23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

A Guide to Nutrition for the Elderly People

Tips on nutrition for the elderly

 Nutrition for the elderly and why it is important

 The elderly are all around us and the number of elderly is growing with the Baby Boomer generation reaching the golden years. Many of us either have aging parents or grandparents and some of us have elderly parents who need round-the-clock care. Taking care of the elderly is not easy and the elderly have special needs which a normal adult does not.

 As the human body ages, it tends to get weaker and is not able to do the things that it may have been able to do when it was in its prime. Many of the health issues that plague the elderly can be prevented if the elderly get the special nutrition they need.

 The geriatric diet

 The geriatric diet is very important because many of the health problems that the elderly face have to do with the cardiovascular system, the brain and the respiratory system. Many people over 60 have suffered a mild to moderate heart attack or stroke at one time in their lives. Some may have suffered several. This is why diet for the elderly is critical. Some of the things that should be included in a geriatric diet are

 1. Roughage is very important for the elderly digestive tract. Roughage is food that allows for bowel movements to move freely through the bowels. The geriatric digestive tract tends to move slower and many older adults can develop polyps in the colon which can eventually develop into colon cancer. Colorful fruits, high fiber grains such as whole wheat, oats, barley, etc. and vegetables and legumes are good roughage.

 2. Water is very important. Elderly can dehydrate faster than a young person, especially when it is extremely hot. Furthermore, water cleanses the body from pathogens that could otherwise accumulate in the body.

 3. The elderly should cut down on saturated fat because as mentioned above, many people over the age of 60 have survived a mild to moderate heart attack and the main cause of these ailments is cholesterol. Cholesterol is a byproduct of fats. The elderly can still eat meat, but they should cut down on some of the more fatty meats, such as bacon.

 4. Avoid seasoning foods with salt because salt can aggravate hypertension, which a majority of elderly persons have. Instead of using salt, season the food for your elderly loved ones with herbs and spices to give them a good taste.

 5. Have some Omega 3 fatty acids in your elder loved one's diet. Omega 3 fatty acids include food from such fish as tuna, salmon, sardines and walnuts. The Omega 3 fatty acids help decrease heart disease.

 6. Avoid or cut down on alcoholic beverages because the elderly can get addicted to them and become an alcoholic much easier than younger people who might have more tolerance to alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, you might have an elderly relative who has or had an alcohol problem and alcoholic beverages can aggravate this problem.

 Your elderly parents, relatives, neighbors are precious. There are many reasons why you should care about the elderly. The elderly are not just -those old people,- but people who have lived longer than we have and know much more than we do. The elderly have so much experience to share with us and though they will have to leave this world sometime or another, while they are with us, they can give us great enjoyment, be educational for our children, and be all around fun.

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