13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Heaven is Real

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This is a particularly excellentexample of lucid dreaming.  If you havenever experienced this, you will find it difficult to credit the effect.  It is seriously different from simpledreaming.  I have personally experiencedthe effect once during a rare afternoon nap.
My experience was brief anddifferent from this.  Meditation attemptsto guide you into this state with the master acting as your guide.  However, reports from those unguided by aknown master such as this doctor show the appearance of a guide anyway.  In my own case a guide stepped up who I didnot properly see or recognize.
 What is common is the appearance of a guideand the sense of complete trust.  I amstrongly reminded of Dante’s Guide.
Not surprisingly, the doctor isrightly awed by his experience as this experience is surely more real in sensoryvalues than the living world in which we live.
And yes, you come out of such anexperience convinced of the reality of the afterlife itself.  In my case I searched for data and received datathat I could not have imagined and recognized this fact as well. 

Heaven is real, says neurosurgeon who claims to have visited theafterlife
By EricPfeiffer, Yahoo! News | The Sideshow – Tue,9 Oct, 2012
Dr. Eben Alexander claims to have visited the afterlife (Twitter)Dr. Eben Alexander has taughtat Harvard Medical School and has earned a strong reputation as a neurosurgeon.And while Alexander says he's long called himself a Christian, he never helddeeply religious beliefs or a pronounced faith in the afterlife.
But after a week in a coma during the fall of 2008, during which hisneocortex ceased to function, Alexander claims he experienced a life-changingvisit to the afterlife, specifically heaven.
"According to current medical understanding of the brain and mind,there is absolutely no way that I could have experienced even a dim and limitedconsciousness during my time in the coma, much less the hyper-vivid andcompletely coherent odyssey I underwent," Alexander writes in thecover story of this week's edition of Newsweek.
So what exactly does heaven look like?
Alexander says he first found himself floating above clouds beforewitnessing, "transparent, shimmering beings arced across the sky, leavinglong, streamer like lines behind them."
He claims to have been escorted by an unknown female companion and sayshe communicated with these beings through a method of correspondence thattranscended language. Alexander says the messages he received from those beingsloosely translated as:
"You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever."
"You have nothing to fear."
"There is nothing you can do wrong."
From there, Alexander claims to have traveled to "an immense void,completely dark, infinite in size, yet also infinitely comforting." Hebelieves this void was the home of God.After recovering from his meningitis-induced coma, Alexander says hewas reluctant to share his experience with his colleagues but found comfortinside the walls of his church.
He's chronicled his experience in a new book, "Proof ofHeaven: A neurosurgeon's journey into the afterlife," which will bepublished in late October.
"I'm still a doctor, and still a man of science every bit as muchas I was before I had my experience," Alexander writes. "But on adeep level I'm very different from the person I was before, because I've caughta glimpse of this emerging picture of reality. And you can believe me when Itell you that it will be worth every bit of the work it will take us, and thosewho come after us, to get it right."

Element 113 Discovery Claimed

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 This sounds like we will finally be able to declare element 113 asdiscovered. This work has been inching along for decades and it isalways welcome to add another unique element to the periodic table. It is even better to characterize it.
It would not surprise me to discover much higher zones of stabilityas the years go by although our ability to work with the materialwill also need to be revolutionized.
All good work and welcome to see as it has been a while.
Japanese TeamClaims Discovery Of Elusive Element 113, And May Get To Name It
The claim needs to beverified by chemical authorities, but the team says it's thestrongest evidence yet for the highly unstable element.
By RebeccaBoylePosted 09.26.2012 at 11:47 am
Decay Chain of Element113 Superheavy element 113 decays to the following daughterisotopes: Roentgenium-274; Meitnerium-270; Bohrium-266; Dubnium-262;Lawrencium-258; and Mendelevium-254.RIKEN http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-09/japanese-team-claims-discovery-elusive-element-113-and-may-get-name-it Japanese researchersclaim they’ve seen conclusive evidence of the long-sought element113, a super-heavy, super-unstable element near the bottom of theperiodic table. It’s not yet verified by the International Union ofPure and Applied Chemistry, which regulates the table and the namesof the elements — but if the IUPAC grants its blessing, theresearchers could be the first team from Asia to name one of nature’sfundamental atoms.
Super-heavy elementsdo not occur in nature and have to be discovered in the lab,using particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, ion separatorsand other complex equipment. Scientists led by Kosuke Morita at theRIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science have been huntingfor 113 for nine years, and have claimed to see it a few timesalready — but the evidence has never been this clear, the team saidtoday.
In an experiment inAugust, the team used a customized gas-filled recoil ion separatorpaired with a semiconductor detector that can pick out atomicreaction products. They created element 113 by speeding zinc ionsthrough a linear accelerator until they reached 10 percent of thespeed of light. The ions then smashed into a piece of bismuth. Whenthe zinc and bismuth atoms fused, they produced an atom with 113protons. This atom decayed, incredibly rapidly, into a series ofdaughter products, each an alpha particle (two protons and twoneutrons) lighter than the parent atom. The daughter nuclides arethe clear offspring of element 113, and only element 113,whose presence can thus be determined.
Back in 2004 and 2005,the same team noticed what looked like element 113 in four decayevents, which included the spontaneous fission of an isotope ofdubnium (element 105). But the final daughter products were notestablished relatives of 113, so the IUPAC didn’t recognize thediscovery. This time, the alpha decay chain is clearer: From a heavyisotope of element 113, to isotopes of relatives Roentgenium (111);Meitnerium (109); Bohrium (107); Dubnium (105); Lawrencium (103); andMendelevium (101).
A new paper describingthis decay chain will be published in the Journal of thePhysical Society of Japan. Representatives of the IUPAC have not yetresponded to a request for comment on what’s next.
The periodic tableis almost full. During the past few years, teams in variouscountries have reported finding the final remaining elements: 113,115, 117 and 118. As of June, the IUPAC was stillevaluating claims for their discovery. No assignments have been madeyet, but are being considered by a IUPAC and IUPAP Joint WorkingParty. If the IUPAC recognizes this discovery, the RIKEN team willget to name element 113.

Erectile Biochemistry

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Here we have a resolution on the biochemistry behind thesustainability of the penile erection and an obvious target fortherapy. Also an obvious target for drug company research I am sure.
The advent of drugs into this market did not provide an universallysuccessful solution at all but provided some a partial solution. This left plenty of room for improvement although most likely thinkthe problem is solved. Thus the continued press for researchsolutions.
The real problem is to find solutions which can work with otherpharmaceutical therapies that block the natural biochemistry. Thishas that promise.

