3 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Ongoing Observations of a Sasquatch Troop

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Quiteobviously this farm is situated in the middle of a Sasquatch troop'srange and they are just as curious as GM is. This is very good newsbecause this becomes a perfect opportunity to establish communicationthrough food sharing. They are already accepting pig feed and foodwaste so it is pretty evident that they are not scared at all and areat most cautious.
Thesecreatures will harvest deer in the winter, but it appears here thatthey are vegetarian during the summer growing season although thatcould be a case of respecting clear ownership. The fact remains thatthey are comfortable entering our pens to eat some food.
Thereis a lot of new information here and it will become possible toobserve the troop in quite the same way as was done by Jane Goodallwith the mountain gorillas.
I ampleased to see them observed eating rose hips. That tells me thatthey eat a wide range of wild fruit, most of which is not toopalatable to ourselves. I suspect that they can also eat mountainash berries which we find bitter. We have long since anticipatedthat they eat young pine needles also. (they must eat something likethat during the winter and it is an excellent source provided it canbe digested)

Sasquatch Habitation: Observations & Narrative
Severalweeks ago, I posted on Facebook (then later on the blog) that Ihad knowledge of a Sasquatch habitation location and that I would begathering the available evidence before disclosing any information.What follows is the narrative that the witness has given consent fordisclosure. I will be referring to the witness as ‘GM’.

I don't planto release the actual location but I will say that it is in theAtlantic Maritimes of eastern Canada. It is a fairly remote area withsufficient game, vegetation and private space for a small populationof Sasquatch to thrive. It is important to the witness and me thatthe specific area is not revealed. We want these beings to continueflourishing if, in fact, they are terrestrial. I have preached the'interdimensional' theory and I still believe that some of thesebeings may have some supernatural aspects to them. But I also believethat there is solid proof that there are terrestrial groups of thesehominids living among us.

The witness has been unable to capture identifiable imagesbecause of the lack of available light and distance...but he hasoffered effective foot track, scat images and sketch evidence as wellas other non-conclusive photo evidence. Hair samples weresubmitted to a laboratory in Calgary for identification. If otherphysical evidence is discovered, I will have it tested. The currentavailable evidence has been forwarded to other Bigfoot researchersfortheir opinions.

I have everyreason to believe GM’s account. He has meticulously chronicled eachincident since his first encounter. I feel this is a rare opportunityfor us to study these beings without blatant breach of their space.In the meantime, I hope to continue communication with GM andpossibly arrange a visit to the location in the near future.


In the middleof May of 2008, my grandson (who was 5 yrs. old at this date) and Itook my two dogs (both Rottweilers) for a walk in the wooded areanext to my house. This place is approximately 100 acres that hasnot been clear-cut, but has had areas logged off about 10 yrs.ago andis growing up in thick bush. We were walking on an old tractor roadwhich intersects another road. At this junction my grandson finds apile of excrement that was huge. The pieces were 3'' dia. x 12''long cross piled on top of each other (3 pieces). It looked likesomeone squeezed a large tube of toothpaste. My dogs wanted nothingto do with it and avoided it at all cost.

We walkeddownhill about one hundred feet when suddenly the dogs stopped mygrandson in his tracks and would not let him go any further. Theybegan whining and acting out of character. He ask me why they wereacting this way, looking up hill toward me. When I looked up toanswer him, I saw downhill from us, at about 50 yards, somethingstanding partly hidden behind a large spruce tree. It was a largeshape with a cone-shaped head, a shoulder, large chest, an arm and aleg, rocking from heel to heel (in that motion) peeking up thehill from behind the long boughs. At this point I kept my grandson’sattention toward me and said maybe we should listen to the dogs andgo for a walk another day. When I looked up again, whatever was therebefore was gone. I had never seen anything like this before and waskind of shocked and curious at the same time. We went home and I gota camera and went back to the location (by myself) to get apicture of the scat pile – but it was gone (completely removed) inan matter of 20-25 mins. Since this occurred in the woods besidemy house I started to do some research. I typed up a quickdescription on Google and up popped ‘Bigfoot / Sasquatch’. I hadheard little of this (only in the 1970s briefly) before that day.

Thefollowing account is what has happened since then. I have asmall farm with cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, and two dogs, whichmay have something to do with things happening on a regular basis.

