28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Global Temperature in Decline?

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 The bad news for our true believers is that after a dozen years ofeffectively flat lining about a half degree above the Holocene Normwhile the CO2 rise continued unabated whatsoever, it has now begun tofall. This probably reflects the Antarctic maximum been achieved andplausibly injecting cooler waters into the Atlantic basin. This downtick may even turn out to be quite sharp before it is finished.
Watching this happen also gives us a tentative explanation for theabrupt temperature declines observed at the onset of the so calledlittle ice age. In fact I think the expanded Antarctic maximum isthe real and present climatic threat. This could be the long termclimate driver that is missing. During this period, CO2 rose aboutten percent on a global basis (+ 30 ppm from 365 ppm) which likelymatched the entire previous increase that was been relied on.
Obviously declining global temperatures with the decadal temperatureplateau makes the CO2 linkage just stupid and the global warmingargument undefendable. The interesting question will be if aninjection of cold water into the Atlantic Basin can also act tosharply reduce CO2 content.

World Leaders FaceRiddle Of Lack Of Warming
The most recent globaltemperature record, released this week, shows the average globaltemperature fell last year for the second year. There is nowgeneral agreement that the rising trend has stalled. This is thebackground against which governments will meet in Doha to negotiate aglobally binding agreement to cut carbon emissions, as agreed at lastyear’s meeting in Cape Town, South Africa. --Graham Lloyd, TheAustralian, 24 November 2012 

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