10 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Ice Age Transits with Bigfoot and Sirius

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Somecore information here in this recent post put together by Dale Drinnon.  First we get an excellent map ofBeringia.  As noted, the migration of Gigantpithecusand other prospective primate species had to be along this corridor, while thatsame corridor held of humanity until technology allowed passage.  Secondly we have an excellent chart of IceAge highs and lows over one million years.
This allows for a couple ofimportant conjectures.
The easy one is that the loweringof the seal level opened up passage for migration over the Alaskan archipelagoitself through snow choked but low passes. This avoids any attempt to transit the Ice Sheet or locate a mythicalpassage out of Beringia.  It would havebeen difficult country, but within the capacity of a Sasquatch at least.  This transit capacity had to be available forthe Ice Age Menagerie in any case as they exist on both sides and none couldhope to transit a two thousand mile wide ice sheet through high mountains.  It is noteworthy that communication waslikely best when the  Ice Age was at amaximum.  This certainly excluded thosenot adapted.
The more difficult conjecture isthat the chart clearly marks a turning off of the Ice Age approximately every onehundred years.  This is consistent and itis not random at all.  The variation wesee fits easily inside natural error bounds and geologic variation.  What the chart shows is an abrupt jump inglobal heat content that is generally sustained for about half the time span oraround fifty thousand years.  After thatit generally switches over to a cooling environment for the next fifty thousandyears.  While there are ample drivers forvariation in this data set, the core story is that the cycle itself is correctto a high level of probability.
This is an orbital story.  We already know that the Solar system is orbitingthrough the Sirius Cluster.  This establishesthat the orbital period is around 100,000 years or slightly less, and that welikely made the turn back to Sirius around ten to fifteen thousand yearsago.  This coincided with other eventstimed to take full advantage of this turn and the increase in heat.
We are thus around forty thousandyears away from reaching Sirius and turning back out.  Thus for forty thousand years at least wewill continue to experience the benefits of the Holocene.
Now we come to the core of thisstory. During the approach phase of our orbit, we are flying opposite to therotational movement of the Galaxy itself. This naturally compresses the envelop surrounding the Solar system and inducesa much stronger magnetic interaction than is possible when traveling the otherdirection.  All this means that experiencesan increase in contained heat on a per unit basis.  Thus the principle driver of the abruptending of the Ice Age has been sudden passing of aphelion in our orbit aroundSirius.
This also coincides completelywith the cultural and rare archeological indicators regarding alienintervention stepping in to accelerate our evolutionary progress from Cro Magnonand the simultaneous disappearance of the Neanderthals and other coincidentalchanges just at that particular time and place. Real emergence appears at that time and has been a core date for thisblog.  We would have made the turnperhaps fifty thousand years ago with and extended period of interaction.
Astonishingly we have a solidtheoretical basis under the textual material popularized by Zachariah Sitchenand others.
Bigfoot Evidence: possible Origin for Bigfoot
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by David Batdorf, a Sasquatchenthusiast that is interested in taking an anthropological, bird's-eye-view ofthe phenomenon and an advocate for species protection. Basically, he's aBigfoot nerd.

In my last two posts, Sasquatch:Human vs Ape and TheAmbiguous Gigantopithecus, I discussed my opinions, as to the likelyorigins of Sasquatch. I'd like to discuss the topic further utilizing what isknown about protohuman migrations, periodic glaciation and the appearance ofland bridges.

I will attempt to build a hypothetical model of the potential origin of theSasquatch, identify which common ancestor we most likely share, offersuggestions for how they got to North America and when that migration couldhave occurred.

NOTE: I will focus on the Bering Land Bridge. However, Iwould like to point out that, similarly, the SumatranLand Bridge is affected by the samerise and retreat of the oceans, offering access to the islands and in somecases, Australia... 

The difference between; "Ice Ages" and "Periods ofGlaciation"

Most people refer to the most recent peak of extreme glaciation, as the last"Ice Age". The last glacial maximum or peak, in which, the firstmodern humans crossed the Bering land bridge, or Beringia, occurred 10,000 -14,000 years ago. The Current Ice Age, also known as, Pleistocene Glaciation,Quaternary Glaciation or simply, "The Ice Age", has actually beenunderway for 2.58 million years. During this ice age, there have been severalglacial periods and interglacial periods. Glacial peaks, known as a"glacial maximums", occur within glacial periods. Periods ofglaciation, their peaks and interglacial periods are calculated by measuringthe C02 levels in sediments and rocks, then inferring the amount of ice presentand temperature changes.

Glaciers, being comprised of compacted snow, are usually formed on highmountains that collect precipitating clouds against their peaks. They slowlyand powerfully flow like rivers to lower elevations, shaping the land as theygo. It is this inland entrapment of water, that at times of extreme glaciationis over a mile thick, that leads to decreased sea levels and thus, theemergence of land bridges.