1st week –April 2009: I had a sighting of, what I'm sure of now, a femaleSasquatch walk across the bottom of a small pasture behind my house.It was combing and eating rose hips from the bushes with its hands asit walked. It seemed to be looking for my pigs, but they weren'toutside yet since it was too early. I normally house pigs for thesummer in this area of my property that is wooded. I watched thisthing walk very slowly across the property looking at a stand ofsmall evergreens the pigs would hide in most of the day.

I was sitting at the ope
n window whilethis creature walk along as it continued eating rose hips.It stopped about 30 ft from this thicket and tried to peer into thisarea. When it didn’t notice any pigs (after a few seconds) itturned around, twisting at the waist. It looked right at me with akind of smirk on its face. I'm sure it looked me right in the eyes.There was a ‘feminine’ look to its face which was a lotmore human looking than I thought it would be. I drewa sketch of what I saw as it departed into the woods behind my house.All I kept telling to myself was “that's what made that large pileof crap that I found.” I didn't go look for tracks or hairafterwards because I have a condition that causes my muscles toinvoluntarily shake for extended periods of time - similar toParkinson's Disease but all over my body. At that time I didn't wantto chance and have something happen to me.

April9, 2009: I was peeling potatoes for dinner around 4:30 pm, whilestanding in front of a small window facing the fieldacross the road. This field is approx. 1200 ft to the top. I sawmovement and looked up.
In the left corner a creatureappeared - very similar to the one I saw the week before, only muchlarger. It had a very pronounced cone shaped head, huge shoulders, noneck, very thick brow ridge, large barrel chest and very thickmuscular legs. I watched this thing walk and it lookedlike it was carrying something on its left hip. While walking Icounted the number of steps it took for this to cross about300ft distance - it was 30 steps. When it reached theother side of the field it turned left and used its right arm to pushthe branches and trees out of its way. It was then that Inoticed that it was carrying a baby, sitting on the large ones hipwith a leg wrapped around the small of its back, and the head lookedaround the large ones arm. This creature was huge - at least 9+ ft,800-900 lbs. and approx. 4 ft. wide at the shoulders.

April 3, 2010: Iwent for a walk with my other grandson who was 3 yrs. old at thetime. We were walking in the woods beside our house, down the oldtractor road and the in the same area where the pile of excrement wasfound in May 2008. While walking down the hill my grandson slippedand fell hands first in cold water. When he cried out he wasinstantly mocked from a thicket approx 50' away. When he repeatedhimself he was mocked a second time in the same fashion. At thispoint he looked at me and said “who is making fun of me Papa?'' Itold him I did not know, but I said maybe they thought he was sillyfor crying over a little bit of water - with that we turned aroundand went home.

April26, 2010: I found the first footprint approx 1/4 mile south of myhouse, near a swampy area by a pond a few hundred yards south of thesecond sighting. The foot print was approx is 15'' long, 5''wide atthe ball, and 4'' wide at the heel. The bottle in the photo is 10''long and used for size comparison.

May25, 2010: I found another footprint while walking the dogs, onanother old tractor road, near the same area I had found the previousprint. This track was approx 21'' long, 8'' wide at the ball and 5''wide at the heel, I was carrying the same size bottle as before,shown in the photo for ref. The track appeared on the side of a short3' bank. There was a short skid mark at the top of the track,but the toes are clearly visible, as is the rest of the track.

Aug 6, 2010:While sleeping and shortly after midnight, a very strong odourcame in the window waking both my wife and myself from a sound sleep.The odour smelled like a mixture of skunk, rotten meat, and bodyodour. There were turkeys in a pen beside that side of the house.I did not see anything, but could hear a bipedal crunching noise,like feet shuffling thru forest litter.

Aug 10, 2010:At approx. 11pm, a bull in the pasture was mocked from just outsidethe pasture. Thinking it was another cow he went to investigate. Heeither smelled or saw that it was not another cow, and became veryfrightened running back to the barn as fast as possible to hide. WhenI investigated, the bull was pressed up against the barn wallshivering from fright. This was witnessed by my wife and me, aswe were outside at the time.

Aug 22, 2010:Same odour as before woke me from a sleep. Both farm dogs were goingcrazy - this was around 12:30am. The next morning seven ears ofhalf eaten corn were scattered all over the lawn and appeared to havebeen thrown at the dogs the night before. These dogs are inside anelectronic fence. The corn landed at the limited distance for thedogs to reach safety. The closest source of corn was interspersedwith soy beans in the field across the road.

