16 Aralık 2012 Pazar

Heart Health Eating

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I will not say thatthis is applied common sense and has been practiced for years as ithas been, but it still needs statistical testing to understand itseffects.
The real take homeis that you should never wait to switch out burgers and cakes fornuts and cabbage and all that. We are all victims of the terriblehabits we pick up young and carry into our years.
I have personallysurvived a major Heart Attack for seven years and it meant giving upany excess of the usual culprits. I have discovered a that onemouthful portion of a cake at a birthday is quite sufficient fortriggering personal enjoyment. I have also noticed that the secondmouthful you are actually experiencing a blend of sugar and fat thatis not so nearly wonderful since all your taste buds are wiped out. Try it.

It'snever too late to eat your way to heart health, study says
A newinternational study spearheaded by researchers in Hamilton suggestseating well improves health outcomes for people who already sufferfrom heart disease.
ByCory Ruf, CBC News Posted:Dec 3, 2012 4:03 PM ET

Therole of healthy eating in preventing heart disease is wellestablished, but a new international study spearheaded by researchersin Hamilton suggests that chowing down on wholesome foods improveshealth outcomes even for people who already suffer fromcardiovascular disease.
Themain findings of the study was that a diet rich in fruit, vegetablesand fish significantly reduces the chance of a second heart attack,”said Dr. Mahshid Dehghan, a research associate with Hamilton'sPopulation Health Research Institute, which coordinated the effort.
Eatinghealthfully, she added, provides additional benefit
PHRIcollaborated with researchers to track the eating habits of more than30,000 subjects over the age of 55 who suffer from cardiovasculardisease or diabetes. Participants from 40 countries filled outquestionnaires about their lifestyles at the beginning of the study.
Fiveyears later, researchers checked up on the health outcomes of theirsubjects, many of whom were being treated with medication.
Researchersfound that participants who had diets that were high in fibre and lowin saturated fats carried about a 30 per cent lower risk ofsuffering a heart attack or stroke.
Wefound similar associations in all regions of the world, indifferent countries with different levels of income," Dehghansaid.
Thesefindings don't come as surprise to Cory Ma, a registered dietitian atthe North Hamilton Community Health Centre, who facilitates programsfor seniors who suffer from — or are at a high risk of developing —diabetes or heart disease.
Ifmy clients don't eat enough fruit and vegetables, when they start, itreally helps to relax their blood vessels,” he said.
Mateaches a diet program called D.A.S.H., which stands for DietaryApproach to Stop Hypertension.
Thefocus of the regime, Ma said, "is to have high-fibre wholegrains instead of white flour products, lots of plant-based foods,more vegetable proteins, like beans, nuts seed and chickpeas, lessred meat, less alcohol and less refined sugars.”
There'snot going to be much salt in those foods. And because there's lessred meat, there's less saturated fat.”
Thediet isn't just useful for high-risk seniors, Ma noted.
Alot of times, we only see people when they already have [heartdisease]. The diet can be followed by anybody and may actually helpto prevent it.”

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