28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

The Voice of Bigfoot

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The problem we have here is thatwe have only one excellent example.  Mostlikely, besides, the language shifts readily across geography anyway.  However, this is excellent work and itinforms us that formal communication is totally possible and certainlydesirable.
It has to be noted that folksliving in a primitive life way normally have an excellent propensity to acquirea working vocabulary.  Perhaps thesetapes need to be listen to by Bushmen and native speaking Aboriginals.
I have posted another report inwhich an older Sasquatch chose to communicate once and did very well.  In order to do that he had to have at leastlistened to basic human conversation and then practiced the sounds.  First he had to have and excellent memory orconversation and sounds with which to work with.  Secondly, he had to be able to listen againand he needed to test his knowledge. This is difficult but obviously not impossible either.
Once contact was made one getsthe sense of rapid improvement taking place as ideas are successfully shared.
As I have posted in the past, setout a basket of apples and even a chocolate bar.  These guys may be ready to come in from thecold and even share with us,
The Voice of Bigfoot
One man said he now believes Bigfoot or Sasquatch is roaming remoteareas of the United States,including an area in Missouri not that farfrom Kansas City.

What Scott Nelson hears in his headphones is strange, disturbing andunexplainable.

"Yes, I've heard him speak. And you will hear him speak here in amoment," Nelson said when asked if he thinks Bigfoot exists.

Nelson retired from the Navy after a 17-year career as acrypto-linguist, intercepting Russian communications and decoding them.Currently, he is a professor at Wentworth College in Missouri.

"Because of what I did in the Navy, spending years and several thousandhours speeding the human voice up and slowing it down, I could just detectlanguage in those vocalizations," he said.

The vocalizations were captured on audiotape in the Sierra-Nevada Mountainsby a group of hunters in the early 70s. Nelson came across them a few years agowhile helping his son write a paper on Bigfoot.

"I said, 'Stevie there's language here.' He said, 'Dad, how canthat be? It sounds like a bunch of apes fighting to me.' I said, 'We have toslow it down, like dad used to do in the Navy."

When that happened, Nelson said he instantly knew three things about the soundshe was hearing. No. 1, he was hearing a language; No. 2, it was not human; andNo. 3, it was not fake.

It was at that point Nelson became a Bigfoot believer and researcher.

"The number of reports have increased; it's becoming more and moreaccepted for people to come out and say, 'I had this strange experience, itterrified me and I need to talk about it,'" he said.

In fact, Bigfoot has never been bigger. There seems to be new, amateur video ofSasquatch turning up more frequently. The most famous, of course, is thePatterson film made in 1967.

Skeptics say each and every one of the videos is fake. But Nelson said not onlyis Bigfoot real, he's right in our backyard.

"A big, gigantic, hairy wildman," Nelson said. "Throughout Missouri, the reports goback over 100 years." 

Nelson said there have been numerous reports of Bigfoot activity up and downthe Missouri River Corridor.

"There are two places in Missouri, oneright here, 10 minutes away, called Monkey Mountain.Now, there's a reason pioneers called it Monkey Mountain,"he said.

Nelson offered to take KCTV5's Brad Stephens to the nearby location where hesaid there has been a lot of Bigfoot activity and Stephens has accepted. Theresult of their trip will be featured in next Wednesday's Faces of Kansas City segmentairing in the 10 p.m. news. - Clickfor audio - KCTV5

R.Scott Nelson - The Bigfoot Recordings


Retired from the U.S.Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language andLinguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting ofvoice communications.

He is a two time graduate of the U.S.Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) andhas logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages aswell as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian,Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri.

We have verified that these creatures use language by the human definition ofit. The months of hard work that we have put into the study of theBerry/Morehead tapes is finally coming to fruition. The analysis is finished,although I am still working on parts of the final write-up such as frequencycount tables, morpheme lists, etc.

I believe that the study of these tapes will never (and should never) end. Withthe recognition and acceptance that these creatures do indeed speak and understanda complex language, a greater effort will be made to collect voice recordingsand our analysis of the language will improve. Now that we have a precedent andtechniques established for this study, this process will certainly becomeeasier.

Scott Nelson,


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