29 Kasım 2012 Perşembe

Higgs Boson Not GOD Particle

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No itis not the GOD particle. What it does do is fill another slotinferred from symmetry that needed to exist. It is I think the mostmassive but I may be wrong on that.
Thereal GOD particle will turn out to be the neutral neutrino which wemay never actually detect. I have actually modeled it and describedit in an unpublished paper. It represents the dominant content ofthe universe and is most certainly what is described as 'darkmatter'. It is actually quite neat although it will give you aheadache.
Mymetric, introduced in my published paper allow us to calculate thecurvature generated by the GOD particle at any point in space. Thisallows us to construct larger particles that make up the StandardModel provided we have a very big computer.
Inthe event we have a pretty good picture of the empirical world andunderstand how to adjust the scaling as needed.
'Higgs' boson maynot be 'God particle'
British physicist Peter Higgs leaves after a news conference update in the search for the Higgs boson at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin near Geneva July 4, 2012. (REUTERS/Denis Balibouse)

GENEVA,SWITZERLAND - A new elementary particle whose discovery wasannounced with fanfare to a waiting world in July may be just alittle less exciting than scientists had hoped.
Reporting on aconference in Kyoto where the latest data from their Large HadronCollider (LHC) was presented, scientists at the CERN Europeanresearch centre said on Thursday it seemed very likely that theparticle was indeed the long-sought Higgs boson, which gives mass tomatter.
But rather than anexotic beast opening the door to new realms of cosmology as some hadhoped, the data increasingly suggests it is a “Standard ModelHiggs” fitting into the current scientific concept of the universe,they asserted.
It is still tooearly to tell, but the new particle looks like, sings like, anddances more and more like a Higgs boson,” said Pauline Gagnon,a physicist on the LHC Atlas experiment, one of three which analysethe data.
Oliver Buchmueller, ofthe rival but parallel CMS experiment, told Reuters “the evidencefor it being the Higgs gets stronger and stronger as we go along.”
But there was still nosign of it being more unusual than originally predicted.
The prime task of the$10 billion LHC was to find the Higgs, without which the primevalchaos of flying particle debris after the Big Bang, 13.7 billionyears ago, could not have formed into stars, planets and galaxies.
Existence of theparticle was postulated in 1964 by British physicist Peter Higgs, whosaw it filling a gap in the Standard Model, a blueprint of how theuniverse works at the fundamental level fully developed from the1970s.
Scientists sought totrack it from the 1980s and finally succeeded in spotting somethinglike it two years after the LHC went into operation in 2010.
But they insisted theystill had to establish its existence with what they call 5-sigma - orabsolutely total – certainty.
They had also hopedtheir search would find at least some evidence for moreout-of-the-box concepts such as super-symmetry, dark matter and darkenergy - beyond the Standard Model and part of what they call fall“New Physics.”
Super-symmetry couldtheoretically account for the dark matter believed to make up nearly25 percent of the known universe - of which no more than five percentis visible. But no sign of that has come so far, the reports fromKyoto say.
However, the CERNscientists have not given up hope that something more exotic mightemerge. For the Higgs-like particle to presage super-symmetry, itwould have to come in at least five different varieties.
The challenge is tomeasure all the properties of the new particle in detail. It willtake time to establish a comprehensive understanding of its trueunderlying nature,” said Buchmueller, who is working onsuper-symmetry.
Scientists are nowlooking to the years after 2014 when the power of the circularcollider is doubled, and even beyond to the construction

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