5 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

93 Year Old Body Builder

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I do not consider this a medicalmarvel at all but I do consider it confirmation that as with all othercreatures on Earth, provided we do the right things, we are able to live inrobust health until the final rotation of our cells.  Even that appears to be now postponeable atleast.
The problem is about doing theright things and that is a clear challenge. In my own instance, it took me over forty years to learn how to mastermy body’s propensity to add an unnecessary fifty pounds of fat.  Google Arclein diet here if you care.  There are other related issues that matterand also need attending to.
Yet then it is all about maintaininga training schedule that stays well within your body’s capacity.  For instance, I suspect wind sprints would bea very bad idea for me.  Yet resistancetraining is always a good idea.  I noticethat is what this chap is doing.
That is clearly good enough to restoregood mental and physical function even late in the day.  The bottom line for all of us is to payattention and build it into our lives.
93-Year-Old Bodybuilder Is A Medical Marvel
Thursday, November 1, 2012 12:50 am
Written by: ThePostGame Staff















Dr. Charles Eugster, a 93-year-old British bodybuilder, did not beginweightlifting six years ago as a way to stay in shape or to occupy his time.No, Eugster had a more, shall we say, ambitious rationale.
"The idea is to turn the heads of the sexy young 70-year-old girlson the beach," Eugster told BBC News.
After an athletic youth in which he was a competitive rower, Eugsterlost his sturdy physique during 30 years as a dentist. In his late 80s, henoticed the complexion of his body had changed, and he wasn't happy about it.
"I'm extremely vain," Eugster said. "I noticed I wasgetting fat."
So for the past six years, Eugster's been hitting the gym three or fourtimes a week, even working with a former Mr. Universe as a trainer.
At a recent competition he did 57 dips, 61-chin-ups and even pulledoff 48 abdominal crunches in 45 seconds.
If Eugster's routine sounds extremely impressive, that's because he's ahuman anomaly. Most seniors in their 90s are advised to avoid lifting weightsand doing other strenuous forms of activity.
"[Eugster] is unusual and there is a small minority of thepopulation that can undertake that sort of vigorous activity into their 90s,but that's not true of most of us," said Steve Iliffe,a professor of primary care for older people at University College London."Within reason it is never too late to start exercising, but you do haveto remember there is a difference between exercise and physical activity."
Eugster said that bodybuilding at an older age is like exchanging anold car for a new one. The better shape the car is in, the easier it will be totrade it in.
"If you have taken care of your old car, it won't cost you somuch," Eugster said. "But if you have neglected your car, it's goingto cost you a lot."

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