1 Ocak 2013 Salı

A New Mayan Age Begins

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Thisis a post from the author Graham Hancock on his Face book account. What is useful here is that he lays out the importance of 3114 BC asa calender start point. The Mayans were mathematically driven ansearlier start points may have astronomical significance that lockedin other start points, but having a recent start point is natural fora rising civilization. After all we did just that for our startpoint 2000 years ago.
Atthe same time one can expect such a start point to be well enoughback so as to not foul up the record keeping and normally fivehundred years will do it. That is also about as long as mosttraditions can be sustained against the drift of language.
ThusI would reasonably suspect that the decisions on this calender tookplace around 2500 BC plus or minus a lot. This of course coincidesrather nicely with the dates I have established for the rise of theAtlantean global civilization and the building of the Great Pyramid.
Sincewe have also discovered that the geological disturbances of 1159 BCwere pretty serious in and around the Mayan world, it becomesunsurprising that the bulk of archeological data is all post 1159 BC. I suspect that some coral reefs need to be cored to see if there isfoundational stonework to be found.
Inthe meantime we have zip evidence for an extended Mayan historicalperiod or more properly a Mesoamerican extended historical periodalthough it has been shown that the Mexico city complexes evolved inresponse to earlier coastal Olmec building and there we have datathat takes us to around 1200 BC. Still not as far back as I wouldlike, but certainly close enough to support a thousand yearadditional prehistory. It is just that I would really like to see apyramid that is pre 1159 BC. Yet they could well have all beenthrown down to be simply torn apart to construct new structures afterthe Atlantean catastrophe.
It isstill remarkably coincidental that we are entering a new calender agejust as our own global civilization prepares to reach its apogeewhich most of my readers will in fact experience even if it is notrecognized.
Weare about to transition into a new economic order that honors allhuman life and optimizes the terraforming of this planet. This bloghas largely shown the way with minor details to be policed up. Ourultimate active surface population is around 100 billion souls andlikely ten times that in terms of sub surface populations. I putthese numbers out to remind us just how much real work remains to bedone. Yet it all starts now at the beginning of this new age of over5,000 years.
Theactual build out will take around five centuries though. This ismore than enough to complete our surface work and expand thepopulation. For those who do not understand this blog's coreconcept, it is that terraforming is done through application of themodel farm that is operationally self sufficient and ecologicallybalanced and neutral in terms of inputs and outputs.
Tomorrow is the firstday of the new year, a time for resolutions, a time for hope, a timeto turn over a fresh page. Since the Mayan calendar is cyclical, it'sappropriate to remember that 21 December 2012 marked the end of agreat cycle of the human story -- in the Mayan view of things -- andthat we are now embarked upon a new cycle or epoch. The last 13Baktuns of the Long Count began in 3114 BC, which is 5126 years ago.It is interesting that these five millennia have seen the rise of thebig centralised hierarchical state, big, centralised, hierarchicalreligions and gigantic global corporations. I think everyone is awarethat the system based on those institutions is broken and that thesevast, impersonal bureaucracies have had their day -- so in a way theMayan calendar is right. Something new will have to emerge, somethingmore human, something with more respect for individual sovereignty,something -- hopefully -- that will be built on love rather than onhatred, fear and suspicion. With individual sovereignty comesindividual responsibility so I guess what we make of our world in thenext 5126 years is very much up to us. Happy New Year!

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