25 Eylül 2012 Salı

Erickson Project Collecting Bigfoot DNA

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This is actually thefirst time that I have come across the Erickson Project and I ampleased because it means that serious money is now been spent tocollect DNA reports and samples. The level of infighting andskullduggery is no surprise and I simply wish that folks would keepquiet about it all. Once the glare of publicity is turned up, the BSwill crawl back into the ditch.
The point here is thatactive collection of hair samples is taking place and it is gettingassayed. We are getting feedback.
Unfortunately, I thinkthat the meat sample will turn out to be a giant sloth and must betreated differently. Sasquatches do not drop to all fours but giantsloths do. Bears on the other hand only go erect when in fullconfrontation and certainly do not attempt to travel that way.
So it appears that at thesame time we are collecting a slew of Bigfoot DNA we are also pickingup one excellent sample of plausibly Giant sloth DNA, all of which isgood.
BigfootNews on Bigfoot DNA
SUNDAY,16 SEPTEMBER 2012http://frontiersofzoology.blogspot.ca/2012/09/bigfoot-news-on-bigfoot-dna.htmlDDremarks:TheFollowing is from Robert Lindsay. I personally have no informationdirectly from Melba Ketcham or her study and I would not divulge suchinformation if it came into my hands. But material already publishedby Robert Lindsay is a different matter:

RobertLindsay | September14, 2012 · 7:22 PM 
BigfootNews September 14, 2012
OlympicProject successful submissions to Dr. Melba Ketchum DNA projectrevealed. A source has informedme that the Olympic Project submitted ~103 hair samples to Ketchum’sproject, and ~85 of them tested presumptive to Bigfoot by DNA.Another ~18 Olympic Project hair samples were apparently from eitherhumans or known animals. Those 85 successful submissions representanywhere from 5-13 separate creatures.
Apparentlyall of the hair was gathered in the Olympic Peninsula of Washingtonstate. This makes the Olympic Project the largest submitter to theproject.

Updatedlist of successful samples to Ketchum Project. Hereit is:

Rundownof samples in the Ketchum study. Thiswill be updated every time it changes.

Bigfootsamples submitted: Over 200Presumptivefor Bigfoot: Almost 100
#of Bigfoot individuals represented: 20-28
Detailsof successful Bigfoot samples:
5hair samples fromGolden Ears Provincial Park in British Columbia representing 3separate creatures – a male, a female and a juvenile from a familyunit who were observed together prior to collecting the samples –gathered in 2010 by Randy Brisson of the Erickson Project.
1toenail fromLarry Jenkins in the Grand Canyon area of Arizona.
1blood sample fromJC Johnson in the Four Corners area of New Mexico (skunk in adrainpipe sample).
1blood and tissue sample ofa female Bigfoot representing either “Matilda” or her mother fromCrittenden, Kentucky, gathered by the Dennis Pfohl and LeilaHadj-Chikh of the Erickson Project. Sample was obtained by gluingglass shards on a feeding plate.
1hair sample fromDavid Paulides’ NABS known as the Ulibarri sample from HoopaValley, California.
1hair sample fromLarry Surface in Southern Ohio. Surface shot the controversialnighttime Bigfoot video that was pulled from the web a while back.
1hair sample (possibleDogman) from Joe Black in the Great Smoky Mountains, EasternTennessee.
1tissue (flesh including muscle and fat) sample inthe form of a slice of Bigfoot flesh from Mount Haskell, Californiafrom the adult male Bigfoot shot dead on October 10, 2010 by JustinSmeja in the Sierra Kills incident.
1large sample of saliva fromthe Olympic Peninsula, Washington, collected by the Olympic Projectobtained via a Bigfoot licking a trail camera.
1hair sample fromSE Oklahoma collected by TEXLA Cryptozoological Research.
1blood, tissue and hair sample froma nailboard trap at Snelgrove Lake, Ontario, Canada (presumablysuccessful).
~85hair samples fromthe Olympic Peninsula, Washington, collected by the Olympic Projectrepresenting 5-13 separate individuals.
Thatis apparently all or nearly all of the nearly 100 successful Bigfootsamples. The other 100 samples are all apparently from either humansor known animals.
BestBigfoot samples: Smeja’s Bigfoot steak and JC Johnson’s skunk ina drainpipe
Bigfootblood sample.
[Thisbit following on the financial status of the Erickson project isobviously off topic but also obviously pertinent. Since I live inthe province, I can state that unlike the USA, Western Canada has hada rapid return to general liquidity and it is totally reasonable thathe got refinanced and is in fact busily selling lots. - arclein]
Whobailed out Adrian Erickson? Lastfall, Erickson was in deep doodoo financially. He was working 6 daysa week, 12 hours a day trying to keep his real estate business abovewater. He was being sued by several parties, including the buyers ofhis homes. He was under a lot of physical and psychological toll –basically a stress case. His numerous investors were getting upset.
Ericksonbuilt a large real estate development in British Columbia called RubyRidge. He sold a number of lots but then became underwater with theUS recession caused by radical neoliberal capitalism’s unregulatedbanking sector and massive bankster fraud. Thisneoliberalism-generated recession affected the whole world, includingCanada. Erickson was having a hard time selling homes due to thedownturn in the housing market.

