20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Why Democrats are Abandoning Obama with Rob Taub

 When I investigate political trends, my focus is always on thenumbers. Campaigns matter of course, but they rarely if ever changethe position of the die hard support which can be counted on therationalize the likes of Hitler, let alone a mere failed president. Thus a considered democrat shifting his position does need to be listened to because folks will be making uptheir minds for much the same reasons unless something spurious isthrown into the game.
As it stands, the two candidates are essentially neck and neck as wenow enter the true period of voter decision making. This totallynormal. It is a two horse race and Jesus Christ could not do better.
However, Romney has room to grow while Obama has room to shrinksimply because his track record is decidedly underwhelming on thedomestic economic file. Obama is fighting his record and has alreadytaken his best shots at the Romney record.
Romney's latest back down on repealing the Obama care legitimation isa deliberate attempt to open the doors for wavering democrats to jumpship. It is also the correct policy. Way more important, it has notbeen noticed, but he plans specifically to down load as much of thefederal service bureaucracy unto the States as he can.
This offloads much of the entitlement problem from the federalagenda. This surely were Obama care is going at mach speed. It alsointroduces a healthy whiff of competition into the those massiveprograms. I get profoundly annoyed with a medical system utterlygamed by the insurance industry with its whole incentive systemwrapped around maximizing the gross billing. That is not competitionat all but private tax farming.
I think that even democrats can buy into that as most of the medicalentitlement coin actually misses their targeted constituencies. Thatis presuming of course that they bother to check.
Why Democrats, including me, are abandoning Obama
By Rob TaubPublished September07, 2012FoxNews.com

I wrotean article last month for this website discussing how I –along with other Democrats and independents – might just cast ourvote for Romney, although I didn't fully explain the rationale forthe change. While I'm not claiming there is a new wave of supportersfor Mitt Romney, there is no denying that there is a large number ofdisgruntled Democrats and independents who are dissatisfied withPresident Obama. And that may just be enough to elect Mitt Romney.
At this week'sDemocratic Convention, president Obama spoke of his many hopes anddreams for America. He has often said that he expects to leave alegacy of great achievements, like those of Presidents John F.Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.
Kennedy was able togalvanize the nation not simply because he wanted to do so, but as aresult of methodical campaigning and stumping that culminated witha cross-country trip in 1956,where he introduced himself to voters, delegates and politicians. Lyndon Johnson was able to pass numerous bills into law, notmerely for the reason that they were morally right, but because hewas a skilled politician who understood and accepted the workings ofour political system.

JFK was arelentless and industrious campaigner.  He came from a level ofwealth and privilege that placed him at the top of the one percent ofhis day, yet instead of rejecting the mandatory campaign requirementsof politicians of that era, he embraced the daily rigors ofhandshaking, personal visits and ward style politics, exploiting themfurther than anyone ever had before. 

The president has awonderful vision for America, but it's nothing more than a delusionthat can't be achieved during a time of record – and climbing –deficits.
Lyndon Johnson was theconsummate politician who truly understood that the art of thedeal was all about bipartisanship andhe worked tirelessly to unite our country.  It’s been saidthat while most men were content to read a book or watch a sportingevent for recreation, Lyndon Johnson would follow the results of alocal Texas school board election for fun.  His love forpolitics was unflagging.  That was his tennis.

PresidentObama is said to abhor the daily machinations of Washington politics. He refuses to miss more than two dinners a week with hisdaughters. He prefers not to meet with senators, congressmen orsignificant donors, yet he still expects to reap the benefitsnormally provided by those circumstances.

Obama snubbed theadvice of George Soros (perhaps his wealthiest and mostinfluential donor) and has alienated many other important supporters.What President Obama may perceive as altruistic is nothing morethan intractable behavior along with a refusal to accept thereality of American politics and – ultimately – the basic jobdescription of president of the United States.

PerhapsPresident Obama should consider that his dislike of Washingtonpolitics has contributed to the inertia and current stalemate thatexists in Washington. He promised hope and change, but hiscurrent campaign is divisive with negative advertisements and drivenby class warfare. 

In Thursday night'sconvention address, President Obama reprised the same promises hemade in 2008, again with no feasible suggestions of how to pay forthem.
The president has awonderful vision for America, but it's nothing more than a delusionthat can't be achieved during a time of record – and climbing –deficits. Our government has built roads, bridges and schools thathave educated us.  However, it has also become a bloated moneyburning machine in desperate need of reform – a word that does notseem to exist in Obama's vocabulary.  
Democrats are jumpingship because President Obama is offering nothing but blame for theprevious administration and his own pipe dreams at a time when votersneed some real assurance if they’re going to believe the economycan be saved.  Unfortunately, speaking as one of thoseDemocrats, I have little hope that President Obama will change.
Rob Taub is a writerand comedian. He is host of Tech Hub on WOR AM radio.

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