20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Hand Washing Tips

by Chet Day

I'm going to share several quick hand washing tips you should keep in mind because following them will help you avoid getting sick, in weather fair or fowl.

There tips from directly from an interesting new article on hand washing by Josh Day.
  • Wash your hands quick but thoroughly. Forget the antibacterial soap that makes crazy claims -- simple bar soap and hot water will do just fine.

  • Wash frequently, but don't get obsessive about it or you might end up like poor old crazy Howard Hughes!

  • When you're out in public, never touch your face. Your hands are constantly in contact with surfaces that are covered with dirt, grime, sweat, and... ugh, germs!

  • When you get home, first thing, wash those hands!
Follow these simple hand washing tips and you truly protect yourself from getting sick.

Chet "Hand Wash" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

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