Hehad promised buyers are variety of amenities for their lots includingphone and cell coverage, water, sewage lines and roads. With no moremoney coming in, he was unable to provide these amenities. Through nofault of Erickson’s, his lot buyers were left holding the bag.

Healso spent $3 million on his Bigfoot project, the Erickson Project,with no results to show for it yet.

Thingslooked grim. The prospect of bankruptcy for the business andforeclosure on Erickson’s very nice home loomed.

I’mnot divulging too much personal information here as most of this hasalready been reported in the British Columbia press.

Hereit is, 9 months later, and everything has changed. Early in the year,Erickson apparently took his Bigfoot documentary to Hollywood whereit was worked on with post-production editing. In the interim,Erickson’s financial problems seem to have evaporated or at leastgotten much better. The word we have is that financially, things aregoing quite well.

Thisdoes not make sense. The housing market in BC has not returned sincelast fall, so he’s not selling anymore homes than he was then. Howdid he get the money to send the doc to Hollywood to have it workedon? It makes no sense, because at the time it was down there,Erickson was flat broke. How did he get the huge amount of moneyneeded to bail him out of the financial hole? He could not have madeit selling lots. Someone must have bailed him out in some way.

Ericksonis now happy and calm and is no longer working all the time. He isback guiding hunts and again, and he’s going to Africa soon tohunt. He seems relaxed about the subject of Bigfoot and acts like itis out of his hands and his life.

Whereaspreviously for a long time, he got angry anytime anyone brought upthe subject. On numerous occasions, Erickson said he didn’t want tohear the word Bigfoot ever again. Furthermore, Erickson and Ketchum,who never got along, have now mysteriously become BFF’s.

Logically,none of this makes any sense. The only way this could have happenedis that an unknown person or persons with a lot of money stepped inand got Erickson out of his hole by sending a lot of money his way,either via gift or investment.

Isuspected that Wally Hersom gave Erickson the cash to get him out ofthe hole he was in and to send the documentary down to Hollywood.

However,when I asked around, a source close to Hersom emphatically told methat he strongly doubted that Hersom had either bailed Erickson outor even given him the money to take his doc to Hollywood to have itworked on.

Thereis suspicion that Ketchum is now the owner of Erickson’s footage,but it has been impossible to confirm. However, it does remain ahunch of mine for reasons I cannot divulge.

Theevents surrounding Erickson and his movie in the last 9 months remainshrouded in mystery.

