12 Aralık 2012 Çarşamba

Dr Oz Slags Organics

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What is happening of course is that deeply entrenched interests arenow engaged in 'pushback' because the organic movement has gone fromfringe to mainstream and the economic premium is sufficient toconvert farming completely over to organic practices particularlysince it has been shown to be superior to current methods even interms of general productivity over a thirty years field study.
Of course parts of the organic crowd do take it over the top inefforts to be heard. However, we can expect outright lying andscientific misrepresentation to be the new order of the day.
It has been evident for a long time that our fertilizer and pestcontrol protocols are in need of a serious rethink as to overall bestpractice. This is much of what this blog is about.
We have shown that the biochar protocol neatly sequesters allnutrients in the top soil until demanded by the growing plant. Thisultimately eliminates the need for any fertilizer at all with modestwaste recovery efforts that simply tills it all back in. Applicationof biochar is optimized around corn culture which can produce enoughdesiccated stover.
Pest control has also been well managed with the organic crowd andlet us respect that. The fact remains that it requires sophisticatedprotocols to keep fields from been overrun or infested and draws froma deep understanding of local biology. Yet we have been winning.

The plot againstorganics: Dr. Oz part of an organized, well-funded P.R. propagandacampaign to destroy the organic industry (opinion)

Sunday, December 02,2012
by MikeAdams, the Health Ranger


(NaturalNews) Dr. Oz'srecent attack on organics has left a large number of people shockedat his betrayal of the organic consumer community. Yesterday,his Facebook page was being absolutely inundated with posts frompeople calling him a "betrayer" and asking why he wouldattack organics and start promoting feedlot beef and food made withpesticides and GMO.

But Dr.Oz's attack on organics is not the action of a lone madman who haslost touch with reality. It's part of a coordinated P.R.campaign that has been organized against organics, Natural News haslearned, and it's being run behind the scenes by one of the mostprominent P.R. companies in America.

Their tacticsresemble that of Big Tobacco in the 20th century, which promotedcigarettes by linking them to freedom and "coolness."Today, as Dr. Oz's TIME Magazine article nauseatingly demonstrated,the P.R. strategy is to try to link organics with "elitism"by calling people who eat organics "the snooty 1%."

Where did Oz get histalking points?
Dr. Oz was not theauthor of the talking points highlighted in his article, I believe.Those were likely handed to him by the P.R. firm behind the attack onorganics, and this same P.R. firm (which shall go un-named for thetime being) also has links to the "No on 37" campaign inCalifornia that got caught breaking federal law, fabricating FDAquotes and impersonating police organizations in order to stealthe vote away from the YES on 37 campaign.

The way theplot works is to recruit influential people, then convince them toput their names on highly manipulative, derogatory stories aboutorganics that are placed in mainstream media rags such as TIMEMagazine or the New York Times, often dubbed the "toilet paperof record."

Roger Cohen atthe New York Times recently put his name on a story that calledpeople who eat organics "delusional cult members." Thatarticle implied that people who choose organic food suffer from amental disorder. For that article, Natural News gave him the 2012Idiot of the Year Award (which, in retrospect, may have beenpremature as Dr. Oz is definitely in the running now...)

The worldrecently learned that TIME Magazine suffers from hilariousnutritional illiteracy when its own managing editor, RickStengel, recently declared that canned food was nutritionallyidentical to organic food. Click here to listen to Robert ScottBell and Jerry Doyle break down this outrageously ignorantstatement from TIME Magazine's editor. This is all part of thesame orchestrated plot against organics that we saw Dr. Oz spewingrecently.

Dr. Oz joinedthe ranks of the food sellouts by claiming that people who eatorganic foods are "snooty" and "elitist" and even"undemocratic," as if choosing organic food is somehowanti-American. Real Americans eat pesticides and GMOs, Dr. Ozimplied!

Who is behindthis massive P.R. effort to destroy organics? The usual suspects, ofcourse: All the same corporations that were behind the "No on37" campaign. The near-victory of YES on 37 freaked them out,and they realized they cannot win the GMO labeling issue long term,so the only way to defend their territory and profits is to makehealthy food seem un-cool and elitist.

It is mybelief that Dr. Oz is part of an organized plot to destroyorganics. Influential people are being approached and recruited.Mainstream media publication of the hit pieces is being "arranged"at high levels. Talking points are being crafted by mastermanipulators. And the whole thing is funded by the obvious opponentsof organics: Pesticide companies and biotech firms.

Why is organic better,actually?
Organic certificationis one of the best things to come out of the federal government. Runby the USDA, organic certification audits the process offood production, handling and packaging. A farmer who obtains USDAorganic certification must be able to prove the he used no syntheticchemicals on his farm. Everything that goes onto the plants --fertilizer, insecticides, etc. -- must be from a stringent list ofacceptable organic items such as neem oil for insect control. This isall audited for compliance, both at the paperwork level (showingpurchase receipts, for example) and physically at the farm.

At the foodformulator and packing level, organic certification means you followa very stringent process for tracking raw materials,blending food products, packaging and labeling them.

Both farmersand food packers are audited once a year by a USDA-approvedorganic certifier. This includes an on-site inspection which coversdetailed requirements including cleaning solutions for machinery andeven rodent control. Toxic rat poisons, for example, are not allowedto be used in a certified organic facility.

In greatcontrast to organic food production, a non-organic operation canspray any toxic sludge they wish on crops in the field, includingsludge laden with heavy metals. Food packing and handling can takeplace in a warehouse that's chemically fumigated with toxic,cancer-causing chemicals. There are no requirements that food batchesbe tracked or tested for possible contamination. A non-organic labelmeans, essentially, "almost anything goes."

