9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Aging Boomer's Blog

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Hey, a short entry today to plug my relatively new website where I'm blogging on a regular basis about getting older and all the trappings that come with it.

I named the site cleverly...


Okay, so that's not so clever. But it was an available domain name that more-or-less reflected what it was going to be about.

Anyway, if you're an aging boomer, surf on over and bookmark my new site. Then spend some time there reading the many posts already up and then spending some more time commenting and moving the discussions forward.

I promise my AgingBoomersBlog.com will never be dull or boring or politically correct!

Chet "Aging Boomer" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Garlic Coleslaw

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I have this strange -- some would say -- habit of collecting coleslaw recipes, especially healthy ones that are a bit out of the ordinary in terms of palate pleasing.

Well, today, I'd like to share a healthy coleslaw recipe for all you garlic lovers out there.

It's called...

Fred T's Garlic Coleslaw

1 small head cabbage
2 cloves fresh garlic
1/2 cup plain yogurt or sour cream
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Fresh ground black pepper to taste

Shred cabbage, press garlic (quantity to taste), add other ingredients in stainless or ceramic bowl. Toss until well mixed. All quantities are variable, so it's best to start with small amounts and add to taste. This slaw tastes better on the second day if it's stored cold and well sealed.

Thanks to Fred for sharing this recipe with me so many years ago.

If you have a favorite coleslaw recipe you'd like to pass along to others, click on the comment link below and start typing, willya? :)

Chet "Coleslaw Recipe" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Quinoa Cookies

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Today I'm going to share a recipe for some healthy cookies made with quinoa, a little-known grain that's healthier than wheat... by a long shot.

Coconut Raisin Quinoa Cookies

2 cups quinoa flakes (like oatmeal), found in health food stores
1 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup raisins
4 Tbs unsalted butter, softened
2 eggs
3 Tbs water
2 Tbs vanilla flavoring
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/4 tsp white stevia powder

Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly grease a cookie sheet or cover with parchment paper.

Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until well-combined and tacky.

Form into two-inch balls and place two inches apart on the cookie sheet. Flatten slightly and shape (the cookies don't spread very much when they bake). Bake for 15 minutes, until golden.

Try these. You'll like 'em.

And if you have a favorite healthy grain cookie recipe you'd like to share, use the "Comment" link and start typing, eh?

Chet "Quinoa Cookie" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Peanut Butter Oatmeal

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I have an excellent (and less expensive) alternative today for those of you who buy individual packets of flavored oatmeal.

Peanut Butter Oatmeal

1/2 cup instant or regular oatmeal
1/3 cup hot water
1 or 2 Tbs chunky peanut butter or favorite nut butter
1 banana, sliced
1/4 cup raisins
2 Tbs maple syrup

Cook the oatmeal by pouring the water into it and mixing until smooth. Add maple syrup and peanut butter and blend it thoroughly. Serve by putting the bananas and raisins on top with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

This recipes is quick, easy, healthy, and very delicious... yummy for peanut butter lovers.

If you have a favorite oatmeal recipe to share, just click on the "Comment" link and have at it!

Chet "Peanut Butter Oatmeal" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Fire Meditation

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Today I'd like to share one of my favorite fire meditations with you.

If you've not yet taken up the practice of meditation, I urge you to do so because it has so many documented health benefits, with new benefits being discovered on a regular basis.

Without further preamble, for a great fire meditation, we turn to the late Zen master Shunryu Suzuki, who tells us...
When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.
Let's play with this meditation a bit, shall we?

To start, breathe deeply, pause for a second, and start centering your focus.

Repeat breathing and focusing three times or until you're deeply aware and intensely in the present moment.

When you're focused and centered in the moment, burn yourself and your ego and your petty concerns about this and that which are distracting you from the real you.

Breathe and let it all float up and away... like shimmering heat above the point of a flame.

Now, breathe again and feel the cool, calm peace that comes from burning yourself up completely, like a good bonfire.


