1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Immaculate Conception to Genetic Deception

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The fundamental problem with spiritual guidance is that there isgenerally no guidance. You are asked to go figure it out foryourself and what is provided anyway is far too unwittingly selfserving. On your own it is way to easy to read personal prejudicesinto spiritual texts long before it is possible to grasp a differentstate of being. You must not only read the words but at the sametime shift your perspective. Good luck when I can attest that thereis little that is more difficult.
I crafted a manuscript titled Paradigms Shift in which I change theintellectual framework for a number of topics. What I observed frommy readers was that they were quite all right when on ground in whichthey had scant knowledge, yet on ground in which they had gonethrough appropriate course work their resistance rose exponentially. I want you to think about that. Your brain will resist new knowledgeand you must faithfully massage new ideas until they become easy andobvious. This will not happen unless an authority tells you to.
Read this item. What this will do is instruct that spiritualconsciousness exists and that its proper nurturing entails learning acompletely different mindset until it becomes natural. Accessing thespiritual realm is difficult, but it can be done by everyone whoworks at it. What Jesus demonstrated is that it can even to a degreeunsuspected be also applied directly like a tool.
This gift was provided us in GOD's dispensation to humanity upon beentasked with Terra-forming the Earth. If we ever fully knew how touse it, the knowledge has been largely lost or ignored out ofignorance. That is my new insufferable idea for the day.
From I
December 24, 2012

The Christconsciousness with which humanity is endowed, and which tookphysical form in Jesus Christ some 2,000 years ago, is arevolutionary gift. It has the power to transform, to heal and topenetrate the darkness with light.  However, it is a gift whichstill remains largely sealed away from human consciousness,covered over by the cult of consumption and religious orthodoxy
What this greatprophet of 2,000 years past was able to teach and to demonstratewas that such a state of (higher) consciousness ‘exists’ and hasalways existed; and that it is freely available to us all, being anincontrovertible part of our very DNA and of every cell andcorpuscle of our bodies.
I have chosen to usethe expression ‘Christ Consciousness’ not because it is any moresignificant than other high prophetic teachings, but because asignificant portion of Western society’s spiritual inheritanceis founded on the words and works of the prophet Jesus Christ. Suchteaching has the role of passing-on in the earthly plain of existencethat which originates in the great cosmic plain of existence, ofwhich we and our planet are an integral part. However it has seldomsucceeded in this role, largely due to the fact that ‘religiousorthodoxy’ has contrived to take control of the spiritual realm,claiming unto itself ‘the moral high ground’ and giving itselfthe authority to censor the revolutionary quality of the originalmessage.
Every culture hasits shamans, gurus, saints and spiritual masters.Shiva, Buddha, Krishna, Mohamed and Abraham, to name just afew. All their teachings have a common theme: ‘mankind is createdin the image of God’ and the realisation and manifestation ofthis Godly state is the true goal and purpose of humanity’sexistence here on earth. They also all state that love andcompassion are central attributes of the human condition.
That is why I startedby saying that we are endowed with a revolutionary gift.
But when this Godlygift is disassociated from its human expression and consigned insteadto being the sole attribute of our Creator – then the teachings ofJesus Christ and other great prophets, become fundamentallysubverted. The revolutionary ‘divine soul seed’ which we arecalled upon to nurture into its fullness of being is insteadcarefully sanitized and locked away from the light.
Having so disposed ofour birthright, we seem to feel liberated, as though we have ridourselves of some odious burden. But all we have succeeded in doingis to wrap ourselves in a state of profound self deceptionandcall it ‘freedom’. In denying the divine inheritance – which isencoded in our genes – we effectively shut off the lines ofcommunication with our Creator and set off down the road of geneticdeception. Genetic deception, quite literally meaning: ‘an attemptto deceive our genes’.
Within the DivineCreation Plan homo sapiens has been endowed with the ability todecide his own destiny: we have ‘free will’.  Thus we humanshave evolved into the unique position of being able to reflect on ourstate of being as well as use our intellectual capacity to reason,compare and take considered action. The fact that we are born in theimage of our Creator and yet are endowed with this precious gift of‘free will’ (having control over our destinies) gives us a veryspecial responsibility. A responsibility to nurture our Godly giftinto a proper flowering and to direct the fruits of this floweringinto the amelioration of our society and natural environment, so thatthey come to reflect our state of being. But it is precisely herethat we face the greatest challenge and greatest danger.
What happens, if, inutilising this gift of free will, we decide that we prefer not torecognise and honour its source?
