22 Kasım 2012 Perşembe

Kentucky's Giant Sloths

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In then past year, I have identified several reports in theAppalachians and elsewhere as indicative of the persistence of arelict population of giant sloths. Only once did an observeractually recognize what it was. This meant that many other reportsare out there identifying the creature as bear like.
This reports on the multiply observed Bearilla in Kentucky is deadon.
1 It is Broad-shouldered. This is a hall mark of the Giant Sloth andthe Sasquatch for that matter, but not the bear.
2 It has a large muzzle. This is important.
3 Very noticeable front claws. These are used to accommodateclimbing in trees and in digging besides tearing prey apart.
4 The creature is aggressive, whereas the bear either charge or scootand the Sasquatch will avoid.
5 Usually a severe stink is involved because the creature exploitsmaggots from cached prey.
This item on the Bearilla is about what we would expect. It picks upon the long muzzle and the large claws on the 'hands'. The the word'hands' is used is instructive. This creature is a four point treeclimber and is able to also grip branches.

Kentucky's 'Bearilla'

People who've seen the Bearilla say it's a beast withwolf-like features. sounds like something found only in fairy tales.But some researchers say people have seen the creature and even beenattacked by it for decades right here in Kentucky. In LEX 18'sMystery Monday, Courtney Fischer goes in search of evidence of itsexistence.

Kentucky'sback woods keeps quite a few secrets, secrets that ifyou're lucky will reveal themselves. But some, no matter how patientyou are, stay hidden.

Bearillalurks in the woods, so the experts say, with the last known sightingoccurring in 1989.

broad-shouldered beast hasthe body of a bear, and a long, pointed muzzle like a wolf, handswith dagger-like claws and canine teeth. It's allegedlybeen seen through parts of Kentucky, Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada andPennsylvania, with dozens of sightings reported.

"Course,the first case in the 1940s," said researcher Ron Coffey. "Ayoung boy claimed to be attacked on a creek bank by the creature. Ido not discount that many eyewitnesses. Everybody's just notimagining things and making it up."

Coffy'snot found any bones or remains, but says he can prove Bearilla existsa plaster cast of a footprint Coffey says he found the tracks lastwinter in Bath County and matches the description of a Bearilla'sfoot. "Every single legend is based on some kind of fact,"he said. Stories don't just materialize."

Coffey may havebeen researching Bearilla for more than two decades, butthere's another person who's had his eyes on the woods for just aslong. and he lives right across the street. "I think somebody'strying to start a good hoax," said skeptic John Pugh with alaugh. "That's my opinion."

Pughsays he has his own proof there's no Bearilla - his roosters and hischickens that roam his yard. and have never been attacked bya monster beast. "At night time it's always peacefuland quiet," he said, "You don't hear anything going on."

And that'senough for Pugh to know that no seven foot wolf-life creature islurking in the woods across the way. "I'll believe it when I seeit," he said.

But Coffeysays it's only a matter of time until another clue surfaces oranother eyewitness comes forward proving Bearillas exist.

LEX 18 wantedto talk to someone who claims to have actually seen Bearilla, butCoffey says the last surviving witness recently died. - LEX18

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