Release Date:09/26/2012
Discovery in mice maylead to new therapies for men with erectile dysfunction
For two decades,scientists have known the biochemical factors that trigger penileerection, but not what’s needed to maintain one. Now an article byJohns Hopkins researchers, scheduled to be published this week bythe Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), uncovers the biochemical chain of events involved inthat process. The information, they say, may lead to new therapies tohelp men who have erectile dysfunction.
We’ve closed agap in our knowledge,” says Arthur Burnett, M.D., professor ofurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine and the senior author of the studyarticle. “We knew that the release of the chemical nitric oxide, aneurotransmitter that is produced in nerve tissue, triggers anerection by relaxing muscles that allow blood to fill the penis. Wethought that was just the initial stimulus. In our research, wewanted to understand what happens next to enable that erection to bemaintained.”
In a study of mice,Burnett and his colleagues found a complex positive feedback loop inthe penile nerves that triggers waves of nitric oxide to keep thepenis erect. He says they now understand that the nerve impulses thatoriginate from the brain and from physical stimulation are sustainedby a cascade of chemicals that are generated during the erectionfollowing the initial release of nitric oxide. “The basic biologyof erections at the rodent level is the same as in humans,” hesays.
The key finding isthat after the initial release of nitric oxide, a biochemical processcalled phosphorylation takes place to continue its release andsustain the erection.
In a landmark studypublished in the journal Science in 1992, Burnett and hisJohns Hopkins co-author, Solomon S. Snyder, M.D., professor ofneuroscience (who is also an author on the current study), showed forthe first time that nitric oxide is produced in penile tissue. Theirstudy demonstrated the key role of nitric oxide as a neurotransmitterresponsible for triggering erections.
Now, 20 yearslater, we know that nitric oxide is not just a blip here or there,but instead it initiates a cyclic system that continues to producewaves of the neurotransmitter from the penile nerves,” saysBurnett.
With this basicbiological information, it may be possible, according to Burnett, todevelop new medical approaches to help men with erection problemscaused by such factors as diabetes, vascular disease or nerve damagefrom surgical procedures. Such new approaches could be used tointervene earlier in the arousal process than current medicinesapproved to treat erectile dysfunction.
In particular, Burnettsays, “The target for new therapies would be the protein kinase A(PKA) phosphorylation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). Nowthat we know the mechanism for causing the ‘activated’ form ofnNOS in penile nerves, we can develop agents that exploit thismechanism to help with erection difficulties.”
One of the agentsstudied by the researchers was forskolin, an herbal compound that hasbeen used to relax muscle and widen heart vessels. They found thatforskolin also ramps up nerves and can help keep nitric oxide flowingto maintain an erection.
 “It has been a20-year journey to complete our understanding of this process,”says Snyder. “Now it may be possible to develop therapies toenhance or facilitate the process.”
The new study, “CyclicAMP Dependent Phosphorylation of Neuronal Nitric Oxide SynthaseMediates Penile Erection,” was funded by the National Institute ofDiabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), under grantnumber RO1DK067223.
In addition to Burnettand Snyder, the study article’s authors are K. Joseph Hurt from theUniversity of Colorado, Sena F. Sezen, Gwen F. Lagoda and BiljanaMusicki from Johns Hopkins, and Gerald A. Rameau from Morgan StateUniversity.

Crustal Breakup

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 This is possibly the first time we have observed the deep faultingcreated as a plate breaks free from part of itself in real time. Ofcourse, this behavior is evident in the rocks themselves and is longestablished and well understood.
At least, geology is now practiced everywhere and the globe isbecoming heavily instrumented. The result is that occurrences arenow been well observed and with computer technology, readilysimulated and tracked. There is still plenty to do but the data baseis nicely tightening up as is well demonstrated here. Of course, theprocess will take centuries.

Big quake was partof crustal plate breakup
by Staff Writers

Salt Lake City UT(SPX) Sep 27, 2012

Thismap of the Indian Ocean region shows boundaries of Earth's tectonicplates in the area, and the epicenters (red stars) of two greatearthquakes that happened April 11, 2012. A new study from theUniversity of Utah and University of California, Santa Cruz, says themain shock measured 8.7 in magnitude, about 40 times larger than theprevious estimate of 8.6. An 8.2-magnitude quake followed two hourslater.The scientists explain how at least four faults ruptured duringthe 8.7 main shock, and how both great quakes are likely part of thebreakup of the Indo-Australian Plate into separate subplates. Thenortheastward-moving plate is breaking up over scores of millions ofyears because the western part of the plate is bumping into Asia andslowing down, while the eastern part is sliding more easily beneathSumatra and the Sunda plate. Credit: Keith Koper, University of UtahSeismograph Stations. 
Seismologists haveknown for years that the Indo-Australian plate of Earth's crust isslowly breaking apart, but they saw it in action last April when atleast four faults broke in a magnitude-8.7 earthquake that may be thelargest of its type ever recorded.
The great Indian Oceanquake of April 11, 2012 previously was reported as 8.6 magnitude, andthe new estimate means the quake was 40 percent larger than had beenbelieved, scientists from the University of Utah and University ofCalifornia, Santa Cruz, report in the Sept. 27 issue of the journalNature.
The quake was causedby at least four undersea fault ruptures southwest of Sumatra,Indonesia, within a 2-minute, 40-second period. It killed at leasttwo people, and eight others died from heart attacks. The quake wasfelt from India to Australia, including throughout South Asia andSoutheast Asia.
If the four ruptureswere considered separate quakes, their magnitudes would have been8.5, 7.9, 8.3 and 7.8 on the "moment magnitude" scale usedto measure the largest quakes, the scientists report.
The 8.7 main shockbroke three faults that were parallel but offset from each other -known as en echelon faults - and a fourth fault that wasperpendicular to and crossed the first fault.
The new studyconcludes that the magnitude-8.7 quake and an 8.2 quake two hourslater were part of the breakup of the Indian and Australian subplatesalong a yet-unclear boundary beneath the Indian Ocean west of Sumatraand southeast of India - a process that started roughly 50 millionyears ago and that will continue for millions more.
"We've never seenan earthquake like this," says study co-author Keith Koper, anassociate professor geophysics and director of the University of UtahSeismograph Stations.
"This is part ofthe messy business of breaking up a plate. ... This is a geologicprocess. It will take millions of years to form a new plateboundary and, most likely, it will take thousands of similar largequakes for that to happen."
All four faults thatbroke in the 8.7 quake and the fifth fault that ruptured in the 8.2quake were strike-slip faults, meaning ground on one side of thefault moves horizontally past ground on the other side.
The great quake oflast April 11 "is possibly the largest strike-slip earthquakeever seismically recorded," although a similar size quake inTibet in 1950 was of an unknown type, according to the new study,which was led by two University of California, Santa Cruz,seismologists: graduate student Han Yue and Thorne Lay, a professorof Earth and planetary sciences. The National Science Foundationfunded the study.
The 8.7 jolt also "isprobably the largest intraplate [within a single tectonic plate ofEarth's crust] ever seismically recorded," Lay, Yue and Koperadd. Most of Earth's earthquakes occur at existing plate boundaries.
The researchers cannotbe certain the April great quake was the largest intraplate quake orthe largest strike-slip quake because "we are comparing itagainst historic earthquakes long before we had modern seismometers,"says Koper.
Why the Great QuakeDidn't Unleash Major Tsunamis
Koper says the2012 quakes likely were triggered, at least in part, by changes incrustal stresses caused by the magnitude-9.1 Sumatra-Andamanearthquake of Dec. 26, 2004 - a jolt that generated massive tsunamisthat killed most of the 228,000 victims in the Indian Ocean region.

The fact the 8.7 and8.2 quakes were generated by horizontal movements along seafloorstrike-slip faults - not by vertical motion along thrust faults -explains why they didn't generate major tsunamis.
The 8.7 quake causedsmall tsunamis, the largest of which measured about 12 inches inheight at Meulaboh, Indonesia, according to the U.S. GeologicalSurvey.
Without majortsunamis, the great earthquake caused "very little damage anddeath, especially for this size of an earthquake, because it happenedin the ocean and away from coastlines," and on strike-slipfaults, says Koper.
The researchersstudied the quake using a variety of methods to analyze the seismicwaves it generated.
Because the same datacan be interpreted in various ways, Koper says it is conceivable thatmore than four fault segments broke during the 8.7 quake -conceivably five or even six - although four fault ruptures is mostlikely.
Breaking Up is Hard toDo
TheIndo-Australian plate is breaking into two or perhaps three pieces(some believe a Capricorn subplate is separating from the west sideof the Indian subplate). The magnitude-8.7 and 8.2 great quakes onApril 11 occurred over a broad area where the India and Australiansubplates are being sheared apart.

