been found in a birdlife park in Somerset.
The RSPB has appealedfor help in identifying the slime, which is said to be scattered ongrass banks close to pools and lakes around Ham Wall Nature Reservenear Glastonbury.
The jelly-likesubstance could be bacteria, fungus or toad innards, wildlife expertssaid.
Some believe it couldbe a substance that has been written about for centuries called staror astral jelly, which is said to appear in the wake of meteorshowers.
Its appearance hascoincided with a meteor strike in Russia and the harmless fly-by ofan asteroid at a record distance from Earth last week.
Steve Hughes, the RSPBsite manager at Ham Wall, said: "This past week we've beenfinding piles of this translucent jelly dotted around the reserve.
"(It is) alwayson grass banks away from the water's edge. They are usually about10cm (4in) in diameter.
"We've askedexperts what it might be, but as yet no one is really sure. Whateverit is, it's very weird."
Tony Whitehead, anRSPB spokesman for the South West, added: "Although we don'tknow what it actually is, similar substances have been describedpreviously.
"In recordsdating back to the 14th Century it's known variously as star jelly,astral jelly or astromyxin."In folklore itis said to be deposited in the wake of meteor showers."
One of the morefavoured explanations is that it is a form of cyanobacteria calledNostoc.
Others suggest that itis the remains of the regurgitated innards of amphibians such asfrogs and toads, and of their spawn.
Alternatively, it maybe related to the intriguingly named crystal brain fungus.
Mr Whitehead added:"We've read a few articles now, and much speculation.
"One suggested itwas neither animal nor plant, and another that it didn't contain DNA,although it does give the appearance of something 'living'.
"Our reserve teamwill be looking out for the slime over the next few days, but ifanyone can offer any explanations we'd be glad to hear."
The public are beingwarned not to touch the mystery substance, and to inform naturereserve staff if they spot any.

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