In closing, if you enjoyed this meditation, check out my weekly meditation newsletter at http://meditation101.com

Chet "Fire Meditation" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Finding The Right Cafe BBQ Joint And Eatery

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By Gillian Riz

This includes everything from site selection, to restaurant layout and design, to vendor lists. The work does not end once the restaurant is opened and a quality control plan ensures that the endeavor will be successful. There is much to learn within the food service industry and even more knowledge is required when you are the boss. A franchise BBQ restaurant program provides the necessary education in a neat little package. Kings Mountain State Park, near Blacksburg, South Carolina, is a favorite destination with visitors to the Upcountry. The park is located near the border with North Carolina and is adjacent to Kings Mountain National Military Park, site of an important Revolutionary War battle. Built by the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) in the 1930s, Kings Mountain State Park encompasses 6,885 acres. Many of the park's original facilities are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Functions and Key Features. Barbecue smokers come in different styles and key features. Some may have an impeccable stainless steel exterior, cooking grills, an embedded thermometer, pans and so on and so forth. To save money, check if the features and functions included in your chosen equipment would benefit your cooking styles and requirements. In the perfect world you would complete all the ideas that I have mentioned in about month and for under a budget of 10,000. Is this a realistic DIY renovation goal Yes I believe it is very achievable, especially if you (or someone you know) have a few 'handy man' skills. Remember that renovating you investment property should be fun and exciting. With most weddings these days, the wedding catering follows a set formula of canapeacutes with the reception drinks before a three-course sit-down meal, followed later that evening with a hot buffet.

It will take a little planning, but with a simple buffet menu it is easily achieved. Think differently about your food - There are plenty of food options available, so you don't have to go down the route of a traditional sit-down meal. Consider providing party foods, snacks or plenty of canapeacutes for a champagne reception. A dessert only reception would work well for a bride with a sweet-tooth or perhaps a picnic style buffet for a more casual affair. Few realize that one of the key factors in determining quality is to get the grill temperature as hot as possible. When you go to a restaurant and order a steak, did you realize that they are able to cook them at over 1000 degrees Typical charcoal grills rarely get over 700 degrees because most are simply too large. If you don't believe me, then just take a look at the ratings in Consumer Reports. Notice anything different about the Weber grill (and no, I am not selling them) The difference is they are small dome shaped grills.

No private boats are allowed, but non-motorized fishing boats may be rented for 20 per day at the 65 acre Lake York. Two group camps, Camp Cherokee and Camp York, may be rented for large groups. The popular Camp Cherokee YMCA Camp is also located within the boundary of the state park. The park is open daily from 8am-6pm, with extended hours of 7am-9pm during daylight savings time. This is a replica of a yeoman farm typical of those found in the South Carolina Piedmont in the early to mid 1800s. The farm buildings include the farmhouse, barn, smokehouse, and blacksmith shop. A farm of this type would have grown cotton as a cash crop, and there is a cotton gin onsite. For more adventurous hikers, there is a moderately difficult 16 mile loop trail that crosses over into the National Military Park.

For the same price you can eat at the Rio's, which offers a much wider range of dishes (probably the widest), though their quality, which used to be very good, has faded somewhat lately. Which dishes you can find here. This particular all-you-can-eat is average though decent, offering a respectable (but not huge) range of dishes of average flavor. Salad sometimes (if you are lucky) they offer some gourmet salad dishes (such as the expensive and healthy artichokes and or sun-dried tomatoes) usually, it's run-of-the-mill with average salad condiments. At times they offer olive oil, other times it's really average condiments only. If your property is a weather board then a few coats of paint is a great idea or if it's a Brick house then rendering your property can make a massive difference. Render can turn an old and ugly brick house into a modern a beautiful place in a few days. RENOVATION TIP DIY rendering is an incredibly cheap way to improve the value of your house. So my answer to the question "how much work should I do on my investment property" Do as much as you can whilst spending as little as possible.