"What we'reseeing here is the Indo-Australian plate fragmenting into twoseparate plates," says Lay.
The breakup of thenortheast-moving Indo-Australian plate is happening because it iscolliding with Asia in the northwest, which slows down the westernpart of the plate, while the eastern part of the plate continuesmoving more easily by diving or "subducting" under theisland of Sumatra to the northeast. The subduction zone off Sumatracaused the catastrophic 2004 magnitude-9.1 quake and tsunami.
Seismic analysis showsthe April 11 quakes "involve rupture of a very complex networkof faults, for which we have no documented precedent in recordedseismic history," the researchers write.
The analysis revealedthis sequence for the faults ruptures that generated the 8.7 quake,and the estimated fault rupture lengths and slippage amounts:
+ The quake began withthe 50-second rupture of a fault extending west-northwest toeast-southeast, with an epicenter a few hundred miles southwest ofSumatra. The fault ruptured along a roughly 90-mile length, breaking"bilaterally" both west-northwestward andeast-southeastward, and also at least 30 miles deep, "almostripping through the whole plate," Koper says. The seafloor onone side of the fault slipped about 100 feet past the seafloor on thefault's other side.
+ The second fault,which slipped about 25 feet, began to rupture 40 seconds afterthe quake began. This rupture extended an estimated 60 miles to 120miles north-northeast to south-southwest - perpendicular to thefirst fault and crossing it.
+ The third fault wasparallel to the first fault and about 90 to the miles southwest ofit. It started breaking 70 seconds after the quake began andruptured along a length of about 90 miles. This fault slipped about70 feet.
+ The fourth faultparalleled the first and third faults, but was to the northwest ofboth of them. It began to rupture 145 seconds after the quake beganand continued to do so for 15 seconds until the quake ended after atotal time of 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The fault rupture was roughly30 miles to 60 miles long. The ground on one side of this faultslipped about 20 feet past ground on the other side.

Roswell Witness Exon

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The source speaking to the Roswellissue certainly had the security clearance and rank levels to prettywell know the whole story that he was involved with. All others wereat best aware of small parts of a confusing picture and this hasfueled speculation and conspiracy theories when the government choseto clam up.
This was the first such event and sincethen, we can be sure protocols were put in place to acquire and deepsix additional artifacts. This likely takes place in area 59.
The materials acquired are describedhere and they are what one might expect. It is noteworthy that weare now beginning to fabricate similar materials. As I have posted,these craft are all MFEVs or magnetic field exclusion vessels whosefabrication demands graphene skins and similar materials made fromother elements.
Just understanding what these materialswere would have been impossible with lab work of the time and place. At best we got a pointer and that is important in itself.
Simply understanding that UFOs existedbegged the question of lift and propulsion in my fourteen year oldbrain and I ultimately understood that it must use thin layers ofexotic materials that we simply did not then understand. Thedemonstration of a supercooled material been levitated in a magneticfield showed me where the lift came from. From there it was a simplematter of waiting for lab results, and those materialized six yearsago allowing me to write and publish an article in Viewzone.com aboutreverse engineering the UFO.
All this has led to a clearunderstanding of the whole phenomena. If actual contact has beenestablished and conflicting claims to that effect have been made,then it is through the form of a cut out operation which no-one whocan not be trusted has access to. This is obviously problematic andthe arguments in favor of such behavior are now largely mute. I willleave it at that.
GeneralExon Confirmed Alien Crash

Icalled Brigadier General Arthur E. Exon several times concerning theRoswell crash before he died in 2005. General Exon was veryreachable, friendly. I identified myself as a retired intelligenceofficer and flyer and President of an Air Force Association Chapterthat was interested the alleged Roswell crash. Hetold me he had been the Commander of Wright Patterson Air Force Baseand knew quite a bit about Roswell. Amongthe things that Exon was very specific about was that everybody "fromTruman on down" had known about the Roswell incident from theday it happened, and that "itwas known to be an alien spacecraft almost as soon as we got on thescene."
DonSchmidt gave me a copy of his and Tom Careys excellent book "WitnessTo Roswell." I was particularly interested in their interviewwith General Exon. This is the books version of their interview,which is essentially the same information he told me.
GeneralExon, as a lieutenant colonel, was assigned to Wright Field in Julyof 1947, and was there when the wreckage from the Roswell crash camein. He was aware of the recovery in New Mexico and some colleaguesperformed the tests on the metal, trying to determine what it was. InJuly 1947, he learned from other colleagues that the bodies hadarrived on the base. All described to us what happened after; theflight reached the ForeignTechnology Division (FTD). 
Exon,then a lieutenant colonel, was an administration student intechnology at the FTD. "Weheard the material was coming to Wright Field,"he said. Analysis of the debris was performed in the FTDs variouslabs: "Everythingfrom chemical analysis, stress tests, compression tests, flexing. Itwas brought into our material-evaluation lab. I dont know how itarrived, but the boys who tested it said it was very unusual." Exonalso described the material: "Someof it was very thin but awfully strong and couldnt be dented withheavy hammers....It was flexible to a degree."
Accordingto Exon, "Someof it was flimsy and was tougher than hell, and the [rest] was almostlike foil but strong, it had them [the FTD analysts] pretty puzzled."The lab chiefs at Wright Field set up a "special project"for the testing of the material. "Theyknew they had something new in their hands,"continued Exon, "themetal and material was unknown to anyone I talked to. Whatever theyfound, I never heard what the results were." Whenasked what he thought about the components physical makeup, he said,"...Idont know, at that time, if it was titanium or some other metal...orif it was something they knew about and the processing was somethingdifferent." 
Therewas another location where ... apparentlythe main body of the spacecraft was ... where they did say there werebodies.
Theywere all found, apparently, outside the craft itself but were infairly good condition. In other words, they weren't broken up a lot"
GeneralExon experience with the recovered Roswell remnants wasnt limited tothe work at Wright Field. A number of months later, he flew overcentral New Mexico near Corona and checked out the crash sites. Therewere two distinct sites. At the northwest [site], pieces found on the[Foster] ranch, those pieces were mostly metal." The generalalso confirmed having seen the gouge that others had reported. Exonsaid, "Iremember auto tracks leading to the pivotal sites and obvious gougesin the terrain."When asked about the bodies, he said, "Iknow people that were involved in photographing some of the residuefrom the New Mexico affair near Roswell. There was another locationwhere...apparently the main body of the spacecraft was...where theydid say there were bodies." Askedif the bodies had been sent to Wright Field, Exon said simply, "Thatsmy information...people I have known were involved with that."
Accordingto Exon, the instant they understood the nature of the find, Rameywould have alerted the chief of staff, Dwight Eisenhower. Once theyhad the information in Washington, control of the operation wouldhave come from the Pentagon. The men at Roswell would have beentasked with the clean-up because they were there, on site, but theresponsibility for the clean-up would have moved up the chain ofcommand and into the Pentagon and the White House.
Hetold me that he thought the craft was heading SE or NW based on thedebris field and he mentioned the craft was up against a hill ormountain. In 1948, following completion of a two-year industrialadministration course at the Air Force Institute of Technology atWright-Patterson Air Force Base, (W P) Ohio, he was assigned to AirMateriel Command Headquarters, as chief of the Maintenance Data.
From1964-66, he was he commanderof Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and access to many of the keylabs. I get the impression he was continuing to get intelligence dataon UFOs from various scientists on base some seventeen years afterRoswell.
Heobviously had an interest in UFOs, and as Base Commander he wouldhave access to almost everywhere on base including where the actualcraft debris was being stored, He said other UFO-related fieldoperations were staged at W-P during his tenure. Teams of men wouldfly in from Washington on an investigation. W-P would supply themwith planes and crews for their operations. He was assigned to AirMateriel Command Headquarters, as chief of the Maintenance DataSection from August 1951 until April 1952. Exondid emphasizethat he was told these things by men who were directly involved andwhom he knew well and trusted. He mentioned knowing some of thephotographers who photographed the sites.
Hewas a pilot with 135 combat missions during World War II and hisaircraft was severely damaged by an exploding ammunition dump and hewas forced to bail out over enemy territory. Captured, he spent justover a year in German prisoner of war camps. On August 20, 1965, hewas promoted to brigadier general. General Exon had a most impressivemilitary career and it is doubtful he would lie about Roswell.
BothBlanchards and Rameys wife were aware that the crash was likelyextraterrestrial. Exon elaborated, "Iknow that at the time the sightings happened, it was [up] to Gen.Ramey...and he, along with the people at Roswell, decided to changethe story while they got their act together and got the informationinto the Pentagon and into the president." Thanks to GeneralExon

12 Ekim 2012 Cuma

Acne pimples Nutrition - Protein and various other Food to Eat on your War on Acne pimples

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What you fit into your body might be key to the fitness of your body as a rule and the condition of your skin accumulate. It affects numerous your immune structure that guards most people against sickness, a bones that continue being strong and strong, the quality with the blood, the quality with the brain, and the many functions that manifest every second inside of your cells.

