30 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Aging Boomer's Blog

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Hey, a short entry today to plug my relatively new website where I'm blogging on a regular basis about getting older and all the trappings that come with it.

I named the site cleverly...


Okay, so that's not so clever. But it was an available domain name that more-or-less reflected what it was going to be about.

Anyway, if you're an aging boomer, surf on over and bookmark my new site. Then spend some time there reading the many posts already up and then spending some more time commenting and moving the discussions forward.

I promise my AgingBoomersBlog.com will never be dull or boring or politically correct!

Chet "Aging Boomer" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Cell Nuclear Reprogramming moves Forward

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 It appears that we are discovering how to wipe out a cellsprogramming completely in preparation for reprogramming it as adifferent cell. This will allow extreme precision in eventual organreplacement. It is clearly another leap forward in our ability tomanage cell behavior.
The ultimate goal of medical research is to perfect human outcomes. Much of what we are comes up short biologically even if we do notthink so. Improving those outcomes is and will be welcome and wealready see gathering momentum develop.
Stem cells have been with us for around twenty years. This type oftech pretty well puts the controversy away.
How to make stemcells - nuclear reprogramming moves a step forward
by Staff Writers

London, UK (SPX)Oct 31, 2012

The idea of taking amature cell and removing its identity (nuclear reprogramming) so thatit can then become any kind of cell, holds great promise forrepairing damaged tissue or replacing bone marrow after chemotherapy.
Hot on the heels ofhis recent Nobel prize Dr John B. Gurdon has published in BioMedCentral's open access journal Epigenetics and Chromatin researchshowing that histone H3.3 deposited by the histone-interactingprotein HIRA is a key step in reverting nuclei to a pluripotent type,capable of being any one of many cell types.
All of an individual'scells have the same DNA, yet these cells become programmed, asthe organism matures, into different types such as heart, or lung orbrain.
To achieve thisdifferent genes are more or less permanently switched off in eachcell lineage. As an embryo grows, after a certain number ofdivisions, it is no longer possible for cells which have gone downthe pathway to become something else.
For example heartcells cannot be converted into lung tissue, and muscle cells cannotform bone.
One way to reprogramDNA is to transfer the nucleus of a mature cell into an unfertilizedegg. Proteins and other factors inside the egg alter the DNAswitching some genes on and other off until it resembles the DNA of apluripotent cell. However there seem to be some difficulties withthis method in completely wiping the cell's 'memory'.
One of the mechanismsregulating the activation of genes is chromatin and in particularhistones. DNA is wrapped around histones and alteration in how theDNA is wound changes which genes are available to the cell.
In order to understandhow nuclear reprogramming works Dr Gurdon's team transplanted a mousenucleus into a frog oocyte (Xenopus laevis). They added fluorescentlytagged histones by microinjection, so that they could see where inthe cell and nucleus the these histones collected.
Prof Gurdon explained,"Using real-time microscopy it became apparent that from 10hours onwards H3.3 (the histone involved with active genes) expressedin the oocyte became incorporated into the transplanted nucleus.
When we looked indetail at the gene Oct4, which is known to be involved in makingcells pluripotent, we found that H3.3 was incorporated into Oct4, andthat this coincided with the onset of transcription from the gene."Prof Gurdon's team also found that Hira, a protein required toincorporate H3.3 into chromatin, was also required for nuclearreprogramming.
Dr Steven Henikoff,from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, commented,"Manipulating the H3.3 pathway may provide a way to completelywipe a cell's 'memory' and produce a truly pluripotent cell.
"Half a centuryafter showing that cells can be reprogrammed this research provides alink to the work of Shinya Yamanaka (who shared the prize), andsuggests that chromatin is a sticking point preventingartificially induced reprogramming being used routinely in theclinic."

Greek Islands Were Inhabited 170,000 Years Ago

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The problem that I have with sea borne speculations before 12,000 yearsor so ago is that they inevitably fail to make adjustment for the hugely lowersea level that fluxuated up to three hundred feet lower than today.


This readily reduces the separation between South East Asia and the Australasian plate to a few short miles easilyseen from each other.  A dug out canoe,or better yet, a skin boat would be easily able to venture the transit.  The rest is a matter of walking and similarlyresolved river crossings.


The Greek islands, including Crete areall on the continental shelf and all would have been accessed as easily.  All this is no proof of seamanshipwhatsoever.  Cyprus evidence is all post 11,000years ago and that is the one that needs to roll the times back to make a statement.


The interesting feat was the Arctic crossing 20,000 years ago into the Americason both coasts.


Also do not underestimate the actual utility of the humble canoe reliedon universally.  Large trees allowedlarge canoes if they were called for.  Wehad them on the Northwest Coast up to one hundredyears ago as part of a true Stone Age culture. Otherwise, it was no trick for someone well experienced to head out on agood day and run with the wind in a small canoe and be a hundred miles away bynight fall.  If a land fall is visible,then one has a place to lie up until the wind reverses.


It is reasonable to expect that the first true canoes coexisted with theuse of the needle to make clothing and the invention of a chopping axe ofsorts.  This all happened a very longtime ago regardless of whatever evidence we have found to date.


Greekislands were inhabited 170,000 years ago

Neanderthalsand other extinct human lineages might have been ancient mariners, venturing tothe Mediterranean islands thousands of yearsearlier than previously thought.

### Neanderthals orother extinct human lineages may have sailed to the Mediterranean Islandslong before previously thought. Here, an excavation at Akrotiri Aetokremnos, asite in Cyprusdating back to about 10,000 B.C., where pygmy hippo fossils were found [Credit:Alan Simmons]

Thisprehistoric seafaring could shed light on the mental capabilities of these lostrelatives of modern humans, researchers say.

Scientists had thought the Mediterranean islandswere first settled about 9,000 years ago by Neolithic or New Stone Age farmersand shepherds.

"On a lot of Mediterranean islands, you havethese amazing remains from classical antiquity to study, so for many yearspeople didn't even look for older sites," said archaeologist Alan Simmonsat the University of Nevada at Las Vegas.

However, in the last 20 years or so, someevidence has surfaced for a human presence on these islands dating backimmediately before the Neolithic.

"There's still a lot to find in archaeology— you have to keep pushing the envelope in terms of conventional wisdom,"Simmons said.


For instance, obsidian from the Aegean island of Meloswas uncovered at the mainland Greek coastal site of Franchthi cave in layersthat were about 11,000 years old, while excavations on the southern coast of Cyprus revealedstone artifacts about 12,000 years old.

"We found evidence that human hunters mayhave helped drive pygmy hippos to extinction on Cyprus about 12,000 yearsago," Simmons said. "This suggests that seafarers didn't need to havealready domesticated plants and animals to go to these islands, which is apretty complex set of tricks — they could have been hunter-gatherers."

Recently, research has hinted that seafarers mayhave made their way out to the Mediterranean islands even earlier, long beforethe Neolithic, and not only to isles close to the mainland, but to more distantones as well, such as Crete.

###A pygmy hipposkull found at Akrotiri Aetokremnos, a site in Cyprus dating back to about10,000 B.C. Evidence suggests human hunters may have driven the animals toextinction on Cyprus [Credit: Alan Simmons]
Forinstance, stone artifacts on the southern Ionian Islandshint at human sites there as early as 110,000 years ago.

