4 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Nutella Loses Class Action Suit

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Yes, it is time to tackle the food industry over some of their mostegregious claims. Nutella is pretty excessive though. You presumenaturally that sugar and the grease of choice would be minimized. Yet this is merely a sweeter replacement for pork fat on toast. Itis certainly not hazelnut butter which is what it attempting toimitate. It is a sordid faux food created back when everything went.
What we have is an excellent advertisement for the proposition comingout of Ontario that proposes to make manufacturers put nasty healthwarnings on their labels. This product would be dead on arrival.
It is a concoction of palm oil, powdered skim milk and lots of sugar. Hazelnuts are mentioned but the scant fiber suggests that is quitelow although the claim is fifty nuts per thirteen ounce jar. Suchnumbers would reduce to around 2 to 4 ounces of actual paste. So atbest we have twenty percent hazelnut paste or butter, ten percent inmilk solids and the balance in margarine. Who exactly would buy wellflavored margarine?
Hopefully the food industry gets the point and gets out there andbegins the hard task of reformulating product.

A California court hasruled that Ferrero U.S.A. Inc., an affiliate of Nutella’sItalian-based parent company should pay $4 to every person whopurchased a jar of their chocolate spread between January 1, 2008 andFebruary 3, 2012 in the United States.
The ruling came aftera mother initiated a class-action to make the company pay foradvertising their product as a “nutritious” product ” and partof a “healthy breakfast.”
Athena Hohenberg, aSan Diego mother, said she was shocked to learn that contrary to theimpression given by the company’s advertisement, the product wasnot nutritious, but contained dangerous levels of saturated fat.According to CBS News, Hohenberg said she discovered itcontained 21 grams of sugar, 200 calories, and 11 grams of fat (3.5of which are saturated) per serving.According to Hohenberg and herlawyers, Nutella has been falsely presenting their product as makinga “balanced breakfast,” while showing healthy looking familieseating it with healthy foods such as fruits and whole wheat bread.
Daily Mail reportsHohenberg’s lawyers said Nutella contains dangerous levels ofsaturated fat and sugar that have been contributing significantly to“America’s alarming increase in childhood obesity.” The productcan cause type-2 diabetes, heart disease and other “serious healthproblems.”
 Hohenbergdemanded that the company should stop advertising Nutella as ahealthy and nutritious food and refund all the money they earned fromtheir “fraudulent advertisement campaign.”

According to DailyMail, a Nutella TV commercial shows a blonde mother worryingabout the challenges of preparing breakfast for her family. Then sherecommends Nutella as a “delicious hazelnut spread perfect onmulti-grain toast and even whole wheat waffles.” The mother says:“It’s a quick and easy way to give my family a breakfast they’llwant to eat. And Nutella is made with simple, quality ingredientslike hazelnuts, skim milk, and a hint of cocoa. They love the taste,and I feel good that they’re ready to tackle the day.
CBS News reportsthe settlement allows all persons in the United States who purchasedNutella between January 1, 2008 and February 3, 2010 (August 1, 2009and January 23, 2012 for California residents) to file a claim andjoin the class action and claim their rewards until July 25, 2012.Those who join the class action will receive $4 for a single purchaseand a maximum award of $20. Anyone who wants to join the class actioncan fill out their claim here. According to Yahoo! News ”Itseems that you don’t even have to have a receipt.”CBS reports thatthe judge’s decision has been widely criticized and theclass-action ridiculed. Many are surprised that any mother wouldthink that a chocolate-based spread is healthy and nutritious. LAWeekly says: “Here’s a suggestion for the thousands of otherlitigious California mothers: Try a little responsible parenting. Tryreading the labels and understanding what they mean.” Adisapproving reader comments on LA Weekly: “Her kids shouldsue her for being so… stupid. Lawsuits like this should be a crime.If you’re too stupid to read a label, then you’re also too stupidto make other adult decisions, by that alone, she should be deemed anunfit parent.”
Another readercommented: “…also got the impression that drinking Bud Lightmakes hot chicks attracted to me, and that I can afford a Lexus. Butit doesn’t and I can’t. Should I sue?”
Ferrero Inc. hasagreed to modify the product’s label and change its marketingstatements about Nutella, create new ads and modify its websitemessage.

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