9 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Sasquatch Encounter Reveals Protective Behavior

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This report and the comment atthe end are very useful.  Where the youngare cached has been a blank spot in this creature’s profile.  This is nicely covered in the comment.  It also explains the lack of accidentalencounters.  During the daytime at least,the young and possibly the nursing mother are both on a high elevation unlikelyto be accessed by anything out hunting for example.
The camper triggered a responseby climbing up to the ledge for her own safety, which makes excellent goodsense, is also necessary to explain the otherwise unusual nature of thisencounter.  It was not accidental exceptthat she climbed the mountain for the same reason as the unseen Sasquatchfamily.
Up to this point i had assumed that the creatures would den up in a small valley.  This is much better.  There is always a small ledge that hides one easily.
Anyone who has camped in theobvious locations on the valley floors of these rivers knows that they are generallynarrow and obvious animal travel routes. Thus you go with a buddy and establish a well located campsite likely towarn critters off.  Otherwise you aretruly exposed.
The ease which this creature scaledtheses cliffs must also be noted.  He wasfamiliar with that route up in order to travel so fast.  He is also a way more efficient climber than Ihad ever suspected.  That makes mountaintops an obvious refugia of choice.
Sasquatch Encounter
This incident happened when the witness had decided to solo hike about100 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and had set out on a route when shenoticed a small lake on the map she wanted to visit. The report says she washiking off Pacific Coast Trail, but we can't find it on the anywhere map near Siskiyou County.

The encounter happened when she decided hike up a large marble outcropped ledgeabove the Wooley Creek drainage.


Read how it all began...

Report: http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=22434

Report # 22434  (Class A)

Submitted by witness on Thursday, December 20, 2007.

Backpacker sighting off the PCT in the Marble Mountains Wilderness

YEAR: 1998
SEASON: SummerMONTH: AugustDATE: 3STATE: CaliforniaCOUNTY: Siskiyou CountyLOCATION DETAILS: I can confirm the exact location at a later time whenI access my map.
NEAREST ROAD: Etna Summit Hwy 3

OBSERVED: In 1998, I was backpacking by myself in the Marble MountainWIlderness in the Klamath National Forest the thirdweek of August. The Klamath and the Marbles are particularly rugged and steepterrain.

I hiked from Etna Summit at the PCT trailhead and looped all the way throughthe Wooley Creek drainage, attempting to get to the Cal-Salmon River.My attempt failed and I hiked to Little Elk Lakeand on out to the group of lakes outside of Lovers Camp trailhead for the fulldistance.

On day one I hiked over 14 miles on the PCT south from Etna SUmmit. On day twoI left the PCT and hiked to a large marble outcropped ledge above the WooleyCreek drainage
[I am personally familiar with the wooley creek drainage – Arclein] below a large, unnamed peak. (I canconsult my map for a definite location, but do not have one available at thisexact time). The night of my second day out, I slept on this nice marble ledge,beside a small creek about 2 feet wide that was more of an ice drainage fromthe steep, glacial peak above. This creek ran down the ledge and off a cliffthat is about a 200 feet drop to a boulder field below and about 800 feet (ormore) down to the Wooley Creek drainage. The 200 foot cliff below the ledge isVERY steep and to a traditional climber would be rated at least a 5.9 or 5.10chaucy climb.

So, there I was, in my purple Marmot bag, all cozy and tucked in. The night wasclear and was about 4 days before the full moon in late August, so it wasbright. I was sleeping parallel to the little brook running along the MarbleLedge and about 15 feet from its banks. I fell asleep and woke up to a wierdnoise that was very far away. I was already frightened of animals because I wasby myself. It does not matter, but I am also female. I was scared out there bymyself. But having the time of a life.

The noise so far away seemed to be way down in the forest in the Wooley Creekdrainage.