Investigators have also recovered quartzhand-axes, three-sided picks and stone cleavers from Cretethat may date back about 170,000 years ago. The distance of Creteabout 100 miles (160 kilometers) from the mainland would have made such a seavoyage no small feat.

The exceedingly old age of these artifactssuggests the seafarers who made them might not even been modern humans, whooriginated between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. Instead, they might have beenNeanderthals or perhaps even Homo erectus.

"The whole idea of seafaring makes theseextinct groups seem more human — they were going out to sea to explore placesthat were uninhabited," Simmons told LiveScience.


The problem with these ancient finds isdetermining their exact age. "They're well beyond the range of radiocarbondating," Simmons said. Although researchers can also deduce the ages ofartifacts based on the ages of surrounding materials, these artifacts weren'tfound in reliable contexts that could indisputably attest to their age, headded. 

Although the idea that extinct human lineagespossessed such advanced mental capabilities might be controversial, ancientseafaring has been seen elsewhere in the world. For instance, Australia was colonized at least 50,000 yearsago, while fossils in Indonesiasuggest that an extinct lineage of humans was seafaring as long ago as 1.1million years.

"If the ancient finds in the Mediterranean can be verified, they will show that Homoerectus or Neanderthals or both had the skills and cognitive ability to buildboats and navigate them," Simmons said.

MS Cured?

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 This will end the scourge of MS and do it soon. It also providedintervention for all other auto immune diseases and this will surelyinclude arthritis also. It may even be tweaked into resolvingserious allergies.
In the end, your immune system is normalised.
The cure is not a deliverable as yet but the fact that the carrier isalready approved should allow quick adoption.

New nanoparticlehalts multiple sclerosis, now being tested in Type 1 diabetes andasthma
November 18, 2012
In a breakthrough fornanotechnology and multiple sclerosis, a biodegradablenanoparticle turns out to be the perfect vehicle to stealthilydeliver an antigen that tricks the immune system into stopping itsattack on myelin and halt a model of relapsing remitting multiplesclerosis (MS) in mice, according to new Northwestern Medicineresearch.

The new nanotechnologyalso can be applied to a variety of immune-mediated diseasesincluding Type 1 diabetes, food allergies and airway allergies suchas asthma. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin membranethat insulates nerves cells in the brain, spinal cord and opticnerve.
When the insulation isdestroyed, electrical signals can't be effectively conducted,resulting in symptoms that range from mild limb numbness to paralysisor blindness.
About 80 percent of MSpatients are diagnosed with the relapsing remitting form of thedisease.
The Northwesternnanotechnology does not suppress the entire immune system asdo current therapies for MS, which make patients more susceptible toeveryday infections and higher rates of cancer. Rather, when thenanoparticles are attached to myelin antigens and injected into themice, the immune system is reset to normal.
The immune systemstops recognizing myelin as an alien invader and halts its attack onit. "This is a highly significant breakthrough in translationalimmunotherapy," said Stephen Miller, a corresponding author ofthe study and the Judy Gugenheim Research Professor ofMicrobiology-Immunology at Northwestern University Feinberg School ofMedicine.
"The beauty ofthis new technology is it can be used in many immune-relateddiseases. We simply change the antigen that's delivered."
"The holy grailis to develop a therapy that is specific to the pathologicalimmune response, in this case the body attacking myelin,"Miller added.
"Our approachresets the immune system so it no longer attacks myelin but leavesthe function of the normal immune system intact."

The nanoparticle, madefrom an easily produced and already FDA-approved substance, wasdeveloped by Lonnie Shea, professor of chemical and biologicalengineering at Northwestern's McCormick School of Engineering andApplied Science.
"This is a majorbreakthrough in nanotechnology, showing you can use it to regulatethe immune system," said Shea, also a corresponding author.
The paper will bepublished Nov. 18 in the journal Nature Biotechnology. Miller andShea are also members of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive CancerCenter of Northwestern University. In addition, Shea is a member ofthe Institute for BioNanotechnology in Medicine and the Chemistry ofLife Processes Institute.
The study's method isthe same approach now being tested in multiple sclerosis patients ina phase I/II clinical trial—with one key difference. Thetrial uses a patient's own white blood cells—a costly and laborintensive procedure—to deliver the antigen. The purpose of the newstudy was to see if nanoparticles could be as effective as the whiteblood cells as delivery vehicles. They were.
Nanoparticles havemany advantages; they can be readily produced in a laboratory andstandardized for manufacturing. They would make the potential therapycheaper and more accessible to a general population. In addition,these nanoparticles are made of a polymer calledPoly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG), which consists of lactic acid andglycolic acid, both natural metabolites in the human body. PLG ismost commonly used for biodegradable sutures. The fact that PLGis already FDA approved for other applications should facilitatetranslating the research to patients, Shea noted. Millerand Shea tested nanoparticles of various sizes and discovered that500 nanometers was most effective at modulating the immune response."We administered these particles to animals who have a diseasevery similar to relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and stopped itin its tracks," Miller said. "We prevented any futurerelapses for up to 100 days, which is the equivalent of several yearsin the life of an MS patient." Shea and Miller also arecurrently testing the nanoparticles to treat Type one diabetes andairway diseases such as asthma.
In the study,researchers attached myelin antigens to the nanoparticles andinjected them intravenously into the mice. The particles entered thespleen, which filters the blood and helps the body dispose of agingand dying blood cells. There, the particles were engulfed bymacrophages, a type of immune cell, which then displayed the antigenson their cell surface. The immune system viewed the nanoparticles asordinary dying blood cells and nothing to be concerned about. Thiscreated immune tolerance to the antigen by directly inhibiting theactivity of myelin responsive T cells and by increasing the numbersof regulatory T cells which further calmed the autoimmune response.
"The key here isthat this antigen/particle-based approach to induction of toleranceis selective and targeted. Unlike generalized immunosuppression,which is the current therapy used for autoimmune diseases, this newprocess does not shut down the whole immune system," saidChristine Kelley, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging andBioengineering director of the division of Discovery Science andTechnology at the National Institutes of Health, which supported theresearch.
"Thiscollaborative effort between expertise in immunology andbioengineering is a terrific example of the tremendous advances thatcan be made with scientifically convergent approaches to biomedicalproblems." "We are proud to share our expertise intherapeutics development with Dr. Stephen Miller's stellar team ofacademic scientists," said Scott Johnson, CEO, president andfounder of the Myelin Repair Foundation.
"The idea tocouple antigens to nanoparticles was conceived in discussions betweenDr. Miller's laboratory, the Myelin Repair Foundation's drugdiscovery advisory board and Dr. Michael Pleiss, a member of theMyelin Repair Foundation's internal research team, and we combinedour efforts to focus on patient-oriented, clinically relevantresearch with broad implications for all autoimmune diseases.
Our unique researchmodel is designed to foster and extract the innovation from theacademic science that we fund and transition these technologies tocommercialization.
The overarching goalis to ensure this important therapeutic pathway has its best chanceto reach patients, with MS and all autoimmune diseases."
More information:
Microparticles bearingencephalitogenic peptides induce T-cell tolerance and ameliorateexperimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Nature Biotechnology(2012) doi:10.1038/nbt.2434,www.nature.com/nbt/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nbt.2434.html
Journal reference:Nature Biotechnology Provided by Northwestern University