Some foods are certainly more helpful than some people in overcoming the acne within your face or throughout yourself.


Unless you could be a highly working person, eating well over 2 to check out ounces of meat each contributes to narrowing of this arteries.

A person would you physical labor as well as involved in a good deal of movement at give good results, should eat as a minimum 4 ounces of protein each. It is recommended that you check whether any chemical additives are in the protein.

While a bit meat may be congrats, do remember, meat is excellent for saturated fat. This unique limits your EPA not to mention DHA activity, which produce prostaglandin and control the experience of your the.

Meat and bakery are big contributors to creating constipation, particularly when eaten together. Meat is complex to digest not to mention unless well chewed climbs into the colon partial digested. This feeds typically the gut bacteria and allows it to dominate the colon cleanse and create constipation. Bread can turn into a glue, bloating in your abdomen, slowing typically the natural progress from waste production. Neither has much fiber and can also cause problems in your colon.

Bad bacteria providing for on decaying partly digested meat and various other undigested food lead to the build all the way up of toxic matter in your colon. If you possess acne, you need routine elimination of faecal matter and avoid a toxic acquire ending up on your blood stream fifth erupting through the facial skin as acne.

The below grains are positive:

* Brown rice -- contains many amino acids for repairing affected skin.

* Totally grains -- such little packages send out folic acid, magnesium, and vitamin e antioxidant, B vitamins, minerals and fiber where you absolutely need it.

* Oats -- subsequent to your morning beverages have oats with the help of honey or raisins. They've been anti-inflammatory on your epidermis -- they even keep you routine.

Seeds and peanuts

* Almonds -- Almonds contain protein, typically the B vitamins, calcium supplement, iron, potassium, magnesium, not to mention phosphorus. Keep a smallish bag of almonds with you in the daytime to snack concerning.

* Flax seeds -- Small seeds with good omega 3 petroleum, an essential oil for keeps, an anti-inflammatory petroleum required in limiting acne. Excellent for the purpose of putting fiber to your smoothies. They even contain fiber when ever used ground up and fit into smoothies.

* Pecans -- A second good nut towards snack on precisely as it contains Vitamins Some, B, C, calcium supplement, iron, phosphorus, not to mention potassium.

* This tree nuts -- Many contain vitamins Some, C, B, required protein amounts and iron, all increasing your improving face.

* Sesame seeds -- Provide calcium supplement, phosphorus, and potassium. Sesame seeds relieves acne from reducing the bulge.

* Sunflower seeds -- Hundreds of good quality petroleum, protein, calcium not to mention vitamin A. All good for the entire body and primarily for dry face.

These nuts not to mention seeds are intended to be eaten undercooked to preserve nourishment otherwise destroyed from heating and handling.

Enjoy these peanuts and seeds for the reason that snacks. All search of a seeds may go directly into the blender whenever you make your smoothies.
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Pup Food Nutrition Situations Lead Owners to a new Approach

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What particular dog food eating habits issues are causing this deal with homemade products? Made to issues at take up. Let's examine those dreaded.

WARNING: Some of what you're going read about commercially available dog food may well be disturbing. This information may well be difficult for numerous readers.

Modern dog food happens to be an amalgamation of perilous ingredients and non-nutritious products. It doesn't guidance dogs, it becomes fatal them. That's best suited, the dog food stuff we find to get is a slow-killing toxic that robs numerous years from pets whereas silently destroying the caliber of life.

Dog food fabricated from with animal services that sicken typically the heartiest stomachs. Rd kills, dead residential home pets, diseased cattle not to mention sick poultry find their route to the dog food stuff manufacturers. They shred typically the unhealthy corpses not to mention dump them to boiling vats to bring about the foundation for most people dog foods we tend to find on stow shelves. Plastic out of your body bags that covered the pet carcasses can see its way towards the blend. So may flea collars perhaps even measurable quantities of the very most poisons used to include sick pets towards sleep. Does that sound nutritious back to you?

What about typically the additives and synthetics? Dog food designing patterns from historical use substances which were banned from person food. Those substances are prohibited within foods because they're referred to by cause cancer and then encourage a coordinate of other sicknesses. Then, there will be filler. Synthetic proteins which happen to have absolutely no nutritional value at all round out your jewelry.

The end end? Dog food eating habits is horribly compromised and our pet dogs are fed some sick product who harms them. His or her's lives are lower. Their health might be damaged. That's why many are turning to making the homemade dog food stuff. Making dog food inside your home is surprisingly convenient, very cheap and meets the nutritional needs our pets. It's a good, life-affirming alternative in the bad dog food stuff we find to get.

Warning: Tainted Pup Food Supplies Stance Major Risks. Commercially Available Dog Foodstuffs May Encourage Fast Pet Death.
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The way in which Important Food Nutrition Facts are

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It used to generally be that people would care necessarily about what they ate as soon as they suddenly felt an item physically wrong, or simply got chronically weakly or ill. Today it's not the case and folks tend to pay off more attention these days to food diet regime facts.

Each person is dissimilar in the nutritional requirement, based upon gender, age, volume of activity, and many other factors. It was from your examination of any nutrients and their amounts required for one's healthy diet that your first system for food nutrition facts was developed, and they took the shape of what we now know as the food item pyramid. Divided into six different categories of food, the food pyramid serves as the general guideline for just anyone in what to be able to.

At the base within the pyramid is any grain group which supplies many nutrients which include B vitamins, mineral, and dietary fiber content. Whole grains are what you may must look for to guarantee you get the most using this group. These comprise brown rice, grain flour, oatmeal, completely oats, whole rye, whole-grain corn, whole wheat or simply wild rice. Atop the grain group are the veggies groups. No will need to explain why you will want them; surely you've heard one many times how you're imagined to stock up on these types of foods for more effective nourishment. For fruits it may be ideal to encourage them fresh and during season, but freezing vegetables, canned, and dried styles are still healthy for you. The dairy number comes next, for the care of healthy bones and the prevention of osteoporosis, from which a couple of servings daily ought to be taken. Further above the pyramid stands out as the meat, poultry and fish group loaded with protein and other nutrients which include Vitamin E together with B-complex, iron, magnesium and zinc and likewise omega-3 fatty acids with some fish. Last of all, at the very the top of pyramid are essential oils the sound of which word most could possibly usually wince but that can be really essential mainly because well-as long as they definitely are low in fatty foods.

Modern man has revolutionized the manner in which we see and ingest different kinds of foods. We now understand nutrients can be digested with a single serving of chicken breast or a drink of broccoli or simply a can of tuna flakes. If you're a bodybuilder also, you wanted more protein in your diet, you can easily walk around the aisle of canned meats in your own local grocery retail outlet and read every one item's label. What precisely their ingredients happen to be, what they really don't contain which sometimes have otherwise proved bad for you, what chemical was specially put in, and most prominently, how much calories they supply and how a lot of their nutrients actually provide for your recommended on a daily basis allowance (RDA)-all those pieces of information and more are over the can and plan labels we sometimes just take for granted, crumple, and dump.