It was loud, however, almost like a yelling or a whooping. It wasconsistent and occured one yell after the other. I didn't worry too much, andwas not concerned because it was so far away. The yelling truly happened oneafter the other. And, it was getting louder and perhaps closer. I still was notconcerned as it was far enough and I was atop a huge cliff, so I felt safe andunreachable. However, the yelling got louder and closer yet, and started totravel up the boulder field below. At this point, I had heard the yelling for20 minutes. Again, it was a consistent howl, or whoop, over and over again. Ijust laid still in my bag and realized that not only was this yelling thing wascoming up the boulder field but coming up the cliff. Sure enough the creaturewas climbing up the cliff. AND FAST! The whole event was this thing running andhooting/inward drone yelling up the drainage, up and up to the cliff and beyondto the top of the peak. Sure enough when it got to the cliff it pulled andclimbed itself up "swiftly and agile" as I put in my journal. Itliterally dyno'd every move on this 5.9 cliff and yanked itself up the cliff tothe top where the ledge was, where I was. The creature, in the mean time, wasstill consistently calling/yelping/hooting. It got to the ledge and startedrunning toward the peak above. As it got closer, I pretty much urinated in mysleeping bag. But I just laid still; I was extremely frightened. As it startedto approach the ledge close to where I was, on the other side of the brook, Icould see it. It was a silhouette of a huge running gorilla. It ran on two legsbut dragged and pulled with its arms. It was huge. The arms were almost thelength of half its body and was covered in hair. It was black, but I reallyonly saw a silhouette. The head reminded me of the abominable snowman from theChristmas, Rudolph movie.

It just ran and howled, but then stopped slightly when it was parallel to me.It stopped howling, and slowed down slightly, and kind of hesitated. It turnedits head toward me as if smelling something, but then immediately turnedforward and really started running even faster. And louder and faster and thenclimbed up to the top of the peak and called and called for nearly four hoursstraight. Until almost sunrise. I stayed awake the whole time. I got up thenext day and entered a short entry in my journal and packed up and continued onmy journey.

ALSO NOTICED: It was multiple hours of the calling.

OTHER WITNESSES: 1- sleeping in the wilderness in a sleeping bag with no tent

OTHER STORIES: Similar sound and call the year earlier, but the creature was indistress the year earlier and the call was only for a few minutes. This year itwas for many hours.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Late night, after midnight, from about 1 or 2 AM to 5 AM.weather was warm and clear, cool night, almost full moon

ENVIRONMENT: Marble formation geologic ledge, below a peak, above a rivervalley full of douglas fir and oaks.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Brandon Kiel:

I spoke with the witness for roughly two hours and despite the incident beingalmost 10 years ago she was still very detailed and emotional.

In the years before the incident she and friends would go to this area on theweekends, so she was very familiar and felt comfortable here. During this timeshe was working for the Forest Service and onher time off would hike the lesser known spots of this area. At the time ofthis incident she had decided to solo hike about 100 miles of the Pacific CoastTrail (PCT) and had set out on a route when she noticed a small lake on the mapshe wanted to visit.

On the second day of the hike she made her way five miles off the PCT to thesmall lake and decided to set up camp for the night. The lake was towered overby a peak that rose roughly 1500 feet. From the base of the peak, about 1000feet up was an outcropping that she describes as being "completely flat,50 yards in length and 200 feet in width". The lake is situated below thisin a meadow that ends in a cliff that is roughly 200 feet tall and descends ata 90 degree angle. The base of the cliff was strewn with rocks shed by thecliff face and it then opens up into a drainage.

After exploring the area a little she decided to set up her camp on theoutcropping away from the lake as she had seen numerous bear sign and didn'twant any trouble as she slept. After eating dinner and settling in she went tosleep at about 8 p.m. She states that the moon was almost full and very bright.

At about midnight she was awakened by a loud but very faint wailing that wascoming from about 2 miles deep in the drainage area. She says that the wailingwas consistent and repetitive with about one call every two seconds. As she layawake listening she could hear that gradually the sound was getting louder andlouder, moving at a higher rate of speed in her direction. At this point shewasn't overly concerned as there was a cliff and the peak face between her andthe animal. She states she was very confident that whatever was making thenoise would not be able to climb the cliff that the meadow overlooked.

After about 30 minutes of nonstop calling she was able to clearly hear theanimal's approach. She stated that it was "obviously, definitely bipedal...therewas no doubt in my mind that this was something very large running at a highrate of speed on two legs with a tremendous lung capacity". Shortlythereafter she heard what sounded like rocks being overturned in addition tothe wailing and running and she realized that the animal was ascending the rockfield at the base of the cliff. That was followed by the sound of the animalpulling itself up the cliff face at a good pace; the wailing was mixed with thegrunts and gasps of the steep ascent. It was as this point that sheinvoluntarily urinated in her sleeping bag due to fright. She said she wasovercome with the notion that somehow this animal knew she was there and wascoming for her; seeking her out.