Fruits like red apples are other creative and fun alternatives for decorating tables, but nothing sets the mood like a lit candle inside a glass container surrounded by rose petals. You don't need to have tablecloths to make it look fancy, plastic covers look very nice as well and are more affordable. Now moving on to tuxedos, there are several online stores that offer tuxedos for a couple hundred dollars or you can just rent one from a nearby tuxedo rental place. There are many ways to have a delicious dinner reception and stay within budget. In fact, it is more their size that leads to them winning the best tasting foods for a barbecue grill all the time. I cannot stress this enough most people, especially Americans, purchase grills that are way, way too large. The inside is what matters are the grates made of stainless steel If not, they will soon warp and rust. And beyond this, the number one thing to fail on a charcoal grill is the grill grate that supports usually poorly crafted thin pieces of metals screwed on from the outside.

About the Author:

Before you do take out for BBQ consider smoking your own with a Masterbuilt Electric Smokehouse. Once you use a Masterbuilt Smokehouse you will wonder why you ever cooked without it.

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Study Cooking Secrets That The Pros Use

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By Wesley Mcgavock

Cooking is an art that many people enjoy. Many people aspire to be the next Emeril Lagasse or Julia Child in their kitchens, but lack the skills and knowledge. The following article will provide you with a myriad of cooking tips and tricks that will get you on the road to being as good as any top chef.

Make sure not to use oil in the water you are using to make pasta. This will only keep sauce from sticking to pasta when mixed together. In order to give the water a little flavor and prevent the pasta from sticking the pot, you can add in a little bit of salt.

After cooking meat of any kind, it is very important that you let it sit a while before cutting. If you cut too soon, the juices will spill out onto the cutting board, leaving the meat dry and with less flavor. Letting the meat sit allows time for the juices to retract back into the meat.

Before frying raw potatoes, let them sit in cold water for at least a half an hour. By doing this, the fries will be more crispy. Also, letting them sit in cold water will cut down on the time it takes for them to cook thoroughly.

It is important to test the heat of oil before using it to pan fry your food. Pouring the oil into the pan and then sprinkling it with water should give you a series of cracks or sparkles. If it does not, then the pan isn't currently up to frying or heating capacity and dumping the food in it will act closer to an oil sponge than a frying pan.

Use either a steaming or a stir-frying technique to cook your vegetables. These two methods help the vegetables retain both their color and their nutrients, providing your family with a healthier side dish that also looks attractive. Your children, in particular, are more likely to eat their vegetables if they look nice.

Avoid lumpy gravy! Don't make the mistake of getting ready to serve the gravy, only to discover it's full of lumps. Simply pour the gravy through a fine strainer and reheat if necessary. To avoid lumps in the first place, slow down the cooking process - you are probably adding the liquid too quickly and the heat may be too high. Always remember to whisk the gravy constantly while it is cooking.

Whenever possible, avoid canned ingredients in your cooking. They have numerous disadvantages. Canned food has lost vital nutrients that you want in order to cook the healthiest possible meals. They also taste different - if not downright worse - than fresh ingredients, potentially ruining your recipes. Finally, canned foods have unhealthy additives - especially extra sodium - that you do not need in your food.

Save time by cooking large quantities, and freezing the extra. When you are planning an elaborate or time consuming meal, prepare extra servings. Making more won't increase your cooking time much, and these extra meals can be frozen, providing a fast and healthy alternative to the typical frozen TV dinner.

Always read a new recipe thoroughly before you begin cooking, preheating, or prepping. This prevents the hassles of running into surprise ingredients, equipment, or techniques and gives you a chance to hunt down substitutions--or a new recipe--if needed. Ideally, read the recipe before you do your shopping to ensure that you grab everything you need.

When sauteing ingredients in a fry pan ensure that you don't overcrowd the pan with too much food. Trying to cook too much at once will only lower the temperature of the pan and lead to steaming instead of browning. It is wiser to saute the ingredients in two separate batches, if necessary, and this will maintain the quality of cooking.