Read more at:


More on Sasquatch DNA Study

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Moreinformation is coming out that was not clear in the press releaseitself. Over one hundred individual samples were processed and thisallowed an excellent work up of the DNA. Earlier tests wouldcertainly have been utterly misled by the human component in themitochondrial DNA and would have in fact been naturally dismissed ascontamination. The real achievement here is that we have now gottenpast that little issue.
Wehave two reasonable candidates at least for the father. One is thereported Eurasian wild man who may also be a hybrid and we certainlyhave evidence supporting recent outright intermarriage that backsthis up. The other is the fossil gigantopithecus who may well havebeen the progenitor of both the Sasquatch and the Eurasian wild man.
Sofar we have no indication of such progenitors in North America butthe hybrid situation strongly suggests that the creature participatedin the later crossing through the Bering Plain as the Ice Age ended. Recall that a Sasquatch was seen tramping North this summer deep inthe barrens of Northern Quebec.
Thisalso explains the disappearance of gigantopithecus. The human hybridwould have taken over the ecological niche as its populationexpanded ultimately absorbing the rest. The same may well havehappened to the neanderthal branch of humanity and any number ofother small groups.
Bigfoot DNA TestsProve Hairy Creature Exists, Genetic Researcher Says
Posted: 11/28/201211:03 am EST Updated: 11/28/2012 11:35 am EST
Lee Speigel


Bigfoot is real. Atleast that's what veterinarian Melba S. Ketchum claims aftera five-year study of more than 100 DNA samples that she believescomes from the elusive hairy beast.
Under Ketchum'sdirection at DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, Texas, a teamof researchers has concluded that the creature may be a humanrelative that somehow developed around 15,000 years ago as a resultof a hybrid cross between Homo sapiens with an unknown primate.
Ketchum's research hasyet to stand the scrutiny of independent researchers. While manypeople have claimed to have seen the creature, its existence hasnever been confirmed, despite a plethora of photos and footprints[10,000 separate individual eye witness reports – arclein ].The ongoing search is the subject of Animal Planet's "FindingBigfoot" television series.
"Well, it came tome, I didn't go after it, that's for sure," Ketchum said of theevidence of Bigfoot's existence in an exclusive interview with TheHuffington Post. "I did not believe in these creatures. But mylab did a lot of animal testing, and we did species identification.We didn't have any hits on anything interesting until five yearsago."
Ketchum's professionalwork includes nearly 30 years in genetics research and forensics.After her team attempted DNA sequencing of hair samples from analleged Bigfoot encounter, they found some unusual things in thehair. But there wasn't enough DNA to conclusively verify what theywere seeing.
DNA Diagnosticsreceived more samples to investigate -- including hair, blood, salivaand urine, all reportedly from various Bigfoot sightings.
Ketchum's teamconsists of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology.The researcher said she believes that over the past five years, theteam has successfully found three Sasquatch nuclear genomes -- anorganism's hereditary code -- leading them to suggest that theanimal is real and a human hybrid.
Ketchum's study showedthat part of the DNA her team sequenced revealed an unknownprimate species, she said, which suggests that Bigfoot is a realcreature that resulted from this primate "crossing with femaleHomo sapiens."
"They're not anyof the large apes -- they branch off as a separate lineage,"Ketchum said. "My personal theory is that it probablybranched off and evolved in parallel with the rest of the primatelineage."[we also have an apparent parallel linage in the fossil record fromAfrica – arclein ]
The overall results ofKetchum's study will soon be revealed, she said, after apeer-reviewed journal is published. But skeptic BenjaminRadford is dubious about the outcome of this latest attempt togive credibility to the existence of Bigfoot.
"If the data aregood and the science is sound, any reputable science journal wouldjump at the chance to be the first to publish this groundbreakinginformation," Radford, the deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirermagazine, wrote in LiveScience.com.
Radford suggests thatif the mitochondrial DNA is identical to Homo sapiens (modernhumans), it could mean one of two things.
"The first,endorsed by Ketchum, is that Bigfoot ancestors had sex with womenabout 15,000 years ago and created a half-human hybrid speciescurrently hiding across North America.
"There is,however, another, simpler interpretation of such results: The sampleswere contaminated. Whatever the sample originally was -- Bigfoot,bear, human or something else -- it's possible that the people whocollected and handled the specimens accidentally introduced their DNAinto the sample, which can easily occur with something as innocent asa spit, sneeze or cough," Radford wrote.[that is merely the first reasonable assumption and it has kept otherevidence out of the loop until now - arclein]
Not so, countersKetchum.
"Early on, westarted getting human results on the mitochondrial DNA -- that'smaternally inherited and it can show where you're from," Ketchumsaid. "Different labs had already tested alleged Sasquatchsamples, and all of these labs were getting human results, so theyjust threw it out.[WHOOPS ]
"We split thesamples with another forensic lab -- one worked on it manually whilethe other did it robotically, extracting the DNA -- and we ranseveral tests to confirm there was no contamination. And we ended upgetting human sequences on many samples."
In LiveScience.com,Radford pointed out that since "There is no reference sample ofBigfoot DNA to compare it with, by definition, there cannot be aconclusive match."
Ketchum's work isn'tthe only ongoing research project aimed at trying to confirm, throughDNA, the existence of Bigfoot.
In the U.K.,researchers from Oxford University and the Lausanne Museum of Zoologyare examining alleged Bigfoot remains to test for unusual DNA.Their results will be submitted to a peer-reviewed scientificjournal.
One theory about apossible explanation for Bigfoot or Sasquatch is that it could turnout to be a large primate called Gigantopithecus, 9-foot-tallapes that presumably went extinct around 100,000 years ago.
"My workinghypothesis has always been that this is very likely Gigantopithecusextant -- that we have a species that's in the right place at theright time, the right size and some of the right characteristics inthe form of Gigantopithecus in East Asia during the late Pleistocene[era] to have expanded into North America," said JeffMeldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho StateUniversity.
"It's not amatter of belief or wishful thinking -- it's a matter of thepreponderance of the evidence, be it eyewitness accounts, footprintsor hair that defies identification or attribution to known species,"Meldrum told HuffPost.
"We're waitingfor the results in studies that are ongoing, looking at potential DNAevidence -- DNA sequences extracted from samples of hair and bloodand tissue. All of these things are the basis and motivation forundertaking this kind of approach," he said.Meldrum, authorof Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, is skeptical of most Bigfootvideos that show up on YouTube.
"In this day andage of cellphones, smartphones and Handycams, why aren't there morepictures? And there are, but it's also a testament to the fact thatmost people are lousy photographers, even if they're composed longenough to snap a picture in that brief instant of an encounter withsomething strange and unusual like this."

If a peer review ofKetchum's findings eventually confirms Bigfoot's existence to thesatisfaction of the scientific community, she's adamant about whatthe next step should be.
"I’d like tosee them have the same protections as any other human as far as theright to life, liberty and the pursuit of their own happiness,meaning that they be left alone and not put under a microscope, nothunted, not harassed, not chased through the woods -- leave themalone," she said. "They’ve existed for thousands of yearsthis way and don’t need habitats set aside. They’ve lived underour noses all this time."
Yakima Herald getsstatement from Dr. Melba Ketchum
The wholeSasquatch thing may be moving from the realm of the weird to thelevel of “truth is stranger than fiction.”

