24 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Elixer of Life?

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This is a truly odd story that has few precedents except as a plotdevice in fiction. The problem we face though is that such an elixiris and was actively sought in India and whatever brew he consumed isobviously impossible to reconstruct.
Having said that I suspect that a speculation of mine regarding thelikely active ingredient may have some traction simply because theapparent appearance of the reported elixir conforms to my expectation. The speculation itself was driven by a nineteenth century reportof an individual who was observed going through biological reversaland renewal while claiming to be in control.
In any case, it is uncommon to have a 110 year old man claim he tooka magic potion. The effects have likely long worn off so he islikely wearing down at best at a delayed rate. Thus we have a goodstory at the moment.
Britain's oldestman says it's all to do with a magic potion from India

He has lived to see 26 prime ministers, received seventelegrams from the Queen and was alive when the Wrightbrothers piloted the first powered plane in 1903.

But Britain’soldest man – who turns 110 tomorrow – says his longevity isn’tentirely down to his strict vegetarian diet or his favourite tipple,gin.

The ReverendReg Dean instead attributes it to a ‘mysterious brown-looking’elixir of life given to him by a doctor when he was an army chaplainin India.

‘He said tome, “I have concocted a drink that will make you live for ever”,or something like that, and would I like to take it?’ he recalledyesterday.

‘Well I’mvery naive, I can’t say no, so I drank it and here I am.’

The formerteacher and church minister was born on November 4, 1902, inTunstall, Staffordshire.

Reflecting on allhe has witnessed, he said: ‘I remember before the days of Tarmac,the roads were all dust heaps.

‘I canremember hearing about the sinking of the Titanic when I was at myuncle’s farm.’

The three-times married minister,from Wirksworth, Derbyshire, has one son and two grandchildren.

He wasordained in the 1920s and later volunteered as an army chaplain inBurma and India during the Second World War.

In 1958, MrDean became a teacher and later served as minister at the UnitedReformed Churches in Wirksworth and Matlock, before retiring 29 yearsago, aged 80.

Mr Dean, whoreceived telegrams to mark his 100th and 105th birthdays and oneevery year since, says he wants to live until he is 120. The world’soldest living man, aged 115, is Jiroemon Kimura from Japan. - DailyMail

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