Substitute Greek yogurt for mayonnaise in creamy salad dressings. If you are on a diet or just trying to eat healthy, you can still make creamy salad dressings with healthy ingredients. Just substitute the mayonnaise in them with a low-fat Greek-style yogurt. This will make the dressing much healthier.

In conclusion, many people enjoy the fine art of cooking. They work in their kitchens with food, in the hopes of emulating successful chefs from around the world, but often lack the skills and knowledge to do so. If you use the tips from this article, you can become a master chef at home.

About the Author:

Why not look over our website for well-researched guidance - hunts tomato coupons.

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Will need Cooking Help and advice? Study The Most Effective Ideas Here!

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By Arthur Bentler

Have you ever wanted to cook just like they do at restaurants? Have you tried to generate these stuff yourself at your home? Though it can be difficult to suit your favorite restaurant cuisine, it isn't difficult. Let us now explore a couple of tips that can help. All various kinds of people enjoy cooking as a relaxing hobby.

Preparation is among the most prominent stuff that you simply will have to undertake before you cook a meal for your friends or family. Primary, check which you have everything required to obtain began. Arrange out your cooking the day just before. Make sure every one of the necessary utensils are clean and ready to use.

This may allay some of your fears and anxiety when it is time for you to cook the meal.

It's simple to put too much salt inside a dish while cooking, but there are actually tricks to obtain about this situation. Consider peeling and chopping some potatoes and place them as part of your sauce for all over 15 minutes. Eliminate the potatoes right before the start having smooth. Tomato-based recipes may be helped by just incorporating a lot more tomato pieces. Cook until these are tender to dilute more saltiness.

You can prepare a whole lot prior to cooking to streamline your cooking process. Recipes need to be examined and items that won't spoil that may be prepared every day or two ahead needs to be done initially. You possibly can simplify the cooking process by doing your prep task very well earlier. This makes preparing even much more complex recipes exciting and quickly.

Do you really feel like you're wasting money once you throw away a piece of moldy fruit? Is it safe to save a portion of fruit by cutting round the mold? Sadly half rotten fruit is something you possibly can never genuinely keep. The mold and spoilage which you can see is only part of the problem with marginal-looking fruit even the parts that appear pristine will be unsafe to eat.

For all those that take pleasure in cooking fish, they need to try out catching them for themselves every time they have time. Fishing is the best way to get fresh and cheap meat. Make sure you clean the fish you caught thoroughly just before cooking them.

Be considerate to those who is going to be consuming your meals by reserving many spices for later addition. Spices, like red pepper, garlic, or salt, are great for flavoring, but don't necessarily have to be applied during the meal's preparation. In regards to spices, men and women have diverse tastes. Don't bring them when cooking offer spices after you've designed the meal so everyone is able to customize the taste for themselves. Every single person will have their very own particular version of your meal that they will like.

Observe the cooking oil amounts when preparing meals! This can assist you reduce just how much extra fat is found in your cooking. This lets you maintain an eye on just how much oil you use.

You should have stackable cooling racks inside your kitchen area. In the event your cooling racks do not stack they will take up lots of counter space when you find yourself baking huge quantities of something. Instead, try out stacking the cookies on racks. Location the racks one particular on top of one other, and you'll only take up a small corner as part of your cooking area. By cooling your cookies vertically, the air is capable to circulate around them with out utilizing up all of your valuable counter space.

Buy your fish or meat around the bone. You may retail outlet the raw or cooked bones within a zipper bag in the freezer so they might be there when you would like to make stock.

It really is fairly simple to dry tomatoes yourself. Try out slicing a Roma in half lengthwise, or cut larger tomatoes into 1/2 inch slices. You need to spot them on cooling rack, and salt them lightly with the cut side up. The rack should really then be positioned on the baking sheet in an oven set to 190 degrees for no over 10 hours. Finally, place your dried tomatoes in freezer safe bags and retailer within the freezer. Dried tomatoes could also be put within a jar with fresh herbs and topped up with olive oil. Dried tomatoes should be stored inside the refrigerator and employed within just 2 weeks.

