20 Kasım 2012 Salı

Bionic Arm Provides Life Quality

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I find the psychological effecton the patient’s sense of self and of control totally impressive.  It is what we want.
We have always been able toimagine what a truly compatible bionic limb should do and what it will looklike.  No one has imagined the humanaspect adapting so well.  Bravo!
Otherwise the march to bionicperfection looks unstoppable.  Now if wecould only discover how to map human consciousness into an artificial device.
Bionic arm gives Briton 'quality of life'
by Staff Writers

Leeds, England (UPI) Nov 8, 2012


A British man who lost his right arm in an accident says the bionic armhe's been given is so precise he can dress himself for the first time in sixyears.
Nigel Ackland, 53, has been fitted with a carbon fiber mechanical handhe can control with muscles in his upper arm to type on a computer keyboard or holda raw egg without cracking it, The Sun reported.
Sensors in the $40,000 prosthesis react to the muscles to trigger oneof 14 programmed grips that mimic human movements, such as a clenched fist, apointed finger and a squeeze hold.
Ackland, forced to retire after losing his arm in an industrialblending machine, said the prosthetic hand provided "a whole new qualityof life."
Prosthetic company RSLSteeper, based in Leeds,approached Ackland this year to see whether he was interest in participating intrial of its latest prosthetic, said to be one of the most advanced in theworld.
"I have been blown away by the robotic hand, I could sit and watchit all day -- I feel like the Terminator," he said. "It is likebeing your old self, with a very cool piece of machinery helping you."

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