7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Layered Moly Oxide for High Speed Electronics

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 We are left to guess how the graphene fits into all this. Whateverthe case, it is still getting faster and step by step we aremastering the art of producing nano thick layers of useful materialslike moly oxide.
Physics has become the science of very thin materials and we areseeing ample surprises. We are not quite to the point ofmanufacturing things one atom at a time but it does not appear sounattainable today. We are certainly close enough to reasonablyunderstand the activity produced.
But yes a number of breakthroughs have opened up the potential forvast improvements again and progress appears swift.
New 2D material fornext generation high-speed electronics

Jan 23, 2013

The material - made upof layers of crystal known as molybdenum oxides - has uniqueproperties that encourage the free flow of electrons at ultra-highspeeds. In a paper published in the January issue of materialsscience journal Advanced Materials, the researchers explain how theyadapted a revolutionary material known as graphene to create a newconductive nano-material.
Graphene was createdin 2004 by scientists in the UK and won its inventors a Nobel Prizein 2010. While graphene supports high speed electrons, its physicalproperties prevent it from being used for high-speed electronics.
The CSIRO's Dr SergeZhuiykov said the new nano-material was made up of layered sheets -similar to graphite layers that make up a pencil's core.
"Within theselayers, electrons are able to zip through at high speeds with minimalscattering," Dr Zhuiykov said.
"The importanceof our breakthrough is how quickly and fluently electrons - whichconduct electricity - are able to flow through the new material."
RMIT's ProfessorKourosh Kalantar-zadeh said the researchers were able to remove "roadblocks" that could obstruct the electrons, an essential step forthe development of high-speed electronics.
"Instead ofscattering when they hit road blocks, as they would in conventionalmaterials, they can simply pass through this new material and getthrough the structure faster," Professor Kalantar-zadeh said.
"Quite simply, ifelectrons can pass through a structure quicker, we can build devicesthat are smaller and transfer data at much higher speeds.
"While more workneeds to be done before we can develop actual gadgets using this new2D nano-material, this breakthrough lays the foundation for a newelectronics revolution and we look forward to exploring itspotential."
In the paper titled'Enhanced Charge Carrier Mobility in Two-Dimensional High DielectricMolybdenum Oxide,' the researchers describe how they used a processknown as "exfoliation" to create layers of the material ~11nm thick.
The material wasmanipulated to convert it into a semiconductor and nanoscaletransistors were then created using molybdenum oxide.
The result waselectron mobility values of >1,100 cm2/Vs - exceeding the currentindustry standard for low dimensional silicon.
The work, with RMITdoctoral researcher Sivacarendran Balendhran as the lead author, wassupported by the CSIRO Sensors and Sensor Networks TransformationalCapability Platform and the CSIRO Materials Science and EngineeringDivision.
It was also a resultof collaboration between researchers from Monash University,University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA), CSIRO, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) and RMIT.

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