You can make a hobby, technique and even a profession out of cooking. Food items will be prepared in millions of methods, and the most ideal approach to mastering new culinary expertise would be to solicit advice on the masters in cooking. Think of attempting a number of the assistance offered during the above write-up for when you have to take control over the kitchen.

About the Author:

Have you ever received problem on how to cook dungeness clusters? Drop by the world wide web to receive tasty recipes for your personal dungeness crabs.

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Finding Facts To Create Your Meals A Success

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By Isaac Cianfrani

Developing your cooking requires you to acquire some expertise. It's excellent to understand how to cook, regardless of your reason you would like to understand. The tips in this document will get you on your own method to generating delicious meals.

Prep a fruit for juicing by micro waving it first. A fast zap within the microwave for about ten seconds is all you require with oranges, lemons, limes, as well as other citrus fruits. Once you remove them from the microwave, roll them on the counter prior to cutting and starting the juicing process.

A super healthful, and delicious, veggie dish is simply sauteed veggies in some chicken broth. The broth adds flavor to them, while reducing oil which is generally applied for sauteing. This makes for a delicious way to prepare vegetables.

Constantly measure cooking oil! By measuring, you can cheaper the amount of excess fat and grease as part of your ingredients. This assists you to better monitor the amount of oil that you are using.

Resolve the crust of your pie. In case you have been far too rough with your pie, the crust may be cracked. To repair it, wet your fingers with cold water and gently rub over any cracked places to mend them. When the cracks are in the top crust, brush it having a minor milk and sprinkle with sugar. Baking will induce the sugar to form a beautiful glaze over the top of the pie and create any crust issues disappear.

See to it that your herbs are stored in a dry, cool and dark region. Exposing them to light or heat could make them lose their flavors quick. This may make sure your spices will not be as great to use.

If cooking with skewers is a thing you are considering, then you will desire to know particular elements. In the event you are employing metal skewers, the square or twisted kind are great far better than round ones for holding foods in location.

Having a clean up and organized kitchen area is essential to cooking a great meal or dessert. Just like with whatever you do, the greater organized you are, the more productive you might be. Being disorganized means having difficulty discovering things and quite possibly ruining a complete dish, wasting helpful time and cash!

Don't add the dressing until proper prior to serving. This will simplify matters when you find yourself cooking your meals. When you should generate a meal in a specific amount of time it may be stressful. Prepare your cuisine in advance in order to reduce the stress that you experience.

When you are just starting your adventure with household cooking, appearance internet, for a bookstore, or at the library for a cookbook which has basic, very easy recipes that you'll take pleasure in both preparing and consuming. Try out unique recipes until you come up with something that works available for you.

Preparing interesting meals to get a family is at times much more than challenging. Tons of unique tricks and suggestions exist that are aimed at simplifying the art of cooking. You may breathe a bit easier whenever you next enter your kitchen.

About the Author:

You can make foods based from garlic for wholesome living. Get easy garlic soup recipes for health on the net and various recipes and also to know additional about garlic and its added benefits towards the health.

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The Many Varieties of Coffee Makers

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By John Handle

You can brew your cup of coffee in an assortment of manners and methods. Every method has unique traits to complement specific tastes, preferences, and lifestyles. But the things all coffee makers have in common is that fact they brew your favorite drink without the need to boil coffee in a separate container. The filter size, the water reservoir and the flask combined shall decide the quantity of coffee that you can make with your machine.