It is straightforward get lost nowadays in this society of fitness goers, calorie display, and weight watchers. You can arm all by yourself with knowledge! Whoever said the fact that awareness on an extremely topic as any health issues is bad? Learning about nutrition nutrition facts side by side with having at least basic information on how to read nutrition labels is just just be certain that turn yourself suitable careful food end user!

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Ceremonial Salsa Recipe

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by Chet Day

This beautiful Saturday I'd like to share a wonderful recipe for salsa that I received several years ago from Priss Lindsey, a reader of my free vegetarian recipes newsletter.

When she emailed me the recipe, Priss wrote, "Chet, after 40 years of perfecting salsa, this is the best!"

Whoa, that's high praise indeed.

If you like salsa, you're going to love today's recipe...

New Mexico Ceremonial Salsa

6-8 tomatillos, husked and cut into large chunks
1 basket cherry tomatoes, washed and stemmed
1 bunch cilantro, washed and cut up
4 cloves chopped garlic or 1 Tbs minced garlic
Juice of one lime
2-4 jalapeno peppers, seeded and sliced
1 giant Spanish onion, peeled and cut into large chunks

Put ingredients in blender and blend thoroughly. It may help to do the cherry tomatoes and tomatillas first to get a liquid consistency and then add in the other ingredients. Salt to taste.

This salsa gets better in the fridge and will keep for 4-7 days.

It's great with white corn chips or inside burritos or on tostados or even in a bowl of beans.

Try this salsa recipe and then come back and comment about it, won't you?

And if you have a favorite salsa recipe you'd like to share, please do so below.

Chet "Salsa Recipe Collector" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Aging Boomer's Blog

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Hey, a short entry today to plug my relatively new website where I'm blogging on a regular basis about getting older and all the trappings that come with it.

I named the site cleverly...


Okay, so that's not so clever. But it was an available domain name that more-or-less reflected what it was going to be about.

Anyway, if you're an aging boomer, surf on over and bookmark my new site. Then spend some time there reading the many posts already up and then spending some more time commenting and moving the discussions forward.

I promise my AgingBoomersBlog.com will never be dull or boring or politically correct!

Chet "Aging Boomer" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

11 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

San Jose Faculties Change School Eating habits and Limit Take out

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Changes for typically the 2006-2007 School Time at San Jose Faculties

Following in typically the footsteps of at the same time federal and say trends to limit take out and provide healthier nutrition to enrollees, San Jose Faculties will implement latest some changes getting started in September 2006. These changes may appear sudden but actually is part of a tough term goal for the purpose of improving student eating habits. San Jose Schools are generally working to advance student nutrition within the last few few years. San Jose Schools have previously removed fried money and carbonated refreshments from all kindergarten-eighth rate schools. A lot of this changes occurring through September are because of new federal protocols. The new insurance coverage states that on a school to are given federal funds regarding school lunch program they need to institute a Health and wellbeing Policy. The Wellness Policy can be described as nutrition program which may be designed and approved by your school board. That allows you to better meet such guidelines the San Jose Faculties have created the design committee. The SHAPE committee comprises of school food system personnel, a higher education board member, district employees, health care and attention professionals, concerned fathers and mothers, and community individuals.

The Nutrition Insurance coverage

The Nutrition Policy states that all those food on some San Jose Faculties campus must meet the state nutritional rules of thumb for fat not to mention sugar and excess weight content. The biggest effect of that policy for fathers and mothers is that diy baked goods is definitely not allowed on campus. San Jose Schools probably will make more snakes displayed schools that connect these guidelines and provide here are the approved store invested in snakes. Fundraisers that need the sale of veggies and fruits must be plotted with and endorsed by the higher education. The San Jose Faculties will actively encourage fundraisers which were not based near food sale but instead are based around muscle stimulation. All San Jose Faculties, including high faculties, will ban carbonated carbonated drinks this school time. Classroom parties with food could be limited to one phone.

Nutrition Guidelines for Foods Displayed San Jose Faculties

The San Jose Higher education Board is aiming to adopt a few new guidelines covering the nutritional concerns from students. This is done that allows you to meet to typically the growing concerns about student health and reducing childhood excess weight. The San Jose Higher education Board believes that there would be a growing disparity from the foods available at school and then the health curriculum. Strict guidelines are generally adopted all foodstuffs and beverages made available to students, including foods not to mention beverages provided via the San Jose School's food stuff service program, scholar student stores, vending fitness equipment, or fundraisers.

The ultra-modern policy also set guidelines for ones San Jose School's people in using veggies and fruits as a repay; the staff could be encouraged to usage healthy alternatives maybe a different non-food choice being reward for students' helpful performance, accomplishments, and / or classroom behavior. There is also a plan to help parents by providing healthy foods report. The guidelines per food item include: No more as opposed to 35% of total calorie consumption excluding legumes, peanuts, nut butters, seeds, eggs, vegetables which happen to have not been rich fried and mozzarella cheese packaged for particular sale; No well over 10% of 100 % calories from condensed fat; No well over 35% added carbs by weight; 175 Excess calories (elementary schools) not to mention 250 Calories (middle not to mention high schools). While an in person sold entrée may have about 4 grams from fat per 100 excess calories, 400 calories 100 %.

Stacy Andell can be described as staff writer for the purpose of Schools K-12, rendering free, in-depth research on all U. S. public not to mention private K-12 faculties. Stacy has some nose for researching and writes exhilarating news and suggestions on school factors. For more advice visit San Jose Faculties.
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Cat Health Advice on Food and Diet regime

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The best cat health advice on food for an individual's cats is remembering they're just strict carnivores and need a great deal more protein than pups or other household pets. Your little tiger has to be eating a high-quality canned dish which unfortunately contains taurine mainly because this prevents blindness and heart problems. You should refrain from meals containing any chemical pentobarbital as they are harmful if eaten constantly. Any grains didn't use to a bit of tiger and might actually cause many complications. Grains such mainly because corn, wheat and soy leads to chronic skin together with era infections.

It is also increase flea together with worm infestations, produce cancer, weaken your bones, create skin concerns and weakened their body. This is because if their diet is not really mainly meat after this you risk them sliding ill because their bodies do not process other suggestions well. Therefore meat management of number one substance on their dish. You should refrain from any foods formulated with BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin because most are used to expand their shelf life regardless that they increase possibility of cancer, exempt deficiencies and kidney concerns.

If your cat's cuisine from a can says animal products as its main additive after this you should avoid this program because it doesn't reveal what protein that you're getting. In other words it will be crushed intestines, heart liver and bones instead of the real thing. If the dinning states chicken then it will be very good in your furry friend. Even if consequently buying something extra expensive than any cheaper brands that you're actually saving money overall because your furry friend will be healthier that means fewer vet expenditures.

Attention all annoyed cat owners imagine what it may be like having some sort of obedient pussycat. You could solve problems which include clawing, aggressiveness, together with relieving themselves together with bad potty patterns. Remember understanding stands out as the key to a good happy relationship.

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Doggie Food - The appropriate Diet And Nutrition In your Dog

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Proper feeding is a must to your dog's health and wellbeing. Different breeds for dogs have numerous and specialized necessities to sustain your growth and your health - certain large breeds, such as, have food designed specifically based on their needs. Awareness of diet must get followed all all the way through your dog's daily life.

Selecting the right nourishment in your pet really should not done randomly. Complete well-being of your canine friend depends on what amount of research and preparation a person does.