Photosand video of Bigfoots exist that are better than the Pattersonfootage. Photosand video have been shot in the past 20 years that are said to bebetter than the Patterson footage. They are better than the Pattersonfootage in that it is clearer. At least a couple of them were shot inthe Pacific Northwest.
Asource who has seen the footage says that there is no way it couldhave been hoaxed. In both cases, the persons who own the footagerefuse to release it because of the Hellish notoriety of publicitythat cascades down on anyone who releases purported Bigfoot footage.The crucifixion of Melissa Hovey over her photo is a good recentexample.
--Bymy classification, nearly all "Other" samples excluding theOlympic Hair and saliva sample, and the BC hair samples-possibly alsoother samples from California OTHER than the Smeja "SierraKills" samples-all belong to the Eastern as vs. the WesternBigfoot and should test out as more human overall. The buzz is alsothat the suspected "Dogman" does not match the rest. I knownothing about the test results of any of this other than whathas previously been acknowledged publicly. I have heard and I ampretty sure the Sierra Kills DNA does not match the Olympic hair DNA.The word I have from prior tests is that the Western Sasquatch DNAfalls into the same larger category as the modern apes and humans butdoes not match any of them specifically, and it does not match the"Yeti" or Orang Pendek" hair DNA which is morespecifically like orangutan DNA [and so far has not been shown to bea different species from the orangutan]. The Eastern Bigfoot samplesalways fall into the same general range of almost-human as theNeanderthal DNA also falls into generally. This was my understandingon the matter from before any mention of the Erickson Project. Iam still as interested as anyone else to see the results of thestudy, only in my case I had independently already heard of otherBigfoot DNA test results from beforehand.
-- BestWishes, Dale D.
[I also include a report made a year ago on the Erickson Project bythis same writer ]BreathtakingNews from the Erickson ProjectBY ROBERTLINDSAY | JULY 4, 2011 · 2:17 AM
Theleaks from people close to the EricksonProject continueto come in fast and furious.Surelythe most breathtaking news so far involves the sequencing of BigfootDNA. We alreadyreported previously onthe sequencing Bigfootmitochondrial DNA, which is coming out 100% human. Thatmeans that the Bigfoot female line goes back to human females.
However, wecan now report on the sequencing of the nuclear DNAfrom the male side. The report is that it is absolutelynon-human!It is very far away from humans. In the chart below, various homininsare measured according to their distance away from humans in terms ofpolymorphisms (P* distance).
Homininspp. P* Distance Date of splitNeandertal 9,200 508,000?Denisova 18,400? 840,000Bigfoot 68,300? 2.25 M?Chimpanzee 182,000 6 MAsyou can see, Bigfoots are approximately 1/2 way between humansand chimps. More precisely, they are 37.5% of the way from humans tochimps. Also, Bigfoots are 7.4X further away from us than Neandertalsare, and they are 3.7X further away from us than Denisova was.Neandertal split from us 508,000 YBP, and Denisova split 840,000 YBP.I estimate that Bigfoot split from humans 2.25 million YBP, orslightly before Homo Erectus.
Weonly have DNA from three hominids: Homo sapiens, Neandertal andDenisova. We have no DNA from Flores Man, Erectus or any of the rest.One reason for this is that DNA degrades, and it is impossible to getDNA from samples more than 50,000 years old. Flores Man samples weretoo degraded to get any DNA yet.Therefore,evidence indicates that Bigfoots are a hybrid species. Some “thing,”some “monster,” some “subhuman,” mated with human femalessomewhere in Europe possibly ~20-50,000 YBP. Shades of KingKong!
[I find this rather difficult to accept except there has been a coupleof reports in the more distant past suggesting that women have beentaken captive in much the way of hunter gatherers generally bySasquatch males. So it is not something that has never beencontemplated or even observed. In fact it is a strong hint that aBigfoot, human coupling will be fertile, also suggested by thecultural record. What this does mean however, is that a successfulcoupling between an unknown primate and a human progenitor producedthe Bigfoot lineage around two and one half million years ago.]
Whatthis “thing” was is completely unknown. It must be a hominid. Itquite possibly was Homo erectus. Therefore, Bigfoots may beErectus-sapiens hybrids.Theclosest thing to an Erectus-sapiens hybrid is Heidelberg Man, or Homoheidelbergensis. This was late Homo erectus trending into archaicHomo sapiens. There is suggestive evidence that a heidelbergensisskull was found in China dated 13,000 YBP.IfBigfoot is part-Erectus, this explains certain things. Erectusstill had a midtarsal break in Europe 300,000 YBP. Erectus had asaggital crest.Itis clear by now that the “Bigfoot is an ape” theory lies in thedust. Bigfoot is a man, an ancient man, a blast from our ancientpast, a subhuman, a human ancestor. He’s one of us, but he’s not.Inaddition, we can report that the Erickson Project Bigfoot DNA studyhas isolated DNA from 20 separate Bigfoot individuals fromaround North America. They received hundreds of samples, but manywere not useful. Of the 20 separate individuals, Adrian Erickson’ssamples represented six individuals.
Oneof the samples was called “unknown hand.” This was hand of a“something,” but no one knows what. Inside the Project, peoplewere taking bets on what the hand was from. Dr. Melba Ketchum betthat it was a bear. Others bet that it was not a bear.