There are a variety of features that you will have to choose between when purchasing a coffee maker such as brand, features and price. These elements, in addition to what you really need out of your coffee maker, must be considered when selecting a coffee maker that will best fit your needs. Among the sorts of coffee makers and their perks are:

Drip Coffee Makers

This kind of coffee maker is available in 4 to 12 cup sizes. They are also to be found in various designs and varieties at different prices. Drip coffee makers are a relatively affordable coffee maker compared to other machines. The 10 and 12-cup coffee makers are among the most common units in this type. Hotels and smaller families find the smaller 4-cup models ideal though.

If you're buying a drip coffee maker, you need to make a choice between glass and thermal carafe. You can also choose styles designed for dropping directly into a travel mug. They are very popular and perhaps even non-coffee enthusiasts oftentimes have them just for entertainment reasons.


This was once the standard coffee brewer. Many individuals still prefer them to drip coffee makers because they point out that it produces a more rich and tasty coffee. However, percolators are available in limited designs and capacity options. The typical design for people who wish to percolate the coffee grounds is glass type percolators that are aimed for stove-top use. But the most popular design for such type of coffee maker is the electrical brewer that offers electronic settings.

The French Press

French presses go back a number of years. With a french press you can generate a dark, prolific coffee by pushing the grounds through the hot water. The negative aspect of such model is it produces smaller sized capacity and cooktop coffee requires monitoring.

Single pod or One cup Coffee Makers

One serve, or pod coffee makers function by putting individual pods (like a tea bag but with coffee) into a basket and then having the machine push the water through it. The sole drawback to this technique is the smidgen of coffee that it creates and the lack of flexibility in how the brew is made.

Specialty Brewers

Coffee machines that make flat whites, espresso, or cappuccino are usually valued higher than traditional coffee makers. These makers have functions and features that allow users to produce specialty coffees. There are also machines that are capable of creating normal coffee, making them efficient enough for daily use. Among the features you ought to bear in mind when buying specialty coffee makers are serving size, type of brewing, physical size, and function.

About the Author:

The tastiest cup of joe starts with a great grind. Check out these best burr grinders for more information or visit coffee lovers 101 for more news and tips on coffee making at home.

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7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

Oatmeal Spice Cookies

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Monday's are kind of grim sometimes, so I thought I'd lighten this particular one up a bit by sharing a healthy and tasty cookie recipe...

Ida's Oatmeal Spice Cookies

1 cup water
2 cups raisins
4 Tbs favorite sweetener
1/2 cup butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg
2 1/2 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 tsp baking soda

Boil 1 cup water and 2 cups raisins. Cool for 5 minutes. Mix in other ingredients. Form into balls and bake on lightly greased cookie sheet for 15 minutes at 325F degrees.

On another note, if you haven't been following Josh and Leah's video blog of their 21 day detox and cleansing diet, you're missing out on a lot of informative fun.

Take a few minutes and learn a lot about detox diets from a young couple who are walking the walk at http://chetday.com/21days/

That's all for this Monday.

Oh, if you have a favorite oatmeal cookie recipe, I hope you'll use the "comment" link to share it below.

Chet "Oatmeal Spice Cookie" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Winnie the Pooh Meditation

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Let's do something a big different today and turn to Winnie the Pooh, who once observed...
Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you suddenly know everything there is to be known.
Right now, take three or four long, slow, deep breaths, focus on the pauses between breaths, and feel your consciousness shift.

Visualize yourself leaning over a bridge railing, watching the river of life slipping slowly away beneath you.

Be the river, be the flow... then just be.


Chet "Just Be" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Reduce Stress Tip

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Today you're going to learn how to significantly reduce your stress any time you want to by recalling a simple but wonderfully wise Chinese proverb...
Flowing water never goes bad.
Starting right now, when your life gets crazy and your stress level starts to go through the ceiling, stop for a moment and take a few deep breaths...

... and become flowing water.

Take a break right now and do this.

Pause for a second and take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself as flowing water.


It works.

Practice this exercise when you feel stress coming on and you're going to be a much more relaxed and happy person. I promise!

Oh, speaking of stress, I have a comprehensive and all natural system you can use to manage all the stresses in your life at LessStressSystem.com.