The kinds for nutrients that pups need

A balanced diet gives your canine friend the calories she needs for electrical power and nutrients meant for growth and new of body skin. Commercially available premium dog food is designed with a balanced amount for calories and nutrients during the proper amounts that dog needs to sustain health and well being. Giving additional food which include tidbits and snacks might affect this diligently formulated balance for such dog certain foods. Leftovers should not constitute around 25% of an individual's dog's diet since most are nutritionally unbalanced. So is definitely all-meat diet, since this diet would are lacking certain nutrients and vitamins that will be vital to an individual's dog's health.

Your dog's diet ought to have enough high meat. However, the amount of protein equal in porportion to other nutrients really should not too high. An ample availabilit of carbohydrates, fat, nutrition should also show up to keep your canine friend healthy. It would be wise if you choose food that could be nutritionally complete together with balanced.

Commercial v .. Natural Dog Certain foods

There are numerous commercially available dog foods available. You can buy canned dog certain foods, dry dog nutrition kibbles, all all natural homemade dog certain foods and raw eating routine. All of those diets have their advantages and drawbacks, as well as their own personal critics.

Have your doggie used to 1-2 brands of doggie food. If you keep switching dog nutrition, it is possible that the can cause digestive disturbance. Your dog may additionally become a discerning eater. You should teach your canine friend to eat what you may give him.

Dogs need be fed according to the age

It is suggested to feed puppies with small amounts four times each and every day until they're 90 days of age. 3 times daily feeding has to be observed from 3 to the regular few months, and two times each and every day when your doggie reaches 6 that will 12 months of age. Most adult dogs only need to be fed once each and every day, in addition towards a small snack are usually given aside with his usual dish. It's important to adhere to a fixed arrange when feeding your canine friend. Dogs love habit, and their biological clock may adapt to any scheduled feeding.

Fresh and cool water should be designed to your dog all of the time. Keep it from a dish that should not be easily tipped over by your dog. Food bowls together with water dishes must always be kept nice and clean and washed daily in avoiding unwanted sickness together with infections.

What related to chew toys together with bones?

Give your canine friend something that is certainly safe to gnaw on on. This makes their gums together with teeth healthy together with clean. A rawhide strip improves on a plastic gnaw on toy since it really is digested in condition of ingestion. Never give your canine friend a bone which can splinter because it could possibly cause internal problems.

Finley Zhang may be a dog lover, and he prefers sharing information and understanding dog. He is certainly owner of YummyHealthyDogFood, There is helped dog homeowners increase dog's charge lifespan by sharing doggie food recipes, doggie care, and doggie health tips. Access the recommendations and tips now at.
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Foods Nutrition Labels: Six "Catches" You must know

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Most foods must carry nutrition labels to offer, as the You. S. Food and also Drug Administration (FDA) claims, "distinctive, easy-to-read formats in which enable consumers to quicker find the information they should make healthful foods choices. "

But despite being regulated from the FDA and the particular U. S. Section of Agriculture, foods manufacturers can, and also do, get away together with adding confusing or perhaps deceptive information for the labels. Sometimes that is done inadvertently, but often it's finished with the specific intention of earning you think the foodstuff is healthier than it happens to be.

Reading the labels may be tricky, so here will be the six top diet label "catches" to consider on your next visit to the grocery retailer.

1. Serving Dimensions. Many processed foods which can be packaged as an individual serving actually contain a couple of servings. According for the Nutrition Labeling and also Education Act (NLEA) regarding 1990, a food in a comparatively small container could be labeled as an individual serving if the complete contents can "reasonably be likely to be consumed in the single-eating occasion. inches However, there can be a discrepancy.

Consider "Big Grab" casino chips or Doritos and also "Big Gulp" refreshments. Most people purchase them with the objective of eating or drinking the whole lot. But an average serving of your soft drink will be 12 ounces. A number of the Big Gulp drinks can be up to 64 ounces--more as compared to five cans regarding soda! As for casino chips, a serving dimensions can vary with regards to the package. A single-serving munch size bag regarding chips, of training course, has fewer calories when compared to a larger, but nonetheless single-serving, size with the same snack.

Other items to consider include large muffins (which usually contain two servings), bagels, "individual" snow cream containers (some consist of 4 servings), and also personal size chicken wings.

2. Exempt Components. Food labels record ingredients in descending order. The many prevalent ingredient will be first, the the very least is last. Nonetheless, ingredients that constitute lower than 2 percent may be listed in any order following your heading "contains lower than 2% of these. "

Other ingredients referred to as "incidental additives" don't need to be listed about labels. These include substances utilized in food via the labels and "ingredients regarding other ingredients" which can be present at "insignificant levels" and possess no "technical or perhaps functional effect. inches

Natural and artificial flavors may also be often grouped with each other under one identify, and manufacturers aren't needed to disclose what "artificial flavors" actually means. The exception listed here is a new ruling from the FDA, to commence January 1, 2006, that states virtually any food containing any "major food allergen" will need to have it listed around the label (whether or perhaps not its section of flavoring or incidental additives). Key food allergens contain milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, bass, shellfish, soy and also wheat, as well since food ingredients made up of proteins derived from some of these food categories.

3. Natural and organic. Food products that claim being all natural may in reality include unnatural components. According to Robert Adams, the "Health Ranger, " "[The term all-natural] actually does not have any nutritional meaning in any respect and isn't truly regulated from the FDA. "

"The the reality is that natural just isn't always safe, and products with all the 'natural' labeling usually are not required by legislation to contain only natural ingredients, '' said Linda Golodner, president with the National Consumers Little league. "... Consumers consider words like 'safe' and also 'good for me' if they think of normal, but across the particular board -- from prescribed drugs to food products -- a number of these natural claims are usually misleading at finest. ''

4. Clear of... The FDA permits food manufacturers to be able to round to no any ingredient that accounts at under 0. 5 grms per serving. So while something may claim being "gluten-free" or "alcohol-free, " it could legally contain around 0. 5 grms per serving. While this could seem like a great insignificant amount, as time passes this small fraction can mount up.

Case in level, many food goods that claim to own no dangerous trans fatty acids list partially hydrogenated oil inside their ingredients label. In part hydrogenated oil generates trans fats, so these brands may be using the rounding to be able to zero option.

"If there's lower than 0. 5 gram regarding trans fats every serving, the food maker may round as a result of zero, " claims D. Milton Stokes, Third. D., a Nyc City-based nutritionist. "It's a great FDA rule, plus it happens with almost all foods. "

5. Different Terms for Unsavory Components. Food manufacturers are proven to use "clean brands, " in that they hide ingredients they will know consumers would prefer to not have inside their foods under names they don't recognize.
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Qualifing for the Right Nutrition Through Supplements

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Today, the most significant concern of every people is their overall health. Anyone would like to confidently say oftentimes healthy, but to be honest, being healthy is really so difficult to acquire nowadays.

Even considering the continues growth in technology and today's living, it apparently be a little more harder to achieve a very good health or improve our overall health, due to a whole lot of man made reasons and abuses, enjoy water pollution, ticket pollutions, vices enjoy drinking, smoking, a shortage of exercise and alot more. Either we won't be able to avoid these addictions or bad routine, or we simply posess zero time or energy to stay in a healthy being, or we involve some other priorities.

And our healthy eating plan also has a serious role in our overall health. Our lifestyle, and therapies eat and the way we eat really factors. Have you planned your diet fairly recently? Are you concious of what think you're eating? Or do you consume healthy foods that consists vegetables and fruits, or you're facilitating some local drive-thru food chains acquire a good profit using you? We typically are not getting any smaller, our health deteriorates even as we age too, to make sure you better take a minute look at your healthy eating plan before it's at the same time late.

We all have a very good busy hectic lifestyle, thats understandable, its really hard to stay in a healthy lifestyle especially concerning our nutrition. Or which can be have an additional time to do some activities or exercise, still its inadequate numbers to be understood as healthy. In United states, millions of citizens are not partaking enough on their suggested dietary allowance of nutritional vitamins, and you might be one. If so, you may benefit from the several food tablets available and shift your usual diet to somewhat of a healthy or diet diet.

