7 Aralık 2012 Cuma

Natural Remedy For Bed Bugs

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 This is one inconvenience that we need to see the back end ofquickly. Thus this report is great news and will surely beimplemented.
The bed bug has been making a thorough comeback simply because itrequires draconian measures with the full commitment of society toeliminate it. Thus when we inevitably lower our guard and give it achance it gets on board.
In ten years it has gone from zero to been an expensive threateverywhere. Having a powder to produce a hostile environment is asolution that every building manager will be happy to deploy.
ScientistsDiscover Natural Remedy for Bed Bugs

By DeborahMitchell on November 23, 2012
Bed bugs are asignificant health problem not only in some homes, but also whentraveling and staying at hotels, motels, and similar accommodations.Now scientists have discovered a new natural approach to eliminatingthese pesky, biting creatures, and the research results have beenencouraging.
Can we say bye bye bedbugs?
The resurgence of bedbugs in the United States and other countries has triggered greatconcern about the health and economic implications of their presence.These creatures may be minute, but they are mighty and resistant toelimination methods, as their widespread appearance around the worldhas illustrated.
Fighting bed bugs hasproved to be a challenge, but researchers at Pennsylvania StateUniversity may have an answer. It appears that a natural funguscalled Beauveria bassiana, which causes disease in insects, isdevastating to bed bugs.
Beauveria bassiana isa fungus that kills pests when its spores attach to the insect'sskin. The fungus germinates and penetrates the pest's body and over aperiod of 3 to 5 days, kills the insect.
Senior researchassociate in entomology Nina Jenkins, who headed the new study,reported that she and her colleagues have been encouraged by theresults of their research with bed bugs and the fungus. Basically,all of the bed bugs they exposed to the fungus on eitherpaper or cotton jersey (a common material used in bed linens wherebed bugs are often found) died within five days.
The researchers notedother benefits of using the fungus. One, the pests were affectedregardless of sex, stage of life, strain of fungus, or feedingstatus. Two, once the bed bugs were affected by the fungus, theycarried it back to their hiding places, which means they infectedother bed bugs and thus extended the impact of the fungus.
Jenkins announced thatafter exposing half a group of bed bugs to the fungus for one hour,"the fungal spores were transferred from the exposed bug totheir unexposed companions, and we observed almost a hundred percentinfection."
This is a criticalfinding, because bed bugs are so tiny and can infiltrate areas thatare difficult to reach and treat. Bed bugs are often found in bedlinens, but they also hide in cracks in the floors and walls, underrugs and carpeting, and even behind wall sockets.
Other treatments forbed bugs
Bed bugs need tobe treated at two levels. One is the source: the underlyinginfestation often requires the services of a professionalexterminator, who may need to use both nonchemical treatments alongwith pesticides. Nonchemical techniques you can take includethoroughly vacuuming your home, including crevices and cracks in thefloors and walls; washing bed linens and clothing in water hotterthan 120 F to kill bed bugs; placing linens and clothing in a clothesdryer set at medium to high heat for at least 20 minutes; orattempting to freeze the bed bugs by leaving linens and clothingoutside in a freezing environment for at least several days.

Professionalexterminators often have the ability to use machines to raise thetemperature of rooms in your home to a level that will kill bed bugs.Use of these machines does not necessarily guarantee bed bugs hidingdeep in mattresses and furniture will die, however.
To treat bed bugbites, you can use hydrocorticone creams or take an oralantihistamine. You can also elect to do nothing and wait through theitching from the bed bug bites, which typically disappears within aweek or two.
Discovery of theability of a fungus to kill bed bugs is exciting, and theinvestigators are conducting more research. Jenkins noted that "We'reworking on the next step, and we have more funding to support thesestudies," which is good news for anyone who is worried about bedbugs.
PennsylvaniaState University

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