What happens if wefind that the intellectual power of the mind, stripped of itsbirthplace in the soul, appears to be an adequate tool for dealingwith our worldly concerns?
What happens if we putlove and compassion on the back burner, rationalising that theyhamper our competitive instincts, material drives and personalambitions?
The answer can befound by looking around us and into our history. A wilful mind,divorced from its marriage with the compassionate soul, runs amok,bequeathing itself special powers and high degrees of selfimportance. It becomes interested in splitting the atoms ofits origin and irreversibly  altering the genetic pool of natureof which it is part.
It starts to proclaimits superiority over all other life forms as well as overfellow humans.
It goes to war andmurders with cool impunity. It creates abstract ideas, denaturedversions of ‘progress’ and tunnel vision theories and practices.In short, it steers its deluded self into a blind alley from whichthe only escape is collapse and dissolution.
This seems to be wherea significant portion of humanity finds itself today; in anadvanced state of alienation and fragmentation. Divided into athousand parts and no longer able to see the whole or remember itstrue identity – who we are.
And yet for many, whenconfronted by the arrival of a newborn baby on our planet, this lossof memory is suddenly reversed. The immediate reaction is to coo atits shining innocence, its wide staring eyes and curious smile. Thisbaby seems to stir our memory – and what we are reminded of is thatwe are looking at ourselves; witnessing ourselves as an integratedwhole – without the fragmentation. We can say of this little beingthat he or she is indeed an ‘immaculate conception’; born in theimage of the Creator.  At this unguarded moment we are remindedthat our own wholeness and innocence is buried somewhere within andis crying to come out. The little spark of genius that stares us inthe face – exudes that same spark which we pushed to one side –because it failed to match the pact we made with the status quo:the pact of mediocrity, conformity and godlessness.
All that is wrong withlife today starts here.
In separatingourselves from ourselves we establish a dangerous, abstract andvirtual reality world. A world which quickly becomes recognised as‘the norm’ to be upheld as the politically correct mode ofbehaviour for ‘civilised society’. In clinical terms, it amountsto a state of paranoid schizophrenia and represents the underlyingmalaise of modern man and post industrial society in general. In thisstate of alienation, ‘scientists’ tinker with the building blocksof life and biochemists attempt to re-engineer the plant and animalkingdom, ultimately foisting their deluded experiments on mankind asa whole thereby turning our world into a vast and chaotic laboratory.Politicians look on and applaud. This is, after all ‘scientificadvancement’ and therefore not only perfectly acceptable – butdesirable. And even when it is considered possible that the motivesare more aligned with the lust for profit, power and control, there-engineering of the sacred seed is still given the go-ahead.
Mostimportant political and corporate decisions are made bythose suffering from this psychologically impaired and ‘alienated’condition. In fact wherever a top-down, corporate led hierarchy holdsthe reins of power. However, the fact that such hierarchies areallowed to establish such a controlling influence is strongproof of our own complicity and passivity. It is we who give theseschizoid individuals such powers, therefore it is we who must be heldresponsible for the outcome. It is here where one finds the mostconspicuous levels of denial; so many amongst us seem determined toavoid recognising their role in delivering the state of play we findaround us.
Those wishing torepresent their fellow human beings in high office should of course,in a good working democracy, exhibit a fair degree of wisdom andbalance. They should act diligently and responsibly in carrying outactions that affect all citizens within their arena. They should knowhow to balance head and heart, so as not to be arrogant ordomineering in their actions. They should be strong in rejecting thatwhich is harmful to people and the environment – and strong inpursuing and promoting that which encourages goodness and diversity.Above all, they should be seen to ‘practice what they preach.’But as we see, the realities of 21st century society are verydifferent.
Does this descriptionfit any one you know in the world of politics, big business oreven in academia?
What has become ofresponsible leadership in our time?
Why are so many of uswilling to turn a blind eye on the abject failings of others andthereby accept the unopposed misrule of our Countries? And where isthe voice of the church in all this?
It appears that thosewho seek to fill positions in society which give them access to thelevers of State can only get these positions by agreeing to selltheir souls to a largely unseen and shadowy ruling cabal. It is thiscabal which pulls the strings of the puppet politicians and senatorswhom we elect, and it is this cabal that sets the ‘real’ agenda:culminating in their dream of a top down, autocratic ‘new worldorder’. In the European context a “United States of Europe”.
The conclusion onedraws from all this, is that it is the denial of the divine inman which inevitably leads to the corruption and degradation ofthe human condition – and therefore of society as a whole.
