26 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Genetic Confirmation Of Global Human Expansion 40,000 Years Ago

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As any long time reader here understands, my conjecture of an earlieremergence of mankind taking place around 50,000 to 40,000 years agodemands that a global distribution then took place. Without thatglobal distribution, my conjecture regarding a prior emergence ofmodernity is on pretty thin ice. Until now there was no evidence ofthis.
That problem is now answered here. A global distribution did takeplace and that opened the door for modernity to arise. I am pleasedto see another prediction of the core conjecture get nailed down.
For new readers, it is enough to understand that the conjecture callsfor mankind to occupy the now submerged continental shelf and migrateto space based refugia ahead of the planned crustal shift that endedthe Ice Age and ushered in the Holocene. Our ancestors were thenbrought in to terraform the Earth.
Genetics suggestglobal human expansion
by Staff Writers

Hinxton, England(UPI) Oct 30, 2012

Scientists usingDNA sequencing say they've uncovered a previously unknown period whenthe human population expanded rapidly in prehistory.
The sequencing of 36complete Y chromosomes revealed this population explosion occurred40,000 to 50,000 years ago, between the first expansion of modernhumans out of Africa 60,000 to 70,000 ago and the Neolithicexpansions of people in several parts of the world starting 10,000years ago, Britain's Wellcome Trust Sangster Institute reported.
"We have alwaysconsidered the expansion of humans out of Africa as being the largestpopulation expansion of modern humans, but our research questionsthis theory," Wei Wei of the Sanger Institute and the West ChinaUniversity of Medical Sciences said.
"Now we've founda second wave of expansion that is much larger in terms of humanpopulation growth and occurred over a very short period, somewherebetween 40,000 to 50,000 years ago."
One possible theory isthat during the original out-of-Africa expansion, humans moved alongthe coastlines of the world, settling as they went.
Their origins andgenetic makeup would make them suited to coastal life, but not to thedemands of living inland.
"We think thissecond, previously unknown population boom, may have occurred ashumans adapted to their new environment after the first out-of-Africaexpansion," institute researcher Qasim Ayub said.
"It took themtens of thousands of years to adapt to the mountainous, forestedsurroundings on the inner continents. "However, once theirgenetic makeup was suited to these new environments, the populationincreased extremely rapidly as the groups traveled inland and tookadvantage of the abundance of space and food," Ayub said.

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