23 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Extant Red Haired Giants in Peru

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 We know three things;
1 Red Haired Giants were extant during the European bronze Age inIreland close by Lewis. This provided ready access to sailing withthe Minoan copper route.
2 Goliath showed up with the Philistines about 10th centryBC.
3 Minoan trade culture penetrated Peru and much else of course.
For that reason this is a prospective locale along with many othersand particularly the Great lakes were we have graves. The good newsis that they are extant and plausibly available for DNA work. Mostlikely we will have an Irish descended population with a knowngenetic abnormality spotted many time before.
We are lucky, we will have significant Neanderthal afinity.
Thanks again to Dale Drinnon for this item.

Living Redheaded Warrior Giants Reported in Peru
 ArchiveClipping from the St. Louis Dispatch

Lima, Peru May22, 1976--- A one-eyed Indian tale of battling a band of red-hairedhunchback giants has caused speculation that a tribe of stone-ageaborigines may inhabit the jungles of northern Peru. 

The men weredescribed as olive-skinned, barefooted, hunched-back, more than 6feet 6 inches tall with feet twice the normal size.

One scientistthis week said he doubted their existence, but a well-known amateuranthropologist said it was well within scientific probability.

The giantshave only been reported in San Juan Province, an area of rain forestsand wooded foothills east of the Andes. Its 200,000 residents have notelephone service or paved roads.

Rumors ofgiant tribesmen have circulated frequently in the past. They receivedfresh momentum early this month when an explorer said he had stumbledacross such a tribe.

CarlosTarrealza, discoverer of the ruins of a lost Indian city in SanMartin Province said he had found the giants when he was lost for twoweeks in the jungle.

He said theywere clad only in animal skins with reddish hair and spoke a dialecthe had never heard. He said they fled at his approach.

Days later,two Lima newspapers, Ultima Hora and La Prensa quoted an Indian guideEncarnacion Napuri as saying on April 25th, a group of about 15 giantaborigines armed with thick wooden clubs, stone-headed axes and hardwood lances attached attacked a camp of professional hunters.

La Prensa said thetribesmen had abducted three women and wounded five men in the campbefore being driven off by shotgun blasts. Ultima Hora said 5 men, 3women and 2 children had been injured, but did not mention anykidnapping.

The disparitymight be explained by Ultima Hora's comment that Napuri spokeextremely poor Spanish.

The director ofthe regional center of Indian remains, Cristobal Cresapana said, "Idon't believe in the existence of these hunch-backed men...theycorrespond to precisely none of the racial traits of the people seenin the Andean region so far."

But Carlos A.Silva, a policeman and amateur anthropologist who traveled widely inthe Peruvian Jungles, said the indigenous Peruvian could adapthimself very easily to live in the forested areas of the Andeanfoothills.

Posted by DaleDrinnon at 2:07 AM 
Rephaim23October 8,2012 11:13 AM

Just likethe red headed giants of Nevada. You wonder how many giants live inthe Amazon, undetected with thousands of square miles. There was eventalk in the 1920's of blond and red head Indians on Catalina.

It would beamazing to get DNA from some of these living giants, if they arestill out there-- kind of like Sasquatch--hiding from civilization.

Icontinually update my wordpress blog with bone reports from pressaccounts and science magazines. There must be hundreds more out thereyet to be found. Even more amazing to consider the Smithsonian wasactively gathering these bones, as many of the press accounts elude.At the Same time, as early as 1935 and 1940 they started to tell thepress that "Giants are No More" -- a fiction-- that allgiant reports are exaggerations. I suspect the Smithsonian had abig disinfo campaign starting around the WWII era, I can onlyspeculate. Seems like the classic "Roswell/CIA era"mentality of compartmentalization, disinformation and denial aboutlarge skeletal types in the ancient past has been effective since themid 20th century. That is my theory. Because as recently as 1927 theyhad a "giant race theory" in regards to the mound buildersin Florida and the Ohio Valley, reports of seven foot man skeletons,and femurs 63 centimeters sent to the Smithsonian, and inPennsylvania skeleton of a man 89 inches from skull to toes with a 26inch chest was sent to D.C. in 1930's. If Giants didn't exist, as theSmithsonian alleges, why did the press report skeletons with bonesone third larger, and skeletons well over 7 feet sent to D.C.? Surelythere is something amiss. ;)

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