Chet "Reduce Stress Tip" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Green Chili Soup

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On occasion, I like to indulge myself with a recipe that I wouldn't consider optimal in terms of health.

Today I'm going to share such a recipe with you, one for...

Cream of Green Chile Soup

2 corn tortillas, 1 yellow and 1 blue if possible
1 12-oz tub Bueno green chiles, mild, hot, or x-hot
1/2 stick butter
2 cups chopped onion
1 garlic clove, peeled and minced
1/2 tsp dried oregano, crumbled
2 bay leaves
3 1/2 cups chicken broth, homemade or canned
2 medium baking potatoes, peeled and chunked
1/3 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/3 cup whipping cream
2 cups Monterey Jack cheese

Cut the tortillas into 1/4 inch wide strips and heat in an iron skillet until they're dry and hot.

Over low heat, melt the butter in a 4-quart saucepan. Add onions, garlic, oregano, and bay leaves and cook, covered, stirring once or twice, for about ten minutes.

Stir in the chicken broth, potatoes, salt, cumin and black pepper and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer, partially covered, stirring once or twice, until the potatoes are tender, about 25 minutes.

Stir in the cream and adjust the seasoning to taste. This soup can be prepared up to three days ahead of serving. Cool it completely and refrigerate, covered. Rewarm it over low heat, stirring often, until steaming. Ladle the soup into wide bowls, sprinkle the cheese over the soup, and scatter the tortilla strips over the cheese. Serve immediately.

Chet "Green Chile Soup" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

5 Healthy Hair Tips

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Today I'd like to share five tips for having healthy hair from my good friend Karen Van Cleef, whose head holds some of the healthiest hair I've ever seen.

Karen's not only a hair expert.

She also developed a natural dental health product that has saved me thousands on dental bills over the years.

And now for our five tips for having healthy hair:

To Make Your Hair Shine

Always rinse your hair with cool water to seal the cuticle and make your hair shine.

For an Oily Scalp...

Saturate a cotton ball with witch hazel and dab all over your entire scalp.

For a Homemade Intensive Conditioner...

Mix 1/4 cup of olive oil with 1 egg and apply to hair. Use more olive oil if your hair is very long. Cover your head with aluminum foil, then with a towel that has been warmed in the dryer. Leave on for 30 minutes to an hour, then shampoo as usual.

To Texturize Limp Locks...

Braid slightly damp hair at the crown, make only a few braids depending upon the thickness of your hair. Let dry completely, take braids out, spritz on a lightweight hair spray and run fingers through.

For a Shine-boosting Hair Mask...

Mash an over-ripe banana; combine with 3 drops of almond oil. Massage into dry hair, leave on for 15 minutes, then shampoo out.

That's all for today.

Chet "Healthy Hair Tips" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

5 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe

A Important Third Party Review Of Rain Nutrition - Should You Be Part Of This New Company

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One in all the most recent corporations in the network selling business that is generating a heap of buzz is Rain Nutrition. Besides the actual fact that it's an organization that is very new to the scene, there are some seasoned marketers that have brought their groups to the company. Now, whereas there are several new distributors promoting the vision of this new company, it is vital that you do your own analysis if you are puzzling over partnering with Rain Nutrition. During this third party review, I can go into Rain Nutrition's background, merchandise, compensation plan and, most importantly, whether or not or not it is a scam. I am going to additionally bit upon what it can actually take to also have a likelihood of succeeding in building a Rain Nutrition business.

 Rain Nutrition started in Could of 2009 and was founded, and currently based, in Highland, Utah. The corporate uses a network marketing, or multilevel selling, model to sell nutritional products. According the corporate web site, their product were formed in partnership with Dr. Arnold Leonardo. It's important to notice that Dr. Leonardo was appointed to the Congressional Health Care Committee for his research on preventive health care. This said partnership, and Dr. Leoardo's credibility, undoubtedly goes against the notion that Rain Nutrition could be a scam.