That willdepend on how mainstream science responds to the impending release ofa five-year DNA study apparently suggesting Sasquatch exists, and isnot entirely human and not entirely non-human. It is, says thestudy’s author, a hybrid cross of the two.

The researchwas done by a team led by Melba Ketchum, a former veterinarian whomoved into genetic research 27 years ago and runs DNA Diagnostics,Inc., based in Texas. Ketchum had hoped to see the results announcedin a peer-reviewed scientific journal but they were “outed” lastFriday by a note on the website of the Russia-based InternationalCenter of Hominology.

The center’sdirector, listed on the site as Dr. Igor Burtsev, wrote thatKetchum’s findings prove Sasquatch or Bigfoot “is human like usonly different, a hybrid of a human with unknown species.”

Reached ontelephone Monday, Ketchum said the 50-page manuscript containing theresearch and DNA findings is still in peer review at a scientificjournal. As for whether the premature announcement would impact that,she said, “I hope not. So far we haven’t heard anything that saysit’s going to stop it.” As for when the study might becomepublic, she said, “in weeks instead of many months, that’s forsure.”

Ketchum saidthe study had sequenced “three complete Sasquatch nuclear genomes”and determined the species is a human hybrid — “the result ofmales of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homosapiens.”

Sasquatchnuclear DNA, Ketchum said, “is incredibly novel and not at all whatwe had expected. While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome,there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin (memberof the genus Homo, including Homo sapiens), and non-ape sequences.We describe it as a mosaic of human and novel non-humansequence.”

What does that mean in non-scientific terms?David Paulides of North America Bigfoot Research, one of severalprivate groups and individuals that financed the DNA study, said theresearch makes one thing clear: Sasquatch isn’t nonexistent and itisn’t an ape. It’s human. Or, at least, partly human.

“It falls inthe realm of human,” Paulides said. “It has a human mother we canidentify, that somehow evolved in the last 15,000 years, but in anunusual aspect of this we can’t track the father or find out whothe father is. Based on millions of DNA strains that exist around theworld, the father doesn’t exist.

“The onlyspecies we can identify is human. The male that procreated isunidentifiable.”

Then what is it?

“Some peopleout there have said we’ve used this word, ‘angel DNA.’ That isnot true,” said Paulides, a former police officer in San Jose,Calif. “But there is some very unusual aspects to that male DNAthat cannot be explained right now.”

Ketchum’sTexas lab didn’t do all of the testing. She said 13 labs — atuniversities, state-run forensive labs and private-sector facilities— were involved in the process, which included blind studies “andrepeatability on most of it.” She said the labs tested 109samples of all kinds — hair, tissue, blood and saliva.

“And allof them had the same results,” Paulides said. “If someonepooh-poohs it, they either haven’t read (the study) or they justrefuse to believe it.”

AnotherSasquatch DNA-research project is underway at Oxford University inEngland, but is entirely unrelated to the Ketchum study, said ThomCantrall, a Sasquatch author who hosted an international Sasquatchsymposium in the Tri-Cities last s summer.

“They’renot working in concert at all,” Cantrall said. “It’s entirelydifferent, with entirely different samples. Some of the samples arefrom the same people.”

The release ofKetchum’s findings, Cantrall said, is “igniting a war” amongdifferent factions in the Bigfoot-believing community — thoseadamant that the creature is an ape or gorilla, and those who areconvinced it’s more human than not.

The earlyannouncement of Ketchum’s research “has the ape faction totallyup in arms,” Cantrall said. “There’s so much personalpsychology involved here — people who have staked their reputationon (Sasquatch) being ape that they can’t back away from that.”

Paulides saidforensic testing of supposed Sasquatch hair and tissue samplesthrough the years, including early DNA testing, has always come backas human. That invariably led to the presumption that the samples hadbeen contaminated by the humans who had gathered them, he said —instead of what he said has been obvious for many years to someresearchers, including himself: That the tests were correct allalong. That Sasquatch is, if not human, at least a distant cousin.

Cantrall saidhe had “a tremendous fear” over what might happen to what hecalled “the Sasquatch population” over the coming months andyears. If the creatures are indeed human, the government will seek toinsure their safety, he said, noting that federal protections for thespotted owl will seem “only miniscule” in comparison.

“Really, theonly protection (Sasquatch individuals) need is protection from beingmurdered,” he said. “Because there’s going to be that factionout there, too.”

Maybe. ASeptember post on a hunting website referencing the two Sasquatch DNAstudies ended with this little note: “PS: What gun do you thinkwould be best for when I get my first Sasquatch tag?” - YakimaHerald

29 Kasım 2012 Perşembe

Making Memories

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 It is still rough and ready, but we are mapping brain changesunderway that relate to memory. What we are mapping though are theneural pathways to the memories. It still says nothing about how itmay be recorded if it is recorded at all. As plausibly, thesememories are been re-experienced with no actual recording takingplace. Because they are not been reinforced except through the mediaitself it is prone to continuing enhancements. Thus our experiencewith the real malleability of human memory.
As I have posted before, it would be marvelously efficient to recovermemories by merely returning directly to the time and revisitingthem. It is not that I think this happens, but I do think we need tothink outside our comfort zone on this one.
Meanwhile we will soon have a higher resolution of memory inducingactivities in gthe brain.

Making Memories:Drexel Researchers Explore the Anatomy of Recollection
by Staff Writers

Philadelphia, PA(SPX) Nov 15, 2012


What was your highschool mascot? Where did you put your keys last night? Who was thefirst president of the United States? Groups of neurons in your brainare currently sending electromagnetic rhythms through establishedpathways in order for you to recall the answers to each of thesequestions.
Researchers inDrexel's School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systemsare now getting a rare look inside the brain to discover the exactpattern of activity that produces a memory.
Dr. Joshua Jacobs, aprofessor in Drexel's School of Biomedical Engineering, Science andHealth Systems, is analyzing data accumulated from 60 epilepsypatients who have had electrodes implanted on their brains in orderto determine the causes of their epileptic episodes.
"When performingseizure mapping, surgeons implant electrodes in manybrain areas,while searching for seizure activity," Jacobs said. "Thus,there many electrodes end up being in normal brain tissue, and theymeasure neuronal activity that reflects normal brain function - thisis the function that we're studying to learn about the nature ofworking memory."
A Hi-Res Look at theBrain
This type of studyis unique because researchers are essentially looking at a moredetailed picture of the brain than those generated from the morecommon electroencephalogram (EEG)and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).

"Because theelectrodes are implanted directly on the brain surface, inside of theskull, they measure brain activity more precisely than noninvasivetechnique, such as EEG or MRI," Jacobs said. "This revealsmore detailed brain patterns than can be observed with externalrecording technology."
Jacobs equates hisresearch technique to using a set of microphones to record anorchestra. If each microphone is positioned right next to anindividual instrument, it gives a better recording than if themicrophones are outside of the building.
The Mental TimeMachine
Jacobs and hisresearch assistants are monitoring patients'memory-relatedbrain activity in two ways.