When you say supplements, it generally refers to all types of vitamins and minerals, protein foods, energy bars and beverages inside forms. These tablets, essential nutrients are almost always packed in capsule or tablet versions, though there also are that comes on powder mixes and even drinks. Taking supplements are beneficial to body, it implies that we are qualifing for the right amount of nutrients our body requires. It will be however wise to help you first consult a family doctor before taking all sorts of things, so you'll know how much nutrients are one dominantly missing and that really must be achieved.

There are supplements for up to anything, like you have always wanted an extra amounts of Vitamin An important, Vitamin C and Iron, there are accessible supplements for a lot of these. There's also you for memory change for the better, that can help you to study for great exam. For sports people, they usually have protein supplements designed for muscle development. Food supplements are quite valuable in several ways, whether you need them how to enhance memory, and to strengthen your muscle group and bone building, supplements are made to obtain all the nutrients that your choice of body needs.

But it's a fact where to grab the best nutritional augment? There are a number of local stores or stores with the malls that offers all types of food supplements, though sometimes the costs makes you wanna once again out. Trying hunting online, search because of the Internet, its the absolute right place to get an economical and best health supplements, and sometimes some people even offer the application with free transporting charges. There become more than hundred in stores online, just investigate the reviews and testimonials of each and every site first before you'll purchase. Shopping online is notably more easy and even convenient, plus you a lot of choices you could choose and you can certainly make a better consideration, plus you can save enough time than going with your local stores.

Fred Burfell is known as a seasoned (old) freelance writer a lot easier than 40 quite a few years experience with trade magazines and magazines. Inside golden years As i write for ourselves and trust that maybe a different person will find value inside musings. To read additional information on nutritional food tablets.
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10 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Nunavat's Ancient Life

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 One aspect of this problem suggests itself to me. It is that theelimination of sea ice will allow a robust growing season as both thesurface water could quickly warm and the atmosphere as well. It isquite different that the actual tree line controlled by elevation.
The fact remains that warm conditions must be available for longenough, yet twenty four hour sunlight picks it up pretty quick. Italso sounds like this all occurred pre Ice Age so no significant icemay even have existed.
Certainly we have evidence of that and migration could deal with thecritters involved as we are then describing a seasonal influx of warmwater. What we think we know today could well be badly of the mark.

Nunavut’smysterious ancient life could return by 2100
Posted by TANNAncientEnvironment
Global climate changemeans that recently discovered ancient forests in Canada's extremenorth could one day return, according to Alexandre Guertin-Pasquierof the University of Montreal's Department of Geography, who ispresenting his findings at the Canadian Paleontology Conference inToronto today.
"According to the data model, climate conditions on Bylot Island will be able to support the kinds of trees we find in the fossilized forest that currently exist there, such as willow, pine and spruce. I've also found evidence of a possible growth of oak and hickory near the study site during this period," Guertin-Pasquier said. "Although it would of course take time for a whole forest to regrow, the findings show that our grandchildren should be able to plant a tree and watch it grow."

The fossilized forest found on Bylot Island in Nunavut is between 2.6 and 3 million years old according to estimations based on the presence of extinct species and on paleomagnetic analyses. Paleomagentic analysis involves looking at how Earth's magnetic field has affected the magnetic sediment in rocks -- like a compass, they turn to follow the magnetic poles. Scientists can use this information to date rocks as the history of the movement of the magnetic poles is relatively well known.

Wood samples in the ancient forest have been preserved throughout the eons in peat and by permafrost. "We studied the sediments in the forest and discovered pollen that are usually found in climates where the annual average temperature is around 0 degrees Celsius or 32 Fahrenheit," Guertin-Pasquier said. By comparison, current average conditions on Bylot Island are around -15°C ( 5°F). The samples were taken from few drill holes 10 cm in diameter of one to two metres deep. The harshness of the Arctic winter and the remoteness of the forest mean that scientists have very little opportunity to delve into its secrets.

Even during the summer, the Guertin-Pasquier and his colleagues had to endure extreme conditions such as 80 km/h winds. "There is so much mystery that surrounds this forest -- for example, how these trees managed to survive the relentless dark of the Arctic winter," he said, adding that the next steps for this line of research could include looking more closely at other plant remains in order to get a better understanding of what the local flora was.

This research was financed in part by the Polar Continental Shelf Program, Fonds de recherche du Québec -- Nature et technologies, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada programs.

Source: Universite de Montreal via Newswise [September 21, 2012]

Survival Lessons Learned

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 The most important lesson is of course to actually listen. Otherwise, we discover something called appetite fatigue and how tocircumvent it. I know in my own experience that you soon grow tiredof an oft repeated food. This can obviously become life threateningas is demonstrated by POW stories.
What I have been teaching is that this type of intensive agriculturecan be modernized and made once again part of the human life way. Italso needs to happen. The lesson hard learned here is thatindustrial agriculture reduces the farmer to a machine operator muchtoo often and takes the manpower from the land when it is wellneeded.
Yet our own society can be hugely strengthened if we restore themodern agricultural village to the land in condo towers andinternalize the local economy. Communication and rapid transitoptions make this almost part of the urban environment while allowingmanpower to be available to optimize the land itself.
LetterRe: Lessons Learned From My Elders
http://www.survivalblog.com/2012/09/letter-re-lessons-learned-from-my-elders.html James:
As a five year oldI lived with my grandparents in a small isolated village in thefoothills of the Austrian Alps.  This was about 1953 until1958.  Rural life had its own rhythm which now seemed more akinto the 19th century.  Small family fields were plowed with themilk cow which was also used to bring in the hay and the harvest. Everything planted had a use.  Each tree on these small familyfarms bore fruits or nuts.  Ornamentals were for the well to do-perhaps the village doctor who had a more secure source of income. Each farmstead depended on a variety of fruit and other crops. If one thing did not do well that year, then other harvests such asthe chestnuts or the pears and apples for hard cider might beplentiful.

The grain keepingbody and soul together was polenta, a new world crop, along with thepotato.  Corn grew well and would be eaten as mush with porkcracklings, sour milk, or coffee mornings and evenings. Each farmer’swife was also capable of making hearty loaves of bread seasoned withherbs along with the obligatory home churned butter. Besides workingin the fields alongside her husband, the women also had a kitchengarden with vegetables and savory herbs.

The othermainstay was the pumpkin which is still harvested for its seedsand the superb oil the roasted seed produces.  Oils andfats are always at a premium and never ever thrown away.  Ihave had many a pork fat sandwich with garlic, salt, and pepper.Anything left over was given to the hogs which were slaughtered inthe fall and processed, smoked and hung on rafters in the pantry orpreserved in a tub of lard.   The root cellar like thepantry was built of stone, being cool and moist. It held barrels ofsauerkraut, pickles, and perhaps of eggs which had been covered witha solution of lime and water.

In theevenings, kept warm by the ceramic wood & coal stove, storieswere told about surviving WWII and the Russian occupation.  Somewere very funny, some not so much.

During the wareverything was rationed. Towards the end of the conflict, people inthe city would get on the train for the country with their fur coatsand oriental rugs and anything else they thought they could trade fora sack of potatoes. Many a farmer’s wife could be found withfinery. If you had extra food you kept a very low profile as not toarouse anger or envy of neighbors.

If you werefortunate enough to live in the country, then hunger was not aproblem because you grew what was needed – most had the skills,experience, and landneeded. Organic methods along with longestablished permaculture were the norm.  Small livestocksuch as chickens and sometimes rabbits and doves were part of theliving larder. Everything depended on composting and the farmer withthe biggest manure pile was considered rich.  Of course humanurewas part of recycling necessary nutrients for a successful harvestseason.

