22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Siberian Lake Monsters

Hereare some reports on strange creatures located in remote fresh waterlakes in the Russian far East. It was the one remaining locale leftwithout anyone reporting in. That is now remedied.
Developingthe likely life cycle of a sea serpent and understanding thepossibility of normally living in the Deep, it is then plausible thatseveral large creatures having long life spans have adopted thislifestyle which entails returning to a specific lake for nesting.
Anotheralternative are long lived fish such as the sturgeon. Thus we havespecific examples of both options and that argues the likelihood ofother far less numerous participants.
Legendsof such long lived creatures abound as well as their sudden demisewhen finally tackled. Recall Grendel. It is noteworthy that onceremoved scant evidence arises suggesting any population recovery. Thus a lone grouper coming in from the sea and setting uphousekeeping for decades and continually growing is not so far-fetched.
Checking references it turns out that the grouper will go the fresh water in order to spawn and big ones abound. Thus is is way more plausible than i thought.

Nesski: Lake Labynkyr
Russianacademics are calling for a scientific probe into claims of a'Siberian Loch Ness monster' in one of the world's remotestlakes.

Researchersusing underwater scanners have found evidence of 'Nesski' -measuring up to 33 feet in length - in the deep waters of LakeLabynkyr, says a new report.

Intriguingly, theevidence is at a lake where native Evenk and Yakut people have longclaimed an underwater creature lurks.

Theevidence includes a picture which, it is claimed, shows themonster, says the Siberian Times.

Known as ‘theDevil', testimony dating back to the 19th century says the monsterhas enormous jaws.

AssociateProfessor Lyudmila Emeliyanova, of Moscow StateUniversity, told TheSiberian Times that on her own scientific mission to Labynkyr sherecorded ‘several seriously big underwater objects’ with sonarreadings.

Images have also recently emerged from a 2006scientific trip tothe lake when strange objects - one of 21ft4in (6.5 metres) in length - were recorded on a Humminbird PiranhaMAX 215 Portable fish-finder at a depth of 138 to 197 feet.

Territory:Lake Labynkyr in Siberia, the alleged home of a giant 'Nesski'monster
Based on the sonic readings, researchers drew how thecreature might look in real-life on the fish-finder's screen.

‘It was ourfourth or fifth day at the lake when our echo soundingdevice registered a huge object in the water under our boat,"said Dr Emeliyanova of her own close encounter.

It was clearlyalive and too large to be one of the dozen or so known fish speciesin the lake.

‘The objectwas very dense, of homogeneous structure, surely not a fish nor ashoal of fish, and it was above the bottom," she said.

‘Iwas very surprised but not scared nor shocked, after all we did notsee this animal, we only registered a strange object in the water.But I can clearly say - at the moment, as a scientist, I cannot offeryou any explanation of what this object might be.’

Other similarfindings since her 2002 mission mean that a new scientific mission todiscover the truth is essential, said Dr Emeliyanova, abiogeographer.

‘I believethere is a mystery in this lake because there is no smoke withoutfire,’ she said.

She was toldan account of two fishermen who were ‘in a 10 metre long boat whensuddenly the bow began to rise as if somebody was pushing it fromunder the water.

'It was aheavy boat, only a huge and strong animal can do such a thing. Thefishermen were stuck by fear. They did not see anything, no head, nojaws.’

Another'sighting' came when a group of Russian geologists were fishingin the lake.

‘Suddenlythose in the boat started screaming - apparently they saw a huge headof some creature.

Others, who werewaiting for them on shore, started shooting, and scared the creatureaway,’ said a witness.

A 1953 sighting of a 'monster' inneighbouring Lake Vorota by respected Soviet geologist ViktorTverdokhlebov was initially covered up by the Soviet authorities.

But now DrEmeliyanova wants to investigate a theory that the two lakes arelinked by underground tunnels.

Strangely, despite beingclose to Oymyakon, the coldest inhabited town on Earth, thelake does not freeze completely in winter.
[??? arclein]

There has beenspeculation in Russia that Labynkyr and Vorota might be inhabited bya school of ichthyosaurs, prehistoric marine reptiles resemblingdolphins or sharks, or plesiosaurs, a popular theory concerning'Nessie' in Scotland which is often depicted with a long neck.

Anotherversion is that relic killer whales could have become marooned inLabynkyr when it was attached to the sea.

Some accountseven suggest the 'creature' makes a hideous primeval cry as itattacks its prey.

‘Personally,I do believe that when the information about something strangecirculates among local people for so many years, it just can't begroundless, it means something is there,’ said Dr Emeliyanova.