First, for somesubjects, they record brain activity near the electrodes while askingthe patients a series of questions designed to make them use theiractive memory. The prompts include exercises such as reciting asequence of letters or numbers or remembering information about setsthat are presented to them. The process of coming up with theseanswers activates the parts of the brain responsible for working, orshort-term, memory.
For other subjects,the researchers add electric stimulus to various sets of electrodeswhile questioning the patient and recording the effects of theadministered stimuli on the patients' responses.
In a recent study, arare opportunity presented itself to combine the two types of brainmonitoring and data collection. This testing that has yielded one ofJacobs' most interesting discoveries thus far.
"We explored therare but fascinating phenomenon of how applying electrical current toa patient's brain surface causes them to remember oldmemories," Jacobs said.
During a series oftesting sessions with a single patient, the researchers stimulated anarea of the patient's brain that triggered his high school memories.
In a follow-up a weeklater, Jacobs asked the patient a series of questions, including someabout high school experiences and people from high school, whilemonitoring the brain activity. What he found was that the areas ofthe brain that he stimulated to cause the patient to have memoriesabout high school, were the same areas that responded when thepatient was asked to recall information about high school on his own.
"By conductingthis unique experiment that combined brain stimulation andnormal recordings without stimulation, our findings suggest thatstimulation causes memory retrieval when it puts the brain back inthe old brain state that corresponds to a memory," Jacobs said."Thus, stimulation causes a sort of neural time travel."
Moving Forward onThinking Back
Jacobs is in histhird year of research in conjunction with The University ofPennsylvania, Jefferson Hospital and UCLA's medical center. Thus farhe's examined 60 subjects, but the research has already yielded someintriguing results, including the high school memory discovery, whichJacobs recently published in the Journal ofCognitive Neuroscience and presented at the Society forNeuroscience.

One of the ways thatJacobs' work could prove valuable in mental health studies is byhelping to answer questions about the nature of schizophrenia. Arecent grant from the Brain and Behavior Research FoundationScientific Council has charged Jacobs to examine the link betweendisruptions in working-memory pathways and schizophrenia.
"Going forward, Iam interested in characterizing how the human brain represents arange of different memories and, in particular, distinguishing theextent to which separate memories are stored in individual,specialized brain regions or whether memories arerepresented throughout the entire brain," Jacobs said.

Cape Girardeau 1942 UFO Retrieval

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This is the first time that I have had this report to reviewand it is critically important because it is the first that led clearly to areported recovery.  Yet little has beendone to track what happened to the data itself. It certainly was not buried in this farmer’s field.
It all also happened before any military or governmentagency had a reason to establish a response protocol at all.  So that background should not contaminate theevidence.
Somewhere there are real paper reports on all this buried inarchives.  Why have they not surfaced?  Otherwise, we have to believe that some folksdid pick up the bodies and then just buried them while also perhaps crushingthe craft and selling it for scrap.  Thiswould be gross negligence even in the eighteenth century.  It did not happen that way.
However it all disappeared and we are left with realphotographs dated from the time and place that simply could not have beenimagined then.  In fact we waited a lotof years to get equal information.

Before Roswell: The Cape Girardeau UFO Crash / Retrieval

The following is an update with added information to a previous post. Unlikethe Roswellevent, this incident had many civilian witnesses. There have been twobooks and onedocumentary dedicated to this event...but far less attentionthan the 1947 Roswell crash:

One of the most mysterious stories of a crashed UFO with alien bodies precededthe well know Roswellevents by some six years. This case was first brought to investigators by LeoStringfield in his book UFOCRASH/RETRIEVALS: The Inner Sanctum, Status Report VI He opened a tantalizing account of amilitary controlled UFO crash retrieval which is still being researchedtoday. The details of the case were sent to him in a letter from oneCharlette Mann, who related her minister-grandfather's deathbed confession ofbeing summoned to pray over alien crash victims outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouriin the spring of 1941. Reverend William Huffman had been an evangelist for manyyears, but had taken the resident minister reigns of the Red Star Baptist Churchin early 1941. Church records corroborate his employment there duringthe period in question.

After receiving this call to duty, he was immediately driven the 10-15 milejourney to some woods outside of town. Upon arriving at the scene of the crash,he saw policemen, fire department personnel, FBI agents, and photographersalready mulling through the wreckage. He was soon asked to pray over three deadbodies. As he began to take in the activity around the area, his curiosity wasfirst struck by the sight of the craft itself.

Expecting a small plane of some type, he was shocked to see that thecraft was disc-shaped, and upon looking inside he sawhieroglyphic-like symbols, indecipherable to him. He then was shown thethree victims, not human as expected, but small alien bodies with largeeyes, hardly a mouth or ears, and hairless. Immediately after performinghis duties, he was sworn to secrecy by military personnel who had takencharge of the crash area. [already we have a military response inthe face of the strange.  -  recall that the War of the Worlds broadcastwas then only three years before in 1938. Unbelievably, this fear of mass panic really does date back to the 1938broadcast and explains the military protocol – Arclein ] He witnessed these warnings being given to others at the scene also.

As he arrived back at his home at 1530 Main Street, he was still in a state of mildshock, and could not keep his story from his wife Floy, and his sons. This latenight family discussion would spawn the story that Charlette Mann would hearfrom her grandmother in 1984, as she lay dying of cancer at Charlette's homewhile undergoing radiation therapy. Charlette was told the story over the spanof several days, and although Charlette had heard bits and pieces of this storybefore, she now demanded the full details.

As her grandmother tolerated her last few days on this Earth, Charlette knew itwas now or never to find out everything she could before this intriguing storywas lost with the death of her grandmother. She also learned that one of themembers of her grandfather's congregation, thought to be Garland D.Fronabarger, had given him a photograph taken on the night of thecrash. This picture was of one of the dead aliens being help up by twomen. -ufocasebook.com

Local UFO probe Researcher seeks answers to report of crash in 1941

A Virginia man is investigating thepossibility that a UFO crashed near Cape Girardeau in 1941. "That would be six yearsbefore Roswell," said James Westwood of Centreville, Va., referringto the 1947 incident in which the government allegedly recovered and thencovered up a UFO crash in New Mexico. "That would put Cape Girardeau Countyon the UFO map." he said.

Southeast Missouri already is known for UFOactivity. Dr. Harley Rutledge, a former chairman of the physics department atSoutheast Missouri State University who is now retired, hasinvestigated reports of strange sights seen flying through the skies near Piedmont and other UFO reports.

"Project Identification: The First Scientific Field Study of UFOPhenomena" outlines Rutledge's research.

Westwood said Rutledge told him he has not heard of the 1941 incident.Westwood, a retired Navy man and engineer; is looking for people who mayremember an incident from 1941 when some type of aircraft reportedly crashedapproximately ~3 to 15 miles outside Cape Girardeau.

Westwood bases his investigation on an account by Charlotte Mann, a Texas womanwhose grandfather, the Rev. William Huffman, was the pastor of Red Star Baptist Churchfrom 1941 to 1944.

Leonard H. Stringfield, a renowned UFO investigator, recounted Mann's story inthe July 1991 issue of his "Status Report," a monthly publication onUFO activities and investigations. Mann told Stringfield her grandfather got acall one spring night from police asking him to accompany them to the site ofan airplane crash outside town in case the victims needed a clergyman.

