27 Kasım 2012 Salı

Smoking Causes Cognition Declines

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This has always been suspected but we now can know that the effect isreal. The likely chemical pathway is simple carbon monoxidepoisoning which delivers a highly mobile reagent quite able to snipconnections in the brain. All this applies equally well to marijuanasmoking. Chronic inhalation of carbon monoxide is bad news.
In fact the observed cognitive decline from marijuana may becompletely an effect driven by chronic carbon monoxide provisioning. Thus while nicotine is profoundly addictive, it may otherwise be safeenough on its own. The same surely holds true for marijuana withoutthe addiction side effect.
We of course have the same problem with alcohol which uses adifferent pathway altogether.
What this comes down to is that safev application methods need to bedeveloped and we need to confirm the likely Carbon Monoxidehypothesis. Again the molecule is small and has preferential accessto the body by this alone and is dangerous anyway. Breathing it as ahabit is really stupid and now that is confirmed.
So switch to nicotine patches and abuse them.
Smoking can 'rot'your brain
London, November 26(ANI): Smoking can be hazardous not only for the health of your body,but of your mind too.
Smoking "rots"the brain by damaging memory, learning and reasoning, researchers atKing's College London have warned
A study of 8,800people over 50 showed high blood pressure and being overweight alsoseemed to affect the brain, but to a lesser extent.
The researchers wereinvestigating links between the likelihood of a heart attack orstroke and the state of the brain.
Data about the healthand lifestyle of a group of over-50s was collected and brain tests,such as making participants learn new words or name as many animalsas they could in a minute, were also performed. They were all testedagain after four and then eight years.
They found that theoverall risk of a heart attack or stroke was "significantlyassociated with cognitive decline" with those at the highestrisk showing the greatest decline.
It also said there wasa "consistent association" between smoking and lower scoresin the tests.
"Cognitivedecline becomes more common with ageing and for an increasing numberof people interferes with daily functioning and well-being," theBBC quoted Dr Alex Dregan, one of the researchers, as saying
"We haveidentified a number of risk factors which could be associated withaccelerated cognitive decline, all of which, could be modifiable."
"We need to makepeople aware of the need to do some lifestyle changes because of therisk of cognitive decline," he added.
The researchers do notknow how such a decline could affect people going about their dailylife. They are also unsure whether the early drop in brain functioncould lead to conditions such as dementia.
Dr Simon Ridley, fromAlzheimer's Research UK, said: "Research has repeatedly linkedsmoking and high blood pressure to a greater risk of cognitivedecline and dementia, and this study adds further weight to thatevidence.
"Cognitivedecline as we age can develop into dementia, and unravelling thefactors that are linked to this decline could be crucial for findingways to prevent the condition. These results underline the importanceof looking after your cardiovascular health from mid-life," henoted.
The Alzheimer'sSociety said: "We all know smoking, a high blood pressure, highcholesterol levels and a high BMI [Body Mass Index] is bad for ourheart. This research adds to the huge amount of evidence that alsosuggests they can be bad for our head too.
"One in threepeople over 65 will develop dementia but there are things people cando to reduce their risk. Eating a balanced diet, maintaining ahealthy weight, exercising regularly, getting your blood pressure andcholesterol checked and not smoking can all make a difference,"it suggested.
The findings werepublished in the journal Age and Ageing. (ANI)

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