’Iknow the local people very well - they are ingenuous but they do notlie.’

She stressed:‘There are many lakes in Yakutia and around the Indigirka River,hundreds of them, big and small, their shores are more or lesspopulated, but all the talk is about Labynkyr and Vorota lakes,and ithas gone on for many dozens of years.

'It makes us thinkabout it. And these stories about the local monster are older thanthose about the Loch Ness monster.’ -dailymail
Echo sounding device data of the underwater object in lake Labynkyr, with travelers drawing in red what they imagined the creature could have looked like. Pictures: veslo.ru



Accounts beganreaching the outside world after nine geologists led by ViktorTverdokhlebov, of the East Siberian branch of the Soviet Academy ofSciences, were involved in an expedition to this remote corner of thethen USSR in the summer of 1953, a few months after the death ofStalin. As they rode on horseback, their guide was the elderlyVarfolomey Vinokurov, a local man.

It took eight years for his diary account to be publishedin a Soviet magazine and this referred to his own sighting in LakeVorota - a name which literally 'Gates' (an unusual name for a lake,perhaps signifying Gates of the Devil?) while also includinghistorical accounts he heard from locals.

'30 May. Weleft Tomtor village, went 70 kilometres up the Kuidusun Valley,turned left and got to the large Sordonnokhskoe plateau. Ahead of usthere is Lake Labynkyr where there is storage with foodand equipment.

'There are many legends about thisLake Labynkyr. In the evenings sitting by the fire our old guide toldus that a 'devil' lived in this lake. He is so big that the distancebetween his eyes, as Varfolomey said, 'is wider than afisherman's raft made of ten logs'.

'I heard aboutthis 'devil' before and many times. In Ust-Ner, I heard that thedevil ate a dog. The dog swam to bring the shot duck to the hunter,then huge jaws raised from the water and the dog just disappeared ina moment.

'One of theTomtor villagers told me that one day he found a huge bone on theshore of Lake Labynkyr. It was like the devil's jaw - if you put itvertically, you could ride on a horse through it like under an arch.He said this jaw bone remained near the fishermen house on the shore.

'I heardlegends how a whole caravan perished going under the ice of Labynkyr.It was spoken that people saw a big horn stuck out of the ice. Peoplegathered around it on ice and tried to take it out but suddenly theice broke and many people and reindeer died'.

'5June: Early in the morning we got to the shore of Lake Labynkyr andreached the storage. Comfortable tents with wooden beds andfloor and table awaited us.

'7 June: Weare having a rest. Lake Labynkyr is a square, 15 km long and 3 kmwide. I found the ruined fisherman's house on the shore, carefullyexplored the house and all around it but did not find any 'jawbone'.

He did not witness anything untoward in Labynkyr butwent on with his expedition.

28 July: Now we stopped at theshore of Lake Vorota. Mikhail made a raft and went to measure thedepth. It is 60 meters as in Labynkyr. But the lake itselfis much smaller.

30 July: Thisis what happened today. It was sunny friendly morning, BorisBashkatov and I went on a walking trip around Lake Vorota. We had toclimb rocks on the way - about 11 am the way became dangerous and wedecided to go down a bit, closer to the water. Looking at the waterfrom the rock, I clearly saw a terrace under the water with a hugewhite spot on it. But when I looked at the terrace again a minutelater there was no white spot there. 'Maybe sunshine is joking withme', I thought. But suddenly Boris shouted 'Look! What is there, inthe middle?' We stopped. Some 300-400 meters away on the water therewas clearly seen some white object, shining under the sunlight. 'Abarrel', said Boris, 'made of tin.' 'Maybe a horse got into thelake,' I said. 

Truly, theobject was swimming, and fast enough. It was something alive, someanimal. It was making an arch - first along the lake, then righttowards us. As it was getting closer, a strange coldness like astupor was growing inside me. Above the water there was big dark greybody, the white colour has gone. On this dark grey background therewere clearly visible two symmetrical light spots looking like eyesand there was just stick in the body - maybe a fin? Or a harpoon ofan unlucky fisherman?

'We saw just apart of the animal but we could guess its much bigger, massive bodywas under the water. We could guess this looking how the monster wasmoving - raising from the water, it threw its body forward then fullywent under the water. At this time the waves were going away from itshead, waves originating under the water. 'Flapping its mouth,catching fish', I guessed.

