12 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

EEStor's Steady Progress

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Gettinginformation about EEStor has been difficult and frustrating,particularly because it is a research in process. Today's brightidea and surefire solution ends up in the dustbin in a week to bereplaced with a new bright idea. Reporting on untested bright ideasturns out to be often misleading.
Whatthis report makes quite clear is that EEStor is far ahead of anyother group in its approach to energy storage. On the other hand,they still have to make it work but that appears to happening.
Asusual optimism produced foreshortened time expectations which alwaysopens the doors for ignorant naysayers. This is a great program thatdeserves full support. Both the science and the engineering isnicely advancing with what appears to be a clear solution in sight.
Onealso gets a sense of the quality of the work and the painstaking andyes time consuming effort involved. Be patient because this isimportant enough to get right the first time because it really doeschange everything if it meets expected billing.

press release
Nov. 6, 2012, 11:17p.m. EST
ZENN Motor CompanyAnnounces Update From Consultant

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov06, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- ZENN Motor Company Inc. CA:ZNN +13.85%
("ZENN" orthe "Company") reported today that it has received anupdated report from its consultant John Galvagni.
Mr. Galvagni providedan initial report to the Board on September 12, 2012 where he advisedthat he observed significant technological progress at EEStor, Inc.("EEStor"). On October 23, 2012 Mr. Galvagni provided adetailed report to ZENN which was made public on such date. Followingthe second report, ZENN has received a number of comments fromshareholders and the scientific community regarding various elementsin the Galvagni report. In light of the comments ZENN asked Mr.Galvagni to review his report. [VeryGood - arclein]
Following this reviewMr. Galvagni advised ZENN, that he had been provided updatedinformation and made aware of other research. High levels ofpermittivity have been observed by others in research and laboratorysettings. Mr. Galvagni considered these reports, but noted that hestill believes that EEStor's achievement of extremely highpermittivity (in excess of K=8 million) is the first he is aware ofin a commercial environment and in a plant capable of scaleproduction.
Mr. Galvagni alsoadvised ZENN that there had been confusion relating to one of theEESU layers he had observed being tested. He previously advised ZENNthat he had observed a layer which maintained permittivity (purportedto be "about 1000") while voltage was increased from 1 voltto 1250 volts. In reviewing the information Mr. Galvagni advised thathe made an error in his verification and that the correctpermittivity number is 20, and not 1000 as initially reported.
To help clarify somethe matters related to the above mentioned EESU layer, EEStor hasprovided further detailed information on the layer, see informationin the following link:http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/znn1106datasheet.pdf . EEStor hasconfirmed in writing the accuracy of the information, however,neither Mr. Galvagni nor ZENN has had the opportunity to verify theaccuracy of this data.
In light of these twochanges to his report, Mr. Galvagni was asked by ZENN whether hecould reaffirm his previous advice that he saw significanttechnological progress at EEStor. Mr. Galvagni confirmed his opinionof significant technological progress and referenced:

1. Thedevelopment of a scalable process for making high purity Composition ModifiedBarium Titanate ("CMBT") built on paraelectric BT (Barium Titanate,or BaTiO3); 2. Theability to precisely control each dopant (chemical substitutes to modifyproperties) by computer programming; 3. Thedemonstration and certification of temperature stable CMBT; 4. Theprecision mixing of CMBT into polymers without voids, using surfactants to optimize the surface interfaces; 5. Thewitnessed samples prepared with two different mixes showed clearly different,and internally consistent, parameters; 6. It wasimpressive that developments of ceramic/polymer dielectrics that otherlaboratories have only shown individually; were already incorporated in EEStor's technology; and, 7. Apparentcontrollable parameters of CMBT ceramic/polymer dielectrics thatcan be optimized for other markets; in addition to Energy Storage.
Mr. Galvagnicommented, "The significant change of one of the metrics forEEStor's process should not detract from other key accomplishments. Arecent study, "Polymer Nanocomposites for Electrical EnergyStorage", Qing Wang and Lei Zhu., Journal of Polymer Science,Polymer Physics, No 49 (2011), summarized the current status ofdielectrics composed of ceramic in polymers. In reviewing the 39referenced papers, they showed that while many have achieved portionsof what EEStor has, in my opinion, none have achieved as many of theproperties under control as EEStor. EEStor has retainedmechanical flexibility at lower concentrations where it maximizes thepermittivity and appears to be the only capacitor using theparaelectric format. EEStor has already accomplished in total,what each of the dozens of academic researchers has done in part andthen added some."
"EEStor appearsto be the first to utilize the paraelectric phase of BT in aceramic/polymer dielectric. Sample 253D (2) exhibits DissipationFactor ("DF") and leakage current which shows significanttechnological breakthrough of one portion of a system that EEStor hasextended to some very interesting and remarkable areas. In samples ofthe current dielectric formulation, EEStor has achieved permittivityin the millions with significant amounts of CMBT present and has beenable to demonstrate control of the parameters, such as DF, whichis, in my opinion, a breakthrough not anticipated by the rest of thefield. It is the whole picture that must be considered."
Mr. Galvagnireiterated that notwithstanding all the progress at EEStor,the important parameter still to be demonstrated and certified isenergy density.
About ZENN MotorCompany Inc.
The Company's goal isto be the provider of leading edge power storage solutions andrelated technologies to the automotive industry.
Technologies andsolutions, powered by EEStor's electrical energy storage units("EESU") have the potential to enable OEM and Tier 1partners to deliver advanced electric transportation solutions totheir customers. The Company's Technology Agreement with EEStorprovides certain exclusive rights to purchase and deploy EEStor'sEESU technology which has been filed and is available for viewing onSEDAR at www.sedar.com .
Neither TSX VentureExchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term isdefined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) acceptsresponsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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