"A car was sent to get him, but grandmother said it wasn't a policecar," Mann said in Stingfield's recounting of the story. When Huffman gotto the crash scene, Mann said, he noticed one piece of the wreckage thatappeared to have a rounded shape with no edges or seams," and a "veryshiny metallic finish."

"Police officers, "plainclothes men" and "military officerswere already at the scene sifting through the wreckage, Mann said. Laid to oneside of the scene were "three bodies, not human," she recounted."It was hard for him to tell if they had on suits or if it was their skin,but they were covered head to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminumfoil," Mann said.
[  This isimportant because it informs us that they need to wear a faraday cage insidethe craft to protect them selves from powerful currents - Arclein] "He could see no hair on their bodiesand they had no ears. They were small framed like a child, about 4 feet tall,but had larger heads and longer arms." Their faces had "large,oval-shaped eyes, no noses, just holes and no lips, just small slits formouths," Mann said. Huffman was told by one of the military officers atthe scene not to tell anyone what he had witnessed for security reasons, Manntold Stringfield. Huffman told his wife, Floy, and their two Sons what he hadseen when he returned home from the crash site but never spoke of it again,said Mann.

Huffman died in 1959. His wife, who died in 1984, told Mann the story. A fewweeks after the crash, Huffman was apparently given a photo of two men holdingone of the corpses found at the scene. Mann's father loaned the photo to afriend but never saw it again.

Now Westwood, who read Mann's account in Stringfield's publication, is lookingfor other who may remember hearing about the crash. "What you need here isanother source, at least one other person who says, I sort of rememberthis," Westwood said. "Even if it's second-hand account, you've atleast got another source.

"Mann's account says the crash happened in the spring. Westwood speculatesit may actually have happened in the fall because of the mention of a fieldfire caused by the crash. In the spring, he reasons, vegetation would havebeen too wet to burn easily. "But in the fall, it's very dry,"he said.

He also speculates the military officers on the scene may havebeen called in from an Army Air Corps base in Sikeston at the time. If the crash happened,the military and police wouldn't have known what they were looking at, Westwoodsaid, because Roswelland the other early UFO sightings hadn't happened. And the incidentmay have been covered up for military security reasons since the U.S. wasgearing up for World War II, he said. "It wouldn't be implausible"for the incident to have been reported as an airplane crash, Westwoodsaid.
[!!! – no next of kin and little fuss - arclein]

Westwood began researching Mann's story at the beginning of the year.He has been in Cape Girardeaufor the last week reviewing local records and looking for potential sources. Hehasn't had much luck. So far; no one he has talked to has admitted to knowinganything.

"There isn't anything that I would consider even close," Westwoodsaid. He found a report of a student pilot's airplane crash near Morley in Scott Countyin May 1941, and a local pilot told him about another crash near Oak Ridge that happened inspring 1941.

The other problem is the Huffmans left the area not long after the allegedcrash. The Cape Girardeaucity directory lists the Huffmans from 1942 to 1944, but they aren't listed inthe 1945 directory. Records from the Southeast Missourian say Huffman becamethe pastor of the church in September 1941.

And Stringfield, who investigated hundreds of reports of UFO crashes andretrievals, died in 1994. His family has refused to release his files to otherresearchers.

Westwood says he has never seen a UFO or been in contact withextraterrestrials. "There's no doubt in my mind that UFOs are real flyingobjects from outer space," he said. He points to similarities in thousandsof sightings and reports from people who have reported having contact withextraterrestrials as evidence that something is out there. But what he callsthe "cultism" surrounding the study of UFOs and false reports byattention-seeking hysterics detracts from evidence given by witnesses or peoplewho claim contact, Westwood says, "aren't any crazier than anybodyelse."

Tracing UFO reports is "an interesting kind of detective story,"Westwood said. "It's a Sherlock Holmes kind of thing in which you have tosort through a lot of BS looking for those nuggets. In the end, some of thethings fit, and some Things don't"

The Roswellcrash and recovery isn't the only UFO crash in the annals of the study ofUFOs, Westwood said. "It's just the best known," he said.- Peggy O'Farrel, Southeast Missourian (CSETI)

[ What this tells us of course itthat UFO retrieval has been an ongoing program that may7 even have begun beforethis event.  Certainly this photo wastaken before the troops arrived and likely avoided seizure that way. - arclein ]

NOTE: Here is the MUFON pdf 

THEFIRST ROSWELL - Evidence For A Crash Retrieval In Cape Girardeau Missouri In1941...Lon

Summary: Interview with Charlette Mann, granddaughter of ReverandWilliam Huffman who was called in 1941 to pray over the bodies of alien crashvictims. Charlette recounts the experience as told by her grandmother beforeher grandmother's death in 1984.


Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Non-Human Craft and BodiesRetrieval in 1941

Charlette Mann, Spiritual Counselor, Tyler, Texas, and Granddaughter ofSouthern Baptist Minister William Huffman who began his ministry in CapeGirardeau, Missouriin 1941. "My father had this picture which I had seen ­ I don't know whenI saw it the first time. I've seen it many, many times. And it was a picture ofa little alien being that was held up under the arm pits. There was a man oneither side and they had one hand under the arm pit and then further out on thearm because the little guy had much larger, longer arms than we have. And Igrew up seeing that occasionally at home. I didn't think much about it asyounger. But as I grew older, I began to ask questions about it because I wasalways very fascinated with the eyes. I wasn't afraid of them exactly, but theyhaunted me.

My grandmother became ill with cancer and so she spent a great deal of time inmy home taking chemotherapy and staying with us until she was a little bitstronger. That was shortly before her death that I began to ask her questions.And I tried to make them very open ended. I didn't want to lead her intoanything and I asker her if she recalled that evening when grandfather hadreceived a call. And it took me quite a few days to even convince her after allthese years and grandfather having passed away quite some time ago to breakthat bond or confidence that they had made. Grandfather ­ and this is how it wasrelated by my grandmother and then I knew ­ if it came out of my grandmother'smouth, I knew it was correct.


It was in 1983 to 1984 and passed away ­ I'm not good with dates it was in theyear of 1984, I believe. She was here at my home. She lived in Missouri at the time,but I brought her here and she stayed in my home.






We talked about it and she thought, and I still strongly believe, that it wasthe latter part of April. The reason being is that my mother and father werethere visiting grandmother and grandpa and she was expecting my sister. Mysister was born on May 3, 1941. And so, they had been there 3 or 4 weeks beforeMother delivered.


Well, they were sitting around visiting and it was 8 or 9 o clock of theevening. The phone rang and grandfather went to the telephone. He talked for alittle bit and hung up the phone. What was said at that time was that someonefrom, had called the police department, or we assumed it was the policedepartment, and they had reported what they saw was a plane crash, that theperson whose property it was on had seen it. It had landed into a field andthere was some fire associated. So, they asked if grandfather would be willingto go out with them to the scene in case there were some people who might needprayer or assistance because they weren't quite sure what they were headed to.

So, he agreed to do that and a car was sent for him. They picked him up. Idon't know how long he was gone. She didn't ever tell me that, but for awhile.It was later because they stayed up late to wait. When he came back, he wasvery shaken and it took a lot to shake my grandfather. She said that he setdown and told her, 'I'm going to tell you what has happened. You can neverrepeat it and I will never speak of it again.'