The animal wasobviously swimming towards us and the waves made by the animalreached our legs. We looked at each other and immediately began toclimb up the rock. What if 'it' goes out of the water? We witnessed apredator, no doubt, one of the strongest predators in this world:such indomitable, merciless and some sensible fierceness was in everyhis movement, in all its looks.

'The animalstopped some 100 meters away from the shore. Suddenly it began tobeat against the water, waves went all ways, we could not understandwhat was going on. Maybe it lasted just a minute and then the animalwas gone, dived. It was only then when I thought about a camera.

'We stood foranother 10-20 minutes, it was quiet. We went further.

'There was nodoubt, we saw the 'devil' - the legendary monster of this area. TheYakut fisherman was right, the animal had dark grey skin and thedistance between its eyes was surely not less than a raft of 10 logs.But he saw it in Labynkyr and we saw it in Vorota lake. They are 20km away from each other - and they are not connected.

'I recalledthat white spot under the water. Obviously, the animal was hunting atthat underwater terrace and we scared it when shouted going down therocks.' - Siberian Times

[this story sounds like a giant groper – arclein]


In 1953,geologist Victor Tverdokhlebov and a companion spotted a hugecreature swimming quickly and jerkily across Lake Labynkyr in easternYakutia. When reports of the sighting emerged, public curiosity waspiqued, and expeditions embarked on largely fruitless hunts for theLabynkyr "Nessie". Locals weren't surprised by thesighting, and speak of animals pulled down into the water never to beseen again. Suggestions as to the true identity of the mysterymonster include a gladiator dolphin somehow stranded in a freshwaterlake miles from the nearest ocean, and a giant pike. - A StudyGuide to Ufos, Psychic and Paranormal Phenomena in the U.S.S.R.


RussiansReport Loch Ness Type Monster

United PressInternational, Sept. 30, 1963 - MOSCOW - The Soviet Union hasits own sea monster with a taste for hunting dogs, Radio Moscowreported today.

The "dragonlike creature" lives in Siberia's Lake Labynkyr and hasfrequently been seen by local inhabitants."

"On oneoccasion the monster swallowed a hunter's dog," the broadcaster,a student of biology at. Moscow State University said. He citedmonster sightings in the west-including one off Brazil and in LochNess-and said an expedition had gone to Lake Labynkyr and will returnnext month.

The lake is220 miles north of the port of Okhotsk on the Sea of Ohkotsk, east ofAlaska.


MysteriousLabynkyr Lake

The legendarylake Labynkyr is situated near the Pole of Cold on the territory ofOimyakon uluss. It is mystical and exotic attraction. Legends speakabout the monster that lives deep in the water of the legendary lakeand attacks dogs, reindeers and even people. Stories say how one daythe monster wiped out a caravan of Even people. There are severaldocumented encounters. The public learned about the monster in the50′s from the diaries of soviet geologist Tverdohlebov. Since thenseveral expeditions have set out to prove or disprove the existenceof a monster. Some say that it is something real, that it could be ahuge pike, a water mammoth, a reptile or a plesiosaurus, or evensomething from the parallel world. The mystery, however is still amystery. There will always be people who want to solve the mystery,or at least have a glance at the monster. - Yakutia Travel


Ina book 'Trip to the Cold Pole', author Gennady Borodnulirecounts another tale from Labynkyr in the 1920s.

'An Evenkfamily of nomads followed their reindeer and reached the shore ofLake Labynkyr. They decided to stay overnight on the shore. A fiveyear old child went to the bank of a stream which led into the lakewhile adults were busy. Suddenly the adults heard the boy screaming. 

'The fatherand grandfather rushed to the bank. They stopped on the edge of waterand saw the child being carried away by an unknown animal to thecentre of the lake. It was a dark creature, with a mouth looking likebird's beak. It held the child and moved away with quick rushes, thenit dived leaving huge waves and dragged the child under the water.

'The granddadswore to revenge the 'devil. He took a sack made of animal skin,stuffed it with reindeer fur, rags, dry grass and pine trees needles,put a smouldering piece of wood inside. He attached the sack to ahuge stone on shore with a rope and then threw the sack far into thewaters of the lake. 

'At nightthere was noise and splashes and terrible screams of the 'devil'. Inthe morning the waves brought the huge dead animal, about sevenmeters long with a huge jaw, almost one third size of the body, andrelatively small legs and fins. 

'The old mancut the animal's stomach, took out the body of his grandson, andburied him on the bank of the stream. Since then this stream iscalled 'The Stream of a Child'.

'It is hard tosay what happened to the remains of the animal but this jaw was putlike an arch on the shore.'

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