Several storieswhich contained significant life lessons were told by uncles who hadto serve on the front.

One uncle was amedical doctor and he told of a pampered young man who came in with ashoulder wound and he hysterically thought that he was mortallywounded.  The team of doctors assured him that he would do justfine, all to no avail.  This young city boy did dieunnecessarily.  Later a farm boy came into the medical facilitywith a very serious stomach wound.  He walked in carrying hisintestines in a newspaper.  He was not expected to live but hehad the right mindset and he recovered.

The secondstory about serving on the front came from a different uncle who wasin a Siberian prison camp for seven years.  He was a very tallman and as all those with him lost a tremendous amount of weightbecause of a terrible diet.  Every meal consisted of a cabbagesoup with a few chunks of potatoes thrown in.  After a time themen were no longer able to eat this soup, and even though they tried,they threw it up. Fortunately there was a doctor in their unit whotold them to take anything of value that they had, cigarettelighters, cigarettes, belt buckles and trade it for hot peppers whenthey went out on work details.  Each meal they were to cut alittle of the peppers into their soup so that their gastric juiceswould start up again.  This is how I learned about appetitefatigue.  My uncle would say that the peasants in Siberiawere as poor as the prisoners and really did not eat much better.

The last storyabout the Siberian camp had to do with going home.  The trainswere loaded with prisoners and they were to depart but for somereason the last car was uncoupled and left.  This caused suchgreat disappointment and loss of hope that many men in that lastcompartment killed themselves.  Without a solid spiritualfoundation our “men’s hearts will fail them” (Luke 21:26)when faced with desperation.

And then there was the thirduncle who was a survivor.  His very hard life had honed hisinstincts. Somehow he would have an inkling when the next attack atthe front would occur and he would work his night patrols eitherbefore or after.  Several men in his unit caught on to thistalent of being aware and sensitive to his surroundings,they started to stay close to him.  Most Austrians wereconscripts that wanted to get home to their families.

Hearing suchstories and more made a great impression on my mind and these storieshave been told to the next generation.  Better to learn fromanother’s life lessons, the personal cost is less if one listenswell.

Sincerely, - U.E.

Spanish Bronze Age Fortress By Cartagena

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This is close by Cartagena and thus likely linked in the time andplace. However what is here described is contemporaneous to theMinoans and the Egyptians. Since we have built a powerful case for aMinoan Atlantean sea empire, this complex fits rather nicely.
Any land based princely holding would feature a port city and aninland city that was able to act as a keep in the face of losing abattle. This pattern is repeated often. Ports can be surprised andsuddenly captured in a coup de main from the sea itself. A wisecommander would want to fall back onto an impregnable fortress. Thatis what is described here.
In the meanwhile, it is located in one of the likely locales for suchstructures. I am sure we will find good agriculture in the immediatevicinity and ample water.
The whole Atlantic littoral needs a close survey to pick up onsimilar sites. Often we will find that the port has disappearedunder the waves and to be difficult to locate. Yet inlandstrongholds will exist for any good land base. We may surpriseourselves.

4,200-year-oldfortification unearthed in Spain
Posted by TANN
The archaeologicalexcavations carried out this year at the site of La Bastida (Totana,Murcia) have shed light on an imposing fortification system, uniquefor its time. The discovery, together with all other discoveries madein recent years, reaffirm that the city was the most advancedsettlement in Europe in political and military terms during theBronze Age (ca. 4,200 years ago -- 2,200 BCE), and is comparable onlyto the Minoan civilisation of Crete.
The discovery waspresented today by Pedro Alberto Cruz Sánchez, Secretary of Cultureof the Region of Murcia and Vicente Lull, professor of Prehistory ofthe Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and director of theexcavation. The event also included the presence of Iván MartínezFlores, executive administrator of the research and head of the UABArea for Strategic Projects.

Thefortification consisted of a wall measuring two to three metresthick, built with large stones and lime mortar and supported by thickpyramid-based towers located at short distances of some four metres.The original height of the defensive wall was approximately 6 or 7metres. Until now six towers have been discovered along a length of70 metres, although the full perimeter of the fortification measuredup to 300 metres. The entrance to the enclosure was a passagewayconstructed with strong walls and large doors at the end, held shutwith thick wooden beams.

One of themost relevant architectural elements discovered is the ogival archedpostern gate, or secondary door, located near the main entrance. Thearch is in very good conditions and is the first one to be found inPrehistoric Europe. Precedents can be found in the second city ofTroy (Turkey) and in the urban world of the Middle East (Palestine,Israel and Jordan), influenced by the civilisations of Mesopotamiaand Egypt. This indicates that people from the East participated inthe construction of the fortification. These people would havereached La Bastida after the crisis which devastated their region4,300 years ago. It was not until some 400 to 800 years later thatcivilisations like the Hittites and Mycenaeans, or city-states suchas Ugarit, incorporated these innovative methods into their militaryarchitecture.

A ConstructionDesigned for Combat

Thefortification of La Bastida is an impressive construction due to itsmonumentality, the expertise demonstrated in architecture andengineering, its antiquity and because it helps us today to learnabout such a distant past which is also easily recognisable in thepresent. It also represents an innovation in the art of attacking anddefending fortifications, especially on the military front. Theconstruction was designed solely for military purposes, by peopleexperienced in fighting methods unknown in those times to the West.

The towers andexterior walls denote advanced knowledge of architecture andengineering, with slopes of over 40 per cent. The lime mortar usedoffered exceptional solidity to the construction, strongly holdingthe stones and making the wall impermeable, as well as eliminatingany elements attackers could hold on to.

The posterngate, as a hidden and covered entrance, demanded great planning ofthe defensive structure as a whole and of the correct engineeringtechnique to fit it perfectly into the wall.

ContinentalEurope's First Bronze Age City

The latestexcavations and the result of Carbon 14 dating indicate that LaBastida was probably the most powerful city of Europe during theBronze Age and a fortified site since it was first built, in circa2,200 BCE, with a defence system never before seen in Europe.

Thefortification was not the only discovery made. From 2008 to 2011,excavations unearthed large residences measuring over 70 squaremetres distributed throughout the city's four hectares. These largehouses and public buildings were alternated with other smallerconstructions, all separated by entries, passageways and squares. Alarge pool held by a 20-metre dyke with a capacity for almost 400,000litres of water also clearly denotes that the city's population wasof a complexity and that it used advanced techniques incomparable toother cities of its time.

Thediscoveries made at La Bastida reveal a military, political andsocial rupture: the establishment of a violent and classist rulingsociety, which lasted seven centuries and conditioned the developmentof other communities living in the Iberian Peninsula. Overall,archaeologists are redefining what is known of the origin of economicand political inequalities in Europe, as well as military institutionand the role played by violence in the formation of identities.

A UniqueArchaeological Park in Spain

Theexcavations at La Bastida are directed by the Research Group inMediterranean Social Archaeoecology (ASOME) of Universitat Autònomade Barcelona (UAB), formed by lecturers Vicente Lull, Rafael Micó,Cristina Rihuete and Roberto Risch. The research group receives thesupport and funding of the Department of Culture Regional CulturalMinistry of Murcia, the UAB, and the Totana City Council. The SpanishMinistries of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and of Economics andCompetitiveness also give financial support to the project.

La Bastidawill be systematically excavated with the aim of becoming a uniquearchaeological park open to the public and consisting in amonographic museum, a research and documentation centre, and part ofthe site open to visitors. Advancing and maintaining this projectwill depend on the commitment shown by the different publicinstitutions and social agents taking part in the excavation of LaBastida.

Moreinformation on La Bastida: http://www.la-bastida.com/LaBastida/

Source: UniversitatAutònoma de Barcelona [September 27, 2012]