And he said that when he got out there that it wasn't a crashed plane at all.There were some civilians. We assume probably people who lived near the farmwhere it had crashed, near the people who had placed the call. Neighbors. Ibelieve there was a newspaper man from the newspaper. I believe there mighthave been fire people at the time. But some civilian people.

Grandfather described what he saw was a saucer-shape that had broken in halfand you could walk up to see inside. He saw a lot of panel of things he didn'tknow. Gauges, different things and small little seats that lookedchildren-sized. The thing that seemed to impress him the most and intrigued himthe most was there was a band around it of a type of metal that he was notfamiliar with. It looked as if it had hieroglyphic, like Egyptian-type, writingthat he assumed was writing.

 Southern Baptist ReverendWilliam Huffman, witness to the crash in Missouri,began his ministry in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941. Photographcourtesy Reverend Huffman's granddaughter, Charlette Mann, and Majestic-12documents researcher, Ryan Wood. (credit: Genealogical Research)


On the inside. And that there were three beings, thrown. They were on theoutside and assumed they were thrown out (by the crash). One was stillbreathing, was not dead. Grandfather knelt down next to him and he expired, buthe prayed over each and every one of them."

In 1999, Charlette Mann drew what she remembered seeing in the photograph thather father kept of the 1941 incident. Around her drawing, she wrote: "MyGrandfather stated that the being was not alive at the time of this picturebeing taken. The picture was approximately 9 inches by 9 inches and hadscalloped (white) edges. This is how the little Alien was being held in thepicture I saw of my grandfather's (incident). There were some trees. The grasswas ankle high and deeper in places. I was so fixed on his eyes I don't recallas much other details as I might have." She also noted that the man on theright in her drawing "had on dress slacks, wide brimmed hat. They both hadwhite shirts on." The man on the right had "his sleeves rolled up.The other had a short waist coat jacket. There was no one else in the pictureexcept these three."

It seemed to be a child-sized being, probably 4 feet tall, maybe. It wasdifficult to tell if it had on a metallic suit or if its skin ­ it kind oflooked like crinkled aluminum foil, but soft. I stated in speaking about itsince then, he looked as if he had no bone structure, but kind of like octopustentacles would appear soft like that. Very large oval eyes. I have never everseen anything like it until at one point several years ago, I saw WhitleyStrieber's book cover on Communion, and that alien being, that face, was thefirst I had seen ­ not exactly the same, but fairly close. Larger head. Thedark oval eyes. Large eyes. It didn't really have a nose. It looked like twolittle dots, like someone had taken a pencil. and marked two dots. I don'trecall the mouth. It was more as if you took a knife and slit across. No lips,nothing like that.

I can't recall the feet because I never could hardly get past those eyes. I dorecall it had a small framed body. The arms were much longer than our arms.Their hands ­ I don't know how many fingers it had exactly, but I do recallthat it was not formed like our hand. But there were less fingers and muchlonger.


Oh, absolutely not. They were there before the military got there.


They were local people. The photograph itself was in a rural field-like countrysetting. In other words, it was grass that is grown up, or wheat or whateverhappened to be in the field. I remember there being a large tree in one area ofit. There were no other people who were visible. There were two men, one oneach side, that were holding the alien up. Each one of them had one hand underthe armpit and then had hold of the arm further out, not quite reaching thewrist, but fairly close.


I think so, because they went completely across their bodies and were stillextended further out.

The alien, I don't know how to describe it exactly other than to say itactually did not look like it had on clothes, but there were no physical maleor female features. And it looked crinkled, kind of shiny, if you will, as ifit could have been aluminum foil and crinkled. So, I don't know if that was asuit or his skin, but it covered every part of him. You couldn't see seams orbuttons or anything like that.


No, they were out just normal. As I said, the eyes were looked just huge ovalwith blackness. No expression.


Vertical, up and down.


Yes. And two little dots for what I would have called a nose and a slit for themouth.


I don't remember ­ no, no ears like we have ears. I can't say he had ears, no.I couldn't see a side view of where the ear might have been, so I don't know ifhe would have had the same little dots like for the nose. I don't know. But no,not ears like ours at all.


It did not actually ­ that's why I say it's hard to know what you were lookingat because there was no seam. It wasn't like if you have a suit and there is acollar with a seam. It just blended or moved into. I don't know how else todescribe it.


Being a B&W photograph, it's hard to distinguish. No, it was not darker. Ifanything, lighter.


Most of its face.


I do remember as if he had ­ I don't remember seeing more than 3 fingers andthey were very, very long, much longer than ours. I don't recall seeing anyfingernails, but I can't swear to that because I was so taken with the face.But I do know he did not have 5 digits. That I can tell you. It seemed to bemore like three and they were quite elongated and both hands were the same.


I don't ­ it's odd. I don't recall seeing his feet. I just was too taken withthe face. I noted that he was, I know he had legs. But I can't describe thefeet for you at all. I'm sorry, but I just didn't focus on them.


No, because he ­ I think the picture was taken while he was ministering to theone who he said still seemed to be taking short breaths. And so, the other twowere ­ several said dead on impact. So, he knew it was one of those that thepicture was taken of. How he came about ­ he wasn't aware that that picture hadbeen taken. But someone came to the house, this gentleman came to the house twoweeks later and he seemed, Grandmother said, 'Very, very frightened.' And hewanted someone that he trusted to have a copy. Hew felt like someone shouldhave a copy of the picture and he asked grandfather if he would take it and hedid. So, that's how we came about to even having it."

Military Arrives and Orders Secrecy in the Interest of National Security

While this was taking place, all of a sudden, military just showed up,surrounded, and overran the place. Grandfather was taken aside as were severalof them and they were told that they had not seen what had taken place, that itwas high security as far as the government (was concerned) ­ national security.So, they weren't to speak of it.

Nowadays, we probably wouldn't (obey). But in that day and time, if you said tomy grandfather, 'This is about our country and this is important and it will bedetrimental.' He truly never did speak of it again to our knowledge.

So, I think they (military) scared some of them much more than it did mygrandfather. My grandfather seemed to be more shaken with the fact that therewere alien beings. But anyway, they (military) dispersed them. Grandfather camehome. That would have been that, except one of the men, a photographers hadtaken I guess a personal camera ­ one of his own ­ in addition to hisprofessional newspaper camera. He had taken some pictures. That was the one Ilater saw.


No, they were not fire workers. They were definitely two civilian peopleholding up one of the deceased aliens.


This one, yes.


The eyes appeared just ­ yes, they did. I don't know if they have eyelids. Idon't know. I can only tell you what I saw. I can't explain it. I don't try. Idon't want to tamper with it. I just give the account that was given to me. Theeyes were very visible.


I don't think any of that in that kind of order was ever discussed. So, I don'tknow about smell. He did say about the breathing, that's why he believed him(alien) not deceased. There were a few short, shallow breaths. He did mentionthat. I can only say that grandmother said he was forever changed by it. He wasa southern Baptist minister for 40 years of his life, but he became much lessrigid, much more accepting of unexplained things after that. Now, that wasrelayed to me through my grandmother and my father. But none of the other thatyou speak of, I'm sorry to say.


We never heard anything else after grandfather came home and gave his account.There was never anything else mentioned.