Sept 7, 2010:While walking on the wood road, small rocks were thrown at me. Icould hear the rocks going through the leaves though I was notstruck. At the end of the rock throwing a loud whoop sound washeard. Later on I found a small track in the woods beside my house,approx 100' from my yard. The track was approx 7.5'' long 4'' wide atthe toes and 2'' wide at the heel.
[lookslike the youngster at work - arclein]

Sept 8, 2010:The dogs were very vocal all night. In the morning several twistedtrees were found about 50 yds from the house.

Oct 1, 2010:Strong odour drifted across the road from the south, witnessed by mywife and me. It was mid afternoon and the same odour as before.

Oct 6, 2010:Found a hair sample on a twisted tree.

Oct 13, 2010: Iwent to feed the pigs in the morning and found that one pig hadscratch marks on its back. The two middle scratches had bloodtrickles down the side as if the two middle fingers of a handcontacted first. It appears as if a large hand shoved the pig outof the way. The other pig had no marks on it. Twice previously I hadcaught Sasquatch stealing pig food at night.

Nov 6, 2010: Atapprox. 7:30am I was feeding the pigs when I heard a loud snort, ablowing sound and stomping noise. I immediately walked toward thenoise. I could find nothing whatsoever. It had left in a hurry butthe same odour as before was noticed.

Nov 17, 2010:At 6:15am a loud vocal noise, from a low pitch to a high pitchsounding like “ouwoo-woo-woo” occurred twice and was very clear.It was not from any type of animal that I am aware of.

Dec 6, 2010:At approx 8:30pm while opening a window I heard a snort noise frombehind the shed, approx 30' from the house. I saw a silhouette of alarge head and shoulders from behind the shed (which is 7' high). Thefigure turned around to re-enter the woods, banging its head on abird feeder hook which is mounted on a tree 8.5' off the ground.This figure was back lit by the neighbour’s yard light filteringthru the trees.

Dec 16, 2010:At 9am I heard three wood knocks very clearly, from just inside thewoods at the bottom of the pasture.

May 16, 2011:I heard 3 whoop sounds - very hollow and deep. This occurred 6 timeson the east side of the pasture next to my neighbour’s house (housewas empty).

May 21, 2011:I heard a very deep growl, much deeper than the dogs, on the westside behind the house where there is a lot of thick bush. I knew thiswas not the dogs from the sound, so I opened the window, held thecamera out the window and took 2 photos toward the sound. The secondphoto yielded what appears to be a large set of eyes, approx. 8' offthe ground and a second set appears to be behind the first and above,like a child riding on an adults shoulders. It shows a cone-shapehead with a large set of eyes and a round shaped head with the smalleyes – at least that’s what it looks like to me.

July 8, 2011: Iheard very distinct whoop sounds around 11pm, behind neighbours house(empty house).

July 29, 2011: At 4:13pm I heard wood knocksvery clearly - 3 knocks twice. The other neighbours dog became veryvocal all at once, and my bull, which was lying down, bolted to hisfeet.

Aug 5, 2011:At 8:45pm there were two mocking calls imitating the bull and 2 woodknocks at the edge of the woods near the bottom of the pasture. Thisis approx. 400' from the house. This was heard by my grandson andson-in-law.

Aug 25, 2011:I was walking past the window facing the pasture on my way to thekitchen. My bull and one cow were in this pasture and standing neckto neck grooming each other. All at once the bull stops what he isdoing and turns around looking west toward some old apple trees.That’s when I noticed apples rolling out from under the fencetoward the bull. The bull walked over and started picking up andeating the apples. That’s when I grabbed the camera, walked out thefront door of the house and down the tree line on the west side ofthe house. I was trying to sneak up on who/whatever was throwingapples under the fence. As I was making my way, I heard somethinglarge take off ahead of me. It was too thick to see what it was. WhenI reached the spot where I thought it was, I noticed a pile ofsteaming fecal material. At approx. 10' to the right of the pile wasa left handprint in the moss, where something had propelled itselfusing one hand on the ground, the thumb is very clear and at leasttwo fingers. The moss in the finger portion was moving back towardthe fingertips when I took the photo.

During the monthsof July, Aug and Sept 2011, there were at least 7 separate timesthat the turkeys were let out of their pen and the feed was eaten.The gate door was tied shut by both my wife and me on severaloccasions. On Sept 27, 2011 I had enough of the door being untied andthe feed being eaten, so the turkeys were moved into the barn. In thespring of the same year I had bought 6 new laying hens to add to myflock. They did not get along with the other chickens as they wereyounger and smaller. They would roost with the turkeys at night intheir pen. The morning after I had moved the turkeys into the barn Ifound one of these chickens laying right in front of the turkey pendoor, with its head and neck bit off. There was no sign of blood,just a few pin feathers. It was almost like it was done out ofspite. I know of no other animal that would do this and leave thebest part of the chicken behind.