Ketchumnever got any money from the bet. Whatever this strange object was,it was not a bear paw. No one knows what it was. Maybe it was aBigfoot hand.DonMonroe found the hand in a dump somewhere in Montana or Idaho. Askinned bear paw that has the claws removed and resembles a humanhand to a great deal. The hand was a bone with some relict skinremaining on it. All of the hair was gone. It’s not known ifKetchum’s lab even tested the hand for DNA.Oneof the samples was a bone from a stream in Oregon. It may have been afemur. The bone looks like a human bone, but it is much too large. Itwas submitted by David Paulides’ North American Bigfoot Search(NABS).Wealso have some updates in thestory about the killing of the two Bigfoots near the Dixie MountainGame Refuge in California’s Sierra Nevada in November 2010.There were two other men in the truck with the shooter at the time.At least one of the men was absolutely hysterical that the shootershot the two Bigfoots. The other man was also not happy about thesituation.
Wecan also report that the section of Bigfoot thigh sent tothe Erickson Project DNA test from the shooting was auburnhaired, and it also had a lot of grey in it. This slab was from themother Bigfoot that was shot dead. She was probably a middle agedBigfoot, ~45 years old in human terms or ~25 years old in Bigfootterms. Her two offspring, one of which was also shot dead, were ~10years old in human terms or ~5 years old in Bigfoot terms.
Tothis date, we do not know what the shooter did after he killed thetwo Bigfoots.Iknow the name of the shooter, but for some reason, I am not releasingit, though I probably should. It will come out later anyway. His namecan be found by industrious web sleuths who are intelligent aboutInternet sleuthing. The shooter has changed his story many times, andis very afraid of going to jail over killing of these two Bigfoots.Heis wise to be afraid of this, because I know some wealthy andconnected people who told me that they are dedicated to seeingthat the shooter goes to prison over killing the Bigfoots. Thesepeople think Bigfoots are humans, so killing one is homicide. So if Iwere the shooter, I would not be straight up about this mattereither. Further, I would retain a good attorney. If the OlympicProject has any sense, they will have also spoken to attorneys too,because their mitts are all over these two killed Bigfoots.
Theshooter is a narcissist and a redneck, and I don’t like him. Youcan tell he’s a narcissist. Look at his photos. Just look at thatsmug, smarmy look in eyes. I don’t think he’s a good person.Thereare different kinds of hunters. Most hunters are good people, but aminority are not. The bad guys havethe same mindset about hunting. They basically just like to killthings because they like to kill.You can tell who the bad ones are. You can see it in their eyes. Theywill shoot just about anything as long as it is not illegal. This guyhas that look about him.
Thisis what kind of a person and hunter the shooter is. He is well knownin the hunting and taxidermy community and is not well liked atall. In that community, he is thought of as a “maniac hunter” andan “unethical hunter.”
Hecould change any time he wants, quit being bad and start being good.His choice. I don’t think he will ever change though, because he isvery happy being the smug ex-Texan prick that he is. Most of hisfriends are the same as he is, and so is the California woman whobecame his wife two years ago, who is now expecting.Mostnarcissists never feel guilt about anything that they do. There aresome reports that the shooter feels bad about killing the twoBigfoots. Perhaps he does. He may have some sort of a conscience. Ibet he’s more afraid of getting caught though.TheOlympic Project has changed their story about this shooting severaltimes now. I actually do not blame them. If I were in as deep as theyare, I would get myself a nice, fancy story too.Forseveral months after November, their line was that the OP neverwent out to the shooting site.
Thenthey said that the OP did go to the shooting site 2 weeks later,and they found a chunk of Bigfoot flesh in the snow.
Nowthe OP says that only the shooter went back 2 weeks laterand found the piece of flesh.
Thestory about going back later and finding a hunk of flesh strikes meas dubious, but maybe it happened. Who knows, right?Inaddition, the OP said for a long time after the shooting, “Let’smake one thing clear! There were no two Bigfoots shot and killed!”Butafter I broke the story, they changed their line to saying that a manthat the OP knows well did shoot and kill the two Bigfoots.Theysay he shot the first one because he thought she was a bear and shotthe second one because it was threatening him.Neitherreport is true.Theshooter knew she was not a bear. His line is he thought she wasthreatening him. And the second one wasn’t threatening him either.Theshooter was a passenger in the truck with three bear hunters nearthe Dixie Mountain Game Refuge on the California/Nevada borderin November 2010. They came around a bend, and there was a grayishwhite female Bigfoot in the road on all fours. The shooter grabbedhis gun and jumped out of his vehicle. As he jumped out, he saw theBigfoot get up on two legs and start running towards him waving herarms. When the Bigfoot saw the gun, she turned and started to runaway. The shooter shot her in the side of the chest, and the bulletpenetrated her lungs.
Shecrashed off into the brush and died. The three men went down into thebrush and saw her there. It was then that they realized that she wasnot a bear at all. They walked back up onto the road.Whenthey got to the road, they saw two small, strange creatures runningtowards them, sometimes on two legs, sometimes on four legs. Theshooter raised his gun, fired and shot one of the creatures dead. Theother small creature apparently escaped. As the shooter cradled thedying creature in his arms, they all three realized that it was ayoung creature of the same type that had just gotten shot. Thejuvenile Bigfoot had a huge head, and the shooter said it lookedexactly like the Jacobs creaturephoto.
Theshooter did not shoot the young Bigfoot because it was threateninghim, which is his story. He just shot it for some unknown reason.[This creature sounds like a giant sloth and not a Sasquatch at all. The Jacob creature is almost like a bear but has a large musselunlike a bear which is why up close witnesses know it is not a bear -arclein]Atthis point they figured out that they had killed two Bigfoots. Thetwo men with the shooter were so hysterical and upset about theshootings that they took the shooter’s gun away from him andpointed it at him, threatening him. They told him that if he tried toshoot another one of those animals, they would shoot himinstead. The story is that everyone was so upset by that point thatthey left the area. The shooter said that they left the animals inthe road, and he was not going back to the area until next fall.
Thereis a lot of fighting inside the Erickson Project. AdrianErickson and Melba Ketchum are not getting along well. At least onereason is that Erickson paid Ketchum $70,000 for the sequencing ofsix Bigfoot samples. To this date, he has not received results fromthese samples, even though those samples do represent sixseparate confirmed Bigfoot individuals. He did receive results fromone DNA test, the test he had done on himself. Most of the principalshad their own DNA tested to avoid contamination.
Ericksonhad an agreement with Ketchum that if his Bigfoot samples tested outas coming from real Bigfoots, they would then be used in the finalwriteup. One or more of his samples were from real Bigfoots, butKetchum is apparently threatening to not include them in her paperdue to their falling out. So Erickson is threatening to sue her forviolating their agreement.Ericksonhas also threatened to sue a couple of other folks, including DennisPfohl and Mike Rugg, but I am not sure of the reason. Erickson iswell liked, and he is also deeply respected. At the same time, therespect seems tinged with fear. He has sunk $3 million into thisproject, and he is not going to get it back.Onegreat thing to come out of the release of the Erickson Projectresults is that maybe Bigfoot witnesses will not be sopersecuted. Roger Patterson was not an honorable man, but he didshoot a real video of a Bigfoot in California in 1967. He was sohounded by skeptics that they may have driven him to an early grave.
BobGimlin was so upset at the hounding that he more or less retreatedfrom the public eye for over 20 years after the shooting of thevideo. He only came out in 1989. Gimlin is a tough man, but all ofthe attacks have still hurt him. Entire books and countless articlesand Internet pieces have been written about how he hoaxed the famousvideo.

