1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Ball Lightening Clarified

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This actually works. Such a mass of heavy ions would have a naturalchannel to follow down to the ground generated by the lighteningstroke itself and this would even draw it down and likely shape itsdimensionality.
We have all naturally presumed that ball lightening consisted of ablob of electrons but that never made any sense at all. Massconfinement is certainly sufficient to allow a twenty second dwelltime.
This problem has been kicking around forever and every high schoolphysics student knows of its existence. Bravo!
Goodness, Gracious,Great Balls of Lightning!
Oct. 18, 2012 —Australian scientists have unveiled a new theory which explains themysterious phenomenon known as ball lightning.
Sightings of balls oflightning have been made for centuries around the world -- usuallythe size of a grapefruit and lasting up to twenty seconds -- but noexplanation of how it occurs has been universally accepted by science

Sightings of balls oflightning have been made for centuries around the world -- usuallythe size of a grapefruit and lasting up to twenty seconds -- but noexplanation of how it occurs has been universally accepted byscience. Even more mysterious are sightings of balls of lightningforming on glass and appearing in homes and in airplanes.
CSIRO scientist JohnLowke has been studying ball lightning since the sixties. He's neverseen it, but has spoken to eye witnesses and in a new scientificpaper, he gives the first mathematical solution explaining thebirth of ball lightning -- and how it can pass through glass.
Previous theories havecited microwave radiation from thunderclouds, oxidizing aerosols,nuclear energy, dark matter, antimatter, and even black holes aspossible causes. Lowke disputes these theories.
He proposes balllightning is caused when leftover ions (electric energy), whichare very dense, are swept to the ground following a lightning strike.As for how they pass through glass, he says this is a result of astream of ions accumulating on the outside of a glass window and theresulting electric field on the other side excites air molecules toform a ball discharge.
According to Lowkeball lightning is rare, but it has been witnessed in Australia manytimes. People just don't realize what it is when they see it.

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