30 Kasım 2012 Cuma

MS Cured?

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 This will end the scourge of MS and do it soon. It also providedintervention for all other auto immune diseases and this will surelyinclude arthritis also. It may even be tweaked into resolvingserious allergies.
In the end, your immune system is normalised.
The cure is not a deliverable as yet but the fact that the carrier isalready approved should allow quick adoption.

New nanoparticlehalts multiple sclerosis, now being tested in Type 1 diabetes andasthma
November 18, 2012
In a breakthrough fornanotechnology and multiple sclerosis, a biodegradablenanoparticle turns out to be the perfect vehicle to stealthilydeliver an antigen that tricks the immune system into stopping itsattack on myelin and halt a model of relapsing remitting multiplesclerosis (MS) in mice, according to new Northwestern Medicineresearch.

The new nanotechnologyalso can be applied to a variety of immune-mediated diseasesincluding Type 1 diabetes, food allergies and airway allergies suchas asthma. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin membranethat insulates nerves cells in the brain, spinal cord and opticnerve.
When the insulation isdestroyed, electrical signals can't be effectively conducted,resulting in symptoms that range from mild limb numbness to paralysisor blindness.
About 80 percent of MSpatients are diagnosed with the relapsing remitting form of thedisease.
The Northwesternnanotechnology does not suppress the entire immune system asdo current therapies for MS, which make patients more susceptible toeveryday infections and higher rates of cancer. Rather, when thenanoparticles are attached to myelin antigens and injected into themice, the immune system is reset to normal.
The immune systemstops recognizing myelin as an alien invader and halts its attack onit. "This is a highly significant breakthrough in translationalimmunotherapy," said Stephen Miller, a corresponding author ofthe study and the Judy Gugenheim Research Professor ofMicrobiology-Immunology at Northwestern University Feinberg School ofMedicine.
"The beauty ofthis new technology is it can be used in many immune-relateddiseases. We simply change the antigen that's delivered."
"The holy grailis to develop a therapy that is specific to the pathologicalimmune response, in this case the body attacking myelin,"Miller added.
"Our approachresets the immune system so it no longer attacks myelin but leavesthe function of the normal immune system intact."

The nanoparticle, madefrom an easily produced and already FDA-approved substance, wasdeveloped by Lonnie Shea, professor of chemical and biologicalengineering at Northwestern's McCormick School of Engineering andApplied Science.
"This is a majorbreakthrough in nanotechnology, showing you can use it to regulatethe immune system," said Shea, also a corresponding author.
The paper will bepublished Nov. 18 in the journal Nature Biotechnology. Miller andShea are also members of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive CancerCenter of Northwestern University. In addition, Shea is a member ofthe Institute for BioNanotechnology in Medicine and the Chemistry ofLife Processes Institute.
The study's method isthe same approach now being tested in multiple sclerosis patients ina phase I/II clinical trial—with one key difference. Thetrial uses a patient's own white blood cells—a costly and laborintensive procedure—to deliver the antigen. The purpose of the newstudy was to see if nanoparticles could be as effective as the whiteblood cells as delivery vehicles. They were.
Nanoparticles havemany advantages; they can be readily produced in a laboratory andstandardized for manufacturing. They would make the potential therapycheaper and more accessible to a general population. In addition,these nanoparticles are made of a polymer calledPoly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG), which consists of lactic acid andglycolic acid, both natural metabolites in the human body. PLG ismost commonly used for biodegradable sutures. The fact that PLGis already FDA approved for other applications should facilitatetranslating the research to patients, Shea noted. Millerand Shea tested nanoparticles of various sizes and discovered that500 nanometers was most effective at modulating the immune response."We administered these particles to animals who have a diseasevery similar to relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and stopped itin its tracks," Miller said. "We prevented any futurerelapses for up to 100 days, which is the equivalent of several yearsin the life of an MS patient." Shea and Miller also arecurrently testing the nanoparticles to treat Type one diabetes andairway diseases such as asthma.
In the study,researchers attached myelin antigens to the nanoparticles andinjected them intravenously into the mice. The particles entered thespleen, which filters the blood and helps the body dispose of agingand dying blood cells. There, the particles were engulfed bymacrophages, a type of immune cell, which then displayed the antigenson their cell surface. The immune system viewed the nanoparticles asordinary dying blood cells and nothing to be concerned about. Thiscreated immune tolerance to the antigen by directly inhibiting theactivity of myelin responsive T cells and by increasing the numbersof regulatory T cells which further calmed the autoimmune response.
"The key here isthat this antigen/particle-based approach to induction of toleranceis selective and targeted. Unlike generalized immunosuppression,which is the current therapy used for autoimmune diseases, this newprocess does not shut down the whole immune system," saidChristine Kelley, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging andBioengineering director of the division of Discovery Science andTechnology at the National Institutes of Health, which supported theresearch.
"Thiscollaborative effort between expertise in immunology andbioengineering is a terrific example of the tremendous advances thatcan be made with scientifically convergent approaches to biomedicalproblems." "We are proud to share our expertise intherapeutics development with Dr. Stephen Miller's stellar team ofacademic scientists," said Scott Johnson, CEO, president andfounder of the Myelin Repair Foundation.
"The idea tocouple antigens to nanoparticles was conceived in discussions betweenDr. Miller's laboratory, the Myelin Repair Foundation's drugdiscovery advisory board and Dr. Michael Pleiss, a member of theMyelin Repair Foundation's internal research team, and we combinedour efforts to focus on patient-oriented, clinically relevantresearch with broad implications for all autoimmune diseases.
Our unique researchmodel is designed to foster and extract the innovation from theacademic science that we fund and transition these technologies tocommercialization.
The overarching goalis to ensure this important therapeutic pathway has its best chanceto reach patients, with MS and all autoimmune diseases."
More information:
Microparticles bearingencephalitogenic peptides induce T-cell tolerance and ameliorateexperimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Nature Biotechnology(2012) doi:10.1038/nbt.2434,www.nature.com/nbt/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nbt.2434.html
Journal reference:Nature Biotechnology Provided by Northwestern University

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