Well, I would have thought that until the last few years in finding out what Ihave about our government and our news media. If you can keep the bomb that wasdropped on Hiroshima a secret with the number of people involved and the numberof people who worked on that, then I'm convinced they can keep, they can reallyquell a story if they desire to. And I think it wasn't just their ability, buthow it was presented to the people and how they accepted that responsibility atthe time. I don't believe it was covered in the newspaper as what it actuallywas. I don't know if you went back and traced the papers if there would be amention of ­ a plane crash or ­ I don't know because granddad knew it hadhappened. He didn't need proof for himself and he wasn't going to talk aboutit. And my dad just didn't go after the facts. I'm not sure ­ you have to bekind of a researcher to know how you do that and I just don't know that heknew. I guess it's just if you have seen the picture, and we had that, wedidn't need any proof and we weren't, my intent has never been ­ I'm not out toprove anything to anybody. I can't answer all the questions correctly. I canonly give the account of the picture I saw and what was related to me."- Genealogical Research / Southeast 


East Texans Shares "Family Secret" Of UFO Sighting

"I was not a big UFO person, didn't know much about it other than my ownexperience." Sitting in her Tyler, Texas home, Charlotteman tells us about her experience, which she calls the "family secret,"many of the details discovered on her grandparents deathbeds.

It was April, 1941 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Around 9:30 p.m., Charlotte's grandfather,Reverend William Huffman, got a call about a plane crash and was asked to help."When they got out there, it wasn't a plane crash at all. It was a saucer,was how he described it," says Charlotte.

According to the story, 3 alien bodies lay on the ground next to the spaceship;two already dead. "However, granddad said the third one when he got tohim, he was breathing very shallow and so he did pray with him. He did expireas he was on his knees praying for him. He then went to the other two andprayed over them."

Charlotte'sgrandfather then took a closer look at the spaceship. "What he was mostimpressed with was in the inside there were writings, but he did not recognizeit. He said it looked similar to hieroglyphics. The Egyptianhieroglyphics," explains Charlotte.

Quickly, the scene was covered with military personnel and Reverend Huffman wassworn to secrecy. Charlottesays, "He was told, 'This did not happen. You did not see this. This isenormous national security. You're not to ever speak of it again.'"

But the enormity of what he had witnessed was too much for a man. The shock onhis face told what his words, at first, did not. Then after gaining theirpromise, he shared with his family what had happened. "Granddad was aquiet man to begin with but grandmother said the look on his face wasdifferent," says Charlotte.

A few weeks after the UFO crash, Reverend Huffman was given a picture takenthat night by a local photographer. "He felt like someone else besideshimself should have a copy and granddad was the only one he trusted. So he gavehim a copy of the picture. So I had seen that picture all growing up."Charlotte goes on to say, "You couldn't see those big eyes and not beaffected. It wasn't anything I had ever seen."

That picture went missing years ago after her grandfather loaned it to afriend, who never returned it. But seeing that picture and knowing theintegrity of her grandfather, Charlottebelieves the story is true. But, she never had any proof until a few years agowhile doing research for a documentary on the crash.

"We got validation by going to the archives in Washington D.C.And to see a top secret declassified document that stated that there was infact a crash retrieval in 1941 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, for me, I have notforgotten holding that paper in my hand and realizing that my family's storywas real, was solid, and for me was just an answer to a long timequestion."

But Charlotteknows some people will still be skeptical. "That's OK with me. I don'thave to convince anybody. I just have to know what's true for me. I think it'sarrogant to think that a God that we have that is so awesome, created just us.I also don't think that we have to worry about a huge threat from them becauseif that were their intention, that would have happened a long time ago."

Charlotte's story is one of many involving UFO's and she's quick to point out,it won't be the last, saying the next extraterrestrial visit is not far away."I don't think that's a thing of the future. I just think we're going tosee more of it and Stephenville is just the beginning of it happening everywhere.I think there will always be things that we are not aware of but we shouldalways keep an open mind for possibilities."

The UFO crash of 1941 in Missouricontinues to be researched and investigated today. So far, the story has beenincluded in two books and one documentary. - KLTV

Higgs Boson Not GOD Particle

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No itis not the GOD particle. What it does do is fill another slotinferred from symmetry that needed to exist. It is I think the mostmassive but I may be wrong on that.
Thereal GOD particle will turn out to be the neutral neutrino which wemay never actually detect. I have actually modeled it and describedit in an unpublished paper. It represents the dominant content ofthe universe and is most certainly what is described as 'darkmatter'. It is actually quite neat although it will give you aheadache.
Mymetric, introduced in my published paper allow us to calculate thecurvature generated by the GOD particle at any point in space. Thisallows us to construct larger particles that make up the StandardModel provided we have a very big computer.
Inthe event we have a pretty good picture of the empirical world andunderstand how to adjust the scaling as needed.
'Higgs' boson maynot be 'God particle'
British physicist Peter Higgs leaves after a news conference update in the search for the Higgs boson at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin near Geneva July 4, 2012. (REUTERS/Denis Balibouse)

GENEVA,SWITZERLAND - A new elementary particle whose discovery wasannounced with fanfare to a waiting world in July may be just alittle less exciting than scientists had hoped.
Reporting on aconference in Kyoto where the latest data from their Large HadronCollider (LHC) was presented, scientists at the CERN Europeanresearch centre said on Thursday it seemed very likely that theparticle was indeed the long-sought Higgs boson, which gives mass tomatter.
But rather than anexotic beast opening the door to new realms of cosmology as some hadhoped, the data increasingly suggests it is a “Standard ModelHiggs” fitting into the current scientific concept of the universe,they asserted.
It is still tooearly to tell, but the new particle looks like, sings like, anddances more and more like a Higgs boson,” said Pauline Gagnon,a physicist on the LHC Atlas experiment, one of three which analysethe data.
Oliver Buchmueller, ofthe rival but parallel CMS experiment, told Reuters “the evidencefor it being the Higgs gets stronger and stronger as we go along.”
But there was still nosign of it being more unusual than originally predicted.
The prime task of the$10 billion LHC was to find the Higgs, without which the primevalchaos of flying particle debris after the Big Bang, 13.7 billionyears ago, could not have formed into stars, planets and galaxies.
Existence of theparticle was postulated in 1964 by British physicist Peter Higgs, whosaw it filling a gap in the Standard Model, a blueprint of how theuniverse works at the fundamental level fully developed from the1970s.
Scientists sought totrack it from the 1980s and finally succeeded in spotting somethinglike it two years after the LHC went into operation in 2010.
But they insisted theystill had to establish its existence with what they call 5-sigma - orabsolutely total – certainty.
They had also hopedtheir search would find at least some evidence for moreout-of-the-box concepts such as super-symmetry, dark matter and darkenergy - beyond the Standard Model and part of what they call fall“New Physics.”
Super-symmetry couldtheoretically account for the dark matter believed to make up nearly25 percent of the known universe - of which no more than five percentis visible. But no sign of that has come so far, the reports fromKyoto say.
However, the CERNscientists have not given up hope that something more exotic mightemerge. For the Higgs-like particle to presage super-symmetry, itwould have to come in at least five different varieties.
The challenge is tomeasure all the properties of the new particle in detail. It willtake time to establish a comprehensive understanding of its trueunderlying nature,” said Buchmueller, who is working onsuper-symmetry.
Scientists are nowlooking to the years after 2014 when the power of the circularcollider is doubled, and even beyond to the construction