Because of therequirements of organic certification, organic foodsconsistently test as far lower in synthetic chemicals, and of coursegenetically modified foods are not allowed to be labeled "organic"at all. Organic foods are higher in nutrients, and their productionmethod is more kind to the planet because syntheticchemicals are not sprayed on farms and then washed into streams,rivers and oceans.

Dr. Oz apparently does not care about anyof this. He wants you to eat foods sprayed with synthetic chemicalsthat pollute the planet. He wants you to eat foods laced with toxicpesticides, herbicides and unknown quantities of heavy metals. Hewants you to think that eating more agricultural poison is "cool"and that demanding clean, non-GMO, non-poisoned food is "elitist"and "snooty."

Such is thesad truth about a man who has sold out to the propaganda interests ofthe biotech and pesticide industries. Organic food is "undemocratic,"he says, implying that if everybody just ate more GMOs and chemicals,then we'd all be more "equal." Huh? Yeah. That's how warpedthe P.R. has become on all this: Let's all be equallypoisoned and call it "democratic."

You are going to seethe attack on organics ramped up
Watch for morehigh-level attacks on organics from major newspapers and magazines.Based on the information I have received so far, it appears this P.R.propaganda effort -- which smacks of the tactics of EdwardBernays -- is actively recruiting high-level people who agree toput their names on op-ed pieces that are essentially ghost-writtenby the biotech industry.

It is verycommon, by the way, for drug companies to ghost-write"scientific" papers that are placed in so-called "sciencejournals" under the names of prominent scientists who arepaid to take part in the conspiracy. The pharmaceutical industrygot caught red-handed fabricating papers in this way abouthormone replacement therapy.

So don't thinkthis tactic is unusual. It happens every day in America behind thescenes of the corporations that manufacture toxic vaccines,prescription drugs or GMOs. It's "business as usual" forthose who are trying to pretend their poisons are somehow"scientific."

Beyond thefraudulent authorship of papers and articles, the P.R. propagandaeffort also involves distributing a list of distorted, manipulativetalking points to news organizations and TV talk shows.

They include pointslike "organic is elitist" or "not all Americans canafford organic food, therefore it's un-American to recommend organicto everyone." Watch for talking heads on the evening news tostart mindlessly repeating these talking points in the days ahead.
Natural News is goingto call out those who betray organics and sell out to corporateinterests
As more journalistsand celebrities betray the organic movement and put their names ontothese propaganda articles, Natural News is going to namethem and call them what they are: TRAITORS to the movement, tothe planet, to honest agriculture and to the American people.

Remember:Organic food is simply honest food. It's real food, the way yourparents or grandparents might have grown it. Organic food is grownwithout pesticides or other synthetic chemicals, and itrepresents the only real future to sustainable food on ourplanet.

Even moreimportantly, organic food doesn't promote Alzheimer's, cancerand other diseases like synthetic pesticides do. For people who wishto lead healthy lives free from the disease-causing contamination ofsynthetic chemicals and cancer-causing GMOs, organic food is thebest insurance against developing chronic disease.

Anyone who attacksorganic foods is attacking health, sustainability and theenvironment. They betray everything that matters to informedconsumers who want to know what they're eating.

Any person whoattacks organics is a traitor to humanity and a sellout to theMonsantos, DuPonts and Bayers of the world. It is a despicable stanceto take, as these companies have been involved in some of the mostheinous crimes against humanity ever recorded in the history of theworld. Bayer, for example, saw its own chairperson convicted andsentenced for the company's role in Nazi war crimes inWorld War II.

This is partlywhy Natural News has announced a lifetime boycott ofthe chemical pesticide companies who committed outright fraud todefeat the GMO labeling ballot measure in California.

If you don't supportorganics, you have no credibility in the realm of health
For any person whowishes to retain any credibility whatsoever with the informed public,there is only once acceptable stance on this issue: The whole-heartedsupport of organic and non-GMO agriculture. Anyone who is notadvocating organic farming methods is encouraging the destruction ofthe environment. Anyone who is not advocating organic foodconsumption is encouraging chronic disease among the population.Anyone who is not fighting for the full-disclosure labeling of GMOsis selling out humanity to the most evil corporations in the world --the biotech giants.

For a personto have any credibility whatsoever in the realm of health or food,they must first establish that they embrace clean, pesticide-freefood (organics) and that they support honest labeling of such foods(GMO labeling). If a person fails on one or both of thesecounts, they have zero credibility in the realm of health.

You will note,by the way, that Dr. Oz never overtly advocated GMO labeling. Heinvited Jeffrey Smith on his show for a few minutes, then kicked himoff the stage to bring on a biotech shill who blatantly lied to Dr.Oz's audience about GMOs. It was all part of elaborate theater topretend to be "balanced" on the issue while actuallypushing a collection of corporate lies about genetically modifiedfoods.

Dr. Oz isfinished as a person with any credibility among those who areinformed. And any other person who puts their name on a P.R.propaganda piece that attacks organics will suffer a similar fate:Widespread ridicule followed by a collapse in their support base (andhence their influence).

To announcethat you are opposed to organics in 2012 is the moral equivalent ofannouncing you support Hitler in 1945. The informed public is farbeyond the point where they can be manipulated into thinking thateating more pesticides and GMOs is somehow patriotic or even healthy.They're much smarter than that, and any person who attaches theirname to this outrageous P.R. propaganda plot to destroy organics isgoing to see their own credibility and reputation destroyed instead.

Good riddance, Isay. It's time we stopped listening to quack authority doctors whobetray humanity and sell out to corporate interests.


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