FromCanada, word comes that Bigfoots are much more common aroundIndian communities than around non-Indians. It seems that Bigfootsare more comfortable around Indians than around non-Indians. One mayspeculate about reasons.
Updating aprevious story,a trapper in McBride, British Colombia has told people thathe was recently kidnapped by Bigfoots, who took him back to acave and tried to make him have sex with a female Bigfoot. It’san updated Albert Ostman story.
Anothertrapper somewhere in British Colombia is living by himself way out inthe woods far away from anyone else. He is reportedly nearlyliving with a group of Bigfoots. He sees them every single day. Thismay possibly be the same man who says he was kidnapped by Bigfoots.The stories should be followed up.
Aprevious post reportedon some Canadians who dug up a muskeg and found a Bigfoot handskeleton in it. It was a Bigfoot burial ground. In northernCanada, Bigfoots use muskegs as burial grounds. This particularmuskeg was in northern Saskatchewan.
TheBigfoot shooting and DNA stories are powerful news, maybe the storiesof the year. Bigfoot is on the verge of being formally discovered byscience.*******In1958, the Russian scientist Dr.Boris Porchnev concludedthat relict hominids, cavemen from the Stone Age, continue to liveamong us to this very day. His prophetic views have been vindicated.The implications are nothing less than breathtaking. It’s nearlythe story of the century already, and we’ve only just come roundthe bend. Hold onto your seats.
Checkout BigfootForums forthe best Bigfoot discussion on the web.

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