1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Copper Blocks Antibiotic Resistence

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This is actually important although how it can be integrated into theat risk environments is going to be a challenge. The simple fact isthat copper requires incessant cleaning and polishing. Perhaps theproper solution is to use a normal alloy such as bronze and to allowthe working surface to fully oxidize into its natural green bluecolor. Then normal cleaning is sufficient.
It will still be hard to keep the clean freaks from turning it into ashining object just because they can. Like the military, it willbecome necessary to order folks to not shine their combat boots.
The revelation here though is that gene transfer occurs outside thehost on working surfaces and this provides a clear reason to makeworking surface naturally antibiotic. Copper is the low hangingfruit.
Copper restrictsthe spread of global antibiotic-resistant infections
by Staff Writers

Southampton, UK(SPX) Dec 11, 2012


New research from theUniversity of Southampton has shown that copper can preventhorizontal transmission of genes, which has contributed to theincreasing number of antibiotic-resistant infections worldwide.
Horizontal genetransfer (HGT) in bacteria is largely responsible for thedevelopment of antibiotic-resistance, which has led to an increasingnumber of difficult-to-treat healthcare-associated infections(HCAIs).
The newly-publishedpaper, which appears in the journal mBio, shows that while HGT cantake place in the environment, on frequently-touched surfaces, suchas door handles, trolleys and tables, which are made from stainlesssteel - copper prevents this process from occurring and rapidly killsbacteria on contact.
Lead author ProfessorBill Keevil, Chair in Environmental Healthcare at the University ofSouthampton, explains: "Whilst studies have focussed on HGT invivo (an experiment that is done in the body of a living organism),this work investigates whether the ability of pathogens to persist inthe environment, particularly on touch surfaces, may also play animportant role. Here we show prolonged survival of multidrugresistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae on stainlesssteel surfaces for several weeks.
However, rapid deathof both antibiotic-resistant strains and destruction of plasmid andgenomic DNA was observed on copper and copper alloy surfaces, whichcould be useful in the prevention of infection spread and genetransfer."
Showing thathorizontal transmission of genes (for example, those governingantibiotic resistance) occurs on touch surfaces, supports theimportant role of the environment in infection prevention.
Professor Keevilsummarises: "We know many human pathogens survive for longperiods in the hospital environment and can lead to infection,expensive treatment, blocked beds and death.
"What we haveshown in this work is the potential for strategically-placedantimicrobial copper touch surfaces to not only break the chain ofcontamination, but also actively reduce the risk of antibioticresistance developing at the same time. Provided adequate cleaningcontinues in critical environments, copper can be employed as animportant additional tool in the fight against pathogens."
Beyond the healthcareenvironment, copper also has a wider role to play in infectioncontrol. Professor Keevil explains: "Copper touch surfaces havepromise for preventing antibiotic resistance transfer in publicbuildings and mass transportation systems, which lead to local and -in the case of jet travel - rapid worldwide dissemination ofmulti-drug resistant superbugs as soon as they appear.
"People withinadequate hand hygiene could exchange their bugs and differentantibiotic resistance genes just by touching a stair rail or doorhandle, ready to be picked up by someone else and passed on. Coppersubstantially reduces and restricts the spread of these infections,making an important contribution to improved hygiene and,consequently, health."
Installations ofcopper touch surfaces have already taken place across the UK andaround the world, harnessing copper's ability to continuously reducebioburden and consequently the risk of HCAI transmission.
This research offersadditional evidence to deploy copper (and copper-containing alloysthat benefit from the metal's antimicrobial properties) in the formof touch surfaces to provide extra protection alongside standardhygiene practices.

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