It is within thissetting that nature’s seeds are themselves corrupted, as if tosymbolise the alienated state of humanity. We see this all tooclearly in deteriorating human health, closely aligned with achemically corrupted and genetically modified food chain. Oncevigorous human reproductive energy is increasingly becoming devoid oflife and is unable to achieve normal patterns of procreation.
When our true realityis denied ‘virtual reality’ replaces it. Virtual reality becomesthe new normal, embracing a world of deception, distortion andalienation. The simple practical values of yesteryear are lost to awhole host of up to the minute cyber distractions; just as the goodrobust foods that once filled our plates are lost to laboratoryinspired mixtures of chemical preservatives, colours and alteredgenes. In the brave new world ofmass food production, even nanotechinventions are on the menu; while real foods have to be irradiated(USA) and rendered inert because they might contain living bacteria.Life itself is thus reduced to a sterile, denatured package, offeredup for auction in the sanitized isles of hypermarket shopping malls.
So what about ushumans?
There are those whoforesee gene processing laboratories replacing the mother’swomb. Laboratory colour charts allowing parents to select the colourof the eyes and bioengineering  deciding the shape of the mouthand nose; even the desired emotional range could be programmed intothe design. Under such a regime ‘eugenics’ would be put rightback onto the map of ‘human advancement’. Already maleinfertility is running high in the United States and growing inEurope. Is it a coincidence that the spread of genetically engineeredfoods almost exactly matches the rapid rise in human infertility?
While the spark of ahigher purpose has briefly illuminated various phases of humanevolution, we appear to have failed to nurture this spark into thetransformational fire which would bring forth the Godly in us – andkeep it there.
And yet, 2,000 years ago, an outstanding prophet helped us tounderstand that homo sapiens is created in the image of the SupremeConsciousness (God) and that we have the potential torealise and manifest this divinity which lies within every one of our13 billion cells and which is etched into our very DNA. But wechose to downgrade our divinity and to compromise our greatness,preferring the safety of mediocrity to the risks of genius. Whatprice will we have to pay for such cowardice? What price our Faustianpact with the masters of deception?
A great price.
Yet, because Real Lifeis a sentient, coherent whole and not the fragmented and insentientstate that it appears to be, there is always the potential for apositive resolution, even to the worst crisis. Behindthepropaganda fuelled veil of Maya lies an Omnipotent realitywhich is the source of our divinity and the fecund pool of ourcreativity. We have only to access this divinity and we will beguided along the path of deeper destiny and beyond the reach of themasters of darkness.
But let ourselves beruled by the false gods who masquerade as the great and the allknowing – and we will remain locked into a covert pact with theforces of darkness. We will remain slaves to the technocratfinanciers, genetic engineers and corporate gangsters, and no signwill there be that we were born in the image of our Creator.
However, should wefind the courage to speak out and to challenge these false gods; tochallenge those religious proclamations of the church which continueto repress the revolutionary message of the great prophets-  then the new dawn will come rushing out to greet us, holdingwide its arms in welcoming joy.
Suddenly, as the lightpours in, we can see so clearly the falsities that surround us. Wecan recognise where the truth is spoken and where the words areshrouded in deceit. We can ‘see through’ the gamesmanship ofpolitical figureheads, phony academics, and false messiahs. A newworld of possibilities emerges in front of our eyes and a new senseof self empowerment rises in our souls. At that moment we can rejoiceand set sail on the seas of a higher calling, in the knowledge thatthe angels are guiding our voyage and that Luciferian guile can nolonger win our souls or control our minds.
This time has surelycome. A time foretold in testaments of old, through stories ofsearing light and apocalyptic darkness. Who will now deny that suchapocalyptic times are with us? The virus of greed, deceit, ulteriormotive and repression has reached epidemic proportions, manifestingas a pandemic on our planet. And no one can stand aside from somelevel of complicity in the shaping of these events.
Yet 2,000 years agoJesus proclaimed “The Truth shall set you free”.
Now the time has cometo act on this proclamation and do away with our complicity with allthat drags life down. There is but one overriding necessity at hand:to shake off the chains of illusion and cease to hide from the Truth.Now is the time to move forward and upward and to find the courage toconfront and to remove those obstacles that are placed in our path.We each have the joyous task of laying the stepping stones that willreach beyond the Fall. We have this power –  and weowe it to our Creator to act on it: for we are offspring of thedivine sparks of immaculate conception and not the sterile clones ofgenetic deception.
About the Author
Julian Rose is aBritish pioneer organic farmer, writer and activist. He is currentlypresident of the ‘International Coalition to Protect the PolishCountryside’ which is leading the fight against GMO in Poland. Heis author of “Changing Course for Life – Loc

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