The reporter made her way to the edge of the outcropping and was able to seethe animal breach the cliff, slow to catch its breath, begin the wailing again,and then start running through the meadow straight for the base of the peak.She described the animal's silhouette as looking "like a large, leangorilla/human mix. It was very much upright with a slight bend forward, theshoulders were broad and wide, the head was close to the shoulders with no realneck being visible, the knees were at a 45 degree angle, the arms wereextremely long and very muscular". She saw hair of about 3" in lengthmoving as it ran. She stated that as it ran the animal was stooped over andusing it's arms to help propel itself forward, almost as if it was using themto run faster.

She made her way back to her sleeping bag and felt the only thing she could dowas get inside and try to be as small, still, and quiet as possible. At thispoint the animal is still wailing and she could hear it begin to climb thepeak. After only a few minutes it reached the outcropping, pulled itself up andwas about 25 feet away from her. The animal seemed to be a bit out of breathand briefly stopped its wailing. Seemingly still not aware of her it hesitated,smelled the air for a few seconds, and then turned to look at her. It appearedto be stunned and caught off guard by her presence. She said that after only afew seconds it screamed again much louder and then continued straight up thepeak much faster than she had seen it before.

The animal continued its cries as it climbed the peak and once making it to thetop (she felt) it settled itself and then began to make a different call: muchlouder, lower in register, and very deliberate. By now it was about 2 a.m. Shestated that the animal continued to call over and over and over until about5:30 am. She sat awake the entire night listening to it, not able, or wanting,to sleep. At about 5:30 am the animal stopped and she felt it must havedescended the opposite side; she never heard it leave.

The witness waited awake until first light and then packed her gear and leftthe area. She said she never heard the animal again. She also says she neverheard anything respond to the animals calls. She felt the animal was definitelymale as she could not see any breasts but did note a broad thick chest.

I feel very much that the witness had this encounter and that she is tellingthe truth. She came off as being very genuine, sincere, detailed, andforthright.

Important Comment
Anonymous Monday,May 7, 2012 8:48:00 PM PDT

It was very obvious to me what was happening here just from readingthis incident. Just like black bears being very telepathic with their own cubsand mate, bigfoot is also very telepathic with its own Family. Blackbears/Bigfoots do leave their cubs/young ones high up on isolated mountainpeaks where there are large rocks where the cubs/young ones can hide whilemother/father can gather food from below. If there happens to be a human whoout of no where makes their way to that peak/ridge without knowing there is acub or young ones hiding out there and the cubs or young ones know that someoneis there beside their adult parent, a telepathic signal is sent to the parentbelow who is hunting. That parent now rushes back up that mountain peak to theaid of its family at full speed till it reaches the peak. When this adult bigfootreached the top and realized that this woman was no threat it settled down butstill didn't like the fact that this woman was there. I would bet anyone thatthis bigfoot's family was on that same peak or ridge hiding in fear. If thiswoman backpacker was of any threat, she would not be hear today to tell herstory. I have spent many years backpacking the area and know quite abit aboutthe bears behavior, where they like to raise their cubs, how they hide them outof harms way when hunting or during food gathering and such. One can campovernight where a female bear raises her young and if she realizes that you areof no threat, she will leave you alone. But this doesn't mean that she wantsyou there and you might be paid a visit by the father bear who hangs nearby.These places where they like to raise their young in the Trinities and Marblemountain are in isolated upper valleys at the highest reaches just below theridges. They use the top of peaks to hide or hide their young. I would also betthat bigfoot during the summer months hangs around mountain tops while huntingbelow and during the fall heads lower to its winter grounds. I wouldn't thinkthey hibernate like bears do but I could be wrong on that. I would think thebigfoots in the marble mountains head west towards the coastal range where thetemp is milder. I have a family member who lives near Etna/Trinity Lake who's aGovt. employee and can tell you much of the bigfoot encounters go unreported bythe locals just like my wife's co-worker whos husband while out hiking saw afemale bigfoot walking with it's young baby on her back southwest of the marblemountains in 2003 and this was unreported. Anyways the women was smart notto panic too much besides a wet sleeping bag.

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