3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Toy Companies Feel Wind of Tablet Competition

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 Well maybe and maybe not. The problem is that we are inept atoptimizing the child's experience so that he is rewarded forimproving his brain functionality. The bad news is that I think itcan be done and really be beneficial also. The brain has a number offunctionalities that need to be worked in order for them to beoptimized. The best time to start is always as soon as possible.
It is not the tablet but the promise of the tablet that now clearlyhas the horsepower to manage robotic toys and soon will. We willlikely have to develop new toy concepts to properly exploit all this. What is really happening is that the toy industry is smelling thefirst winds of serious competition and like everyone else will findit difficult to make the adjustment.
And yes, a much better 'educated child will soon be going up marketsooner except we do not know what has happened to the sales curve oflater toys already so impacted. Possibly little will happen as thereis never an end to doting parents.
Toy companies'terrified' of tablets
New York (UPI) Dec25, 2012


A U.S. toy industryanalyst says toymakers Mattel and Hasbro are "terrified" ofchildren turning away from traditional toys toward tablet computers.
Sean McGowan, managingdirector of equity research at investment banking firm Needham &Company, said children as young as 3 years old are receiving tabletssuch as iPads and Kindle Fires for Christmas this year, instead ofBarbie and other traditional playthings, The Financial Times reportedTuesday.
"The top twoguys, Mattel and Hasbro, they are terrified," McGowan said."They should be terrified, but the official party line isthey're not terrified."
Hasbro officials saidthe company is working to catch up to the tech-savvy youngsters.
"Clearly,young people have an aptitude for and expectation with digitalplatforms that we need to recognize," said John Frascotti,chief marketing officer for Hasbro.
Frascotti said one ofthe company's attempts to recognize the importance of digital mediais the reinvention of popular 1990s toy Furby, which now comes with afree mobile app used to "feed" the toy and translate itslanguage, "Furbish," into English.
Mattel officialsdeclined to comment

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