At our most recent glacial maximum, the Beringia land bridge was likely onethousand miles, from North to South, or roughly the distance from Seattle toSan Francisco, spanned between Alaska and Siberia and not covered in ice, asmany would imagine. It was a lush forest environment, much like the Alaskan andCanadian coastline and interior of today. To many of those who inhabited theregion, Beringia would have been a seemingly endless, bountiful refuge as theglaciers encroached from the mountains on either side.

Narrowing the Timeline

I choose the development of bipedalism as a precursory point todivergence of modern humans and Sasquatch. If this occurred 4.75 million yearsago and the period of Quaternary Glaciation began 2.58 million years ago, wecan cut the amount of time we need to look at for the Sasquatch crossing to Americanearly, in half.

Glacial maximums and the extremes to which glaciation occurred have beenmeasured, dated and named, within the last Ice Age. The periods of glaciation,from the most recent to oldest with glacial peaks extreme enough to open theland bridge are: Wisconsin or Wurm; Illinois or Riss; Kansasian or Mindel; andNebraska or Guns. Prior to Nebraska,at about 1 million years ago, there were no glacial maximums that exceed ourcurrent level of ice, today and would likely have left Beringiaunderwater. 

Within each these named periods are multiple glacial peaks or maximums. Thethird peak of the Wisconsin period is where modern people from Siberia came to America10,000-14,000 years ago. It spans the shift from the Pleistocene to theHolocene Epoch and is still in recession. 

NOTE: Pleistocene Mammalian Gigantism has long been a theory of whySasquatch is so large. In my hypothetical model, if Sasquatch shares commonancestry with us at an overall maximum of 4.75 million years ago and a firstpotential crossing at 1 million years ago, this gives Sasquatch 3.75 millionyears of evolution to adapt to a life in the Northern coniferous forest. Morethan enough time to do so, if only a fraction of that time. Many of those yearscould have been spent reacting to pressures of other mammals becoming giantsand may have followed suit as a predatory or a defense mechanism
. [thisis a perfectly acceptable model for Gigantopithecus which fails to applyto the other candidates. Gigantopithecus has been around that longbut the others haven't-DD]

Sasquatch, Out of Africa?!

One reason that the Sasquatch' progenitors may have been on the move is due tothe Miocene to Pliocene shift that occurred 5.3 million years ago, which beganthe deforestation and drying out of Africa.This major environmental change began prior to our specialized bipedaladaptations and is thought to have been the catalyst for the end of ourprogenitor’s arboreal lifestyle, by forcing us into the growing grassland. Bythe beginning of our Quanternary Glacial period and Pleistocene Epoch, 2.58million years ago, human progenitors were upright, but still very differentfrom our more modern variants.

There is much evidence that the exodus from Africamay have happened much earlier than was thought, 30-40 years ago. Homo erectus,was one of the first, longest lived and the second-most widespread of our Genus(second, only to our own subspecies of H. sapiens). They were also the firstcandidate for the widespread, but not complete global population, for a numberof reasons. They are found at 1.8 million years ago and survived, at least, to500,000 years ago. Some say as little as 65,000 - 35,000 years ago.

.....David Batdorf


Dale Drinnon Comments:
The author of this article pegs Homo erectus as the most likelycandidate for Bigfoot and other "Abominable Snowmen" casres. This isa popular theory and has indeed been a popular theory all along. However thereis one problem that this does not address: there is often a difficult line todraw in classification between H. erectus and H. heidelbergensis. ALLof the LATER "H. erectus" fossils might conceivably be H.heidelbergensis instead (that's right, including Pekin Man: Solo man is aprobable heidelbergensis and Pekin Man is very similar to the Solo fossils-BOTHsets are much later than H. heidelbergensis had taken over otherparts of the Earth, and BOTH are much different than the earlier "Javaman." And of course the same exact reasons for excluding Neanderthals andHeidelbergers as candidates could be applied with equal force to excludeerectus as a candidate as well. Homo erectus looks best as an AVERAGE candidatethat covers all of the others because you can take more advanced, more manlikereports and average them out with less advanced, less manlike reports to havean overall model that resemvbles erectus, theoretically fit to cover bothextremes. However my reading of the evidence is that we do not have an easysituation with a variable median type, we actually do have a situation withhighly polarized extremes of more apelike and more humanlike types boion andfrustratingly all called by the same names.

And so while the author of this article does have his points, My own reading ofthe evidence is that his points have not carried the argument and have notshown any decisive advantage for accepting this alternative theory.Furthermore, when the theorist insists on saying we are looking for an erectustype, that immediately invalidates all of the fossil and subfossil finds whichagree more with the Heidelberger and Neanderthal types, which consists of quitea few individual specimens over a very large span of time and over largesections of the world, specimens ranging anywhere from Postglacial generally upto very recent indeed. One more example of an "Early man" type skullof geologically recent date from Africa wasjust published at the Frontiers of Anthropology blog. So, you will excuse me ifI continue to believe that such remains constitute much better proofthan anything which has been put forth by the opposing theorists.

Best Wishes, Dale D.

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