Sept 29-30, 2011:A strange clicking noise woke me both nights coming from the woodsbeside the house. Both dogs were growling and this continued most ofthe night. I had a ladder leaning up against that side of the house.All night long I kept waking up to the sound of small pebbles hittingthe ladder. Each time I investigated nothing was there.

Nov 2, 2011: Iwas in the pasture that day, checking the fence, water bowl and saltlick. Everything was fine. When I went out the next morning to dochores, at once I noticed that the bottom stand of wire at the gatewas bent around the top strand. The salt block was broken and halfwas missing.
[Thisis difficult to do by the way]

Nov 23, 2011:When my wife was leaving for work at 8am, she heard what she thoughtwas a calf in the wooded area just below the pasture. She alerted methat the calf was possibly out of the pasture. When I went outside Ialso heard the same noise. Upon investigating, all animals were wherethey should be. The calf was standing beside the barn approx 400'from where my wife heard the noise. The night this calf was born inSept, I checked on the calf before going to bed and everything wasfine. The next morning there was a large healthy dogwood tree snappedoff and lying across the fence, holding it down - almost like it waslaid on the fence. No damage was done. Was this done in order to seethe new born calf? There was no wind that night strong enough tobreak the tree off. It was approx 8'' in diameter.

Dec 15,2011: I heard a very loud crying noise from outside at approx.midnight. While trying to locate the source I noticed that the dogwas in his dog house, not wanting to come out. I returned to thehouse and went inside. Just after I entered the outside motion lightwas activated. I turned to look at the window (the curtain wasclosed) and noticed a silhouette of a head and shoulders threw thecurtains. The crying noise continued on the opposite side of thehouse behind a large lilac bush. When I went to investigate thesecond time I could not find anything. The noise sounded like aninfant crying.

Jan 15, 2012:I went skating on a pond with my youngest grandson and my son. Weskated for approx. 2 hours and everything was fine until we moved tothe west end of the pond. We heard bipedal heavy footsteps runningaway. We looked around but could not find any tracks or evidence.There was not much snow on the ground, but everything was frozen.

I did notpreviously describe the color of these hominids, however I would liketo do that now:

The day wefound the large pile of excrement, the hominid I saw downhill peekingfrom behind the tree was rust red color all over. No other differencein color noted.

The hominidthat walked across the bottom of the pasture was the same color as adeer on the front, black shiny skin on the face, grey on the lips,palm of hand, and bottom of foot - similar to what the pad on a dogsfoot looks like. Large dark eyes - very friendly expression on theface - body color turned to grey brown with black steaks on theback from head to toe. This one was approx 7' plus tall, and 600lbsin weight.

The hominidthat was in the top of the field across the road was the same coloras the previous hominid both front and back, except much taller withmore pronounced cone head and broader shoulders. My guess would beapprox 9' plus tall and approx. 800-900 lbs in weight. The baby thatthe large one was carrying on his hip was a rust red color.

My neighbourused to throw out all their bad produce in a pile behind their barn.This would attract various types of animals including the Sasquatch.One I saw in particular looked like a juvenile approx 7' tall. Icould only see it running down the hedge row between the fields. Iobserved it from the elbows up to the top of his head. This one didnot have cone-shaped head but more rounded with a heavy setshoulders, no neck, and the hair on the shoulders and back lookedlike it was in ringlets - approx 8-10'' long. These ringlets wouldbounce when it ran. It was chocolate brown in color. I saw thisparticular Sasquatch on at least two occasions. I have a photo ofboth the footprint and a cast.

Since Aug 2008I developed a neurological disorder that causes me to shake andalmost convulse, making walking very difficult at times. I still goout when I’m able to, and look for evidence.

Things havebeen quiet this Summer, just a few odd instances but nothing tooconcrete. Since I started to investigate these matters, the Sasquatchhave sort of pulled back some but remain here.

NOTE: If you havequestions for 'GM', I'm sure he'd be willing answer...just send to meor post a comment. Over the years I have received many supposedBigfoot habitation reports. I can honestly say that GM's account isthe most convincing. BTW...SRI conducted a remote view session on thelocation and found relevant proof that these hominids were still inthe area. GM mentioned the possibility of another cryptid roaming thearea (very odd track found - I have a photo). I plan to look intothat soon, especially if other evidence comes forth...Lon

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