 While the corporate markets seven different health products, their flagship product is a liquid nutritional supplement known as Soul. It's said that a one three ounce shot of Soul can facilitate your improve your overall health and longevity from the within out. It's benefits embrace:

 1. Rich in antioxidants that scale back free radical damage

 2. Loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids

 3. Contains anti-aging properties

 4. Supports your Immune System

 5. Supports heart, liver and kidney operate

 6. Aids in circulatory perform

 7. Supports the repair of free radical damage.

 While they seem to own extremely prime quality products, I'd still advise you to try and do a little research of your own on their product line, therefore you are feeling comfy and confidant selling them.

 As so much as the compensation set up goes, Rain Nutrition proposes a very generous payout to it's distributors, claiming to pay place fifty% of all Commissionable Volume on a weekly basis. The compensation arrange runs on a binary model, however your unilevel team conjointly gets tracked by the computer. This is because there a certain components of the compensation set up that will pay you on your binary team, and bound components that will pay you on your unilevel team.

 While there are seven ways to induce paid, they can all be dampened into two categories: Immediate, upfront income and monthly residual income. Assuming you'll personally sponsor new distributors consistently, market products and train people to do the identical, you can build a important income building a Rain Nutrition business.

 In closing, based on the documentation on the corporate, products and compensation arrange, Rain Nutrition is certainly not a scam. However, merely joining the corporate will not guarantee you success. The only factor Rain provides is an opportunity, nothing a lot of and zip less. In alternative words, the company can not create you successful. Ultimately, your success depends on you. It is you that will have to require the steps necessary to create a successful business. And one of the foremost important steps is learning the way to be a professional marketer. Having the right coaching and obtaining the correct skills will enable you to sponsor 10-20 new folks into your business each single month. And, if you'll be able to do this, you'll be well on your approach to putting together a wildly profitable and successful business.

Avocado Nutrition

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Placed in a fruit tray or basket along with other fruits, the auspicious-looking avocado pales in the presence of other brightly-colored and sweet-tasting fruits. More likely, it will not be eaten unless there is no more competition. Injustice is done to this underrated fruit-vegetable more often than necessary because the avocado nutrition is not well emphasized, not even in schools. As early as preschool, a student knows that "A" is for "Apple" and "O" is for "Orange". This probably explains why the particular penchant for apple among kids, can you say the same for avocado?

 When claims are made with regards the avocado being one of the most favorite tropical fruit, it comes with the knowledge of avocado nutrition and its versatility as a fruit and vegetable. The knowledge about avocado nutrition as well as its versatility as an ingredient to many recipes could be the reason why people look at avocado in a new light.

 What is avocado packed with to merit a special place in the table and in the tummy?
 About 75% of the fats from avocado calories are high density lipids (HDL) or good cholesterol ranking second only to olives. Truly, avocado provides a delectable way of countering cholesterol or Low Density Lipids (LDL). Contrary to common myth, it is also good for reducing body weight as the monounsaturated fat improves basal metabolic rate; plus, the high density flesh due to carbohydrate and fiber content keeps the stomach full, thus, minimizing overeating. Inspite of the carbohydrates, avocados remain to have a very low glycemic index that makes it ideal for diabetic patients.

 If truth be told about avocado nutrition, it is an almost complete meal with about fourteen vital nutrients. Noteworthy are the electrolytes, the potassium and sodium, that are about three times over that of banana, which are important in muscle and nerve functions too. Equally important are the several Vitamin B complex especially B3 or folic acid for ideal fetal development among pregnant women, anti-oxidants like Vitamins C and E, iron and copper for blood, and calcium for normal bone development.

 Maybe, just maybe, if kids will be taught "A" is for Avocado then seeing avocado on the table will bring delight to kids and older people alike.

Advanced Workout and Nutrition Program

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The following article is meant for advanced body builders who have been regularly working out for the past one year. The plans and advices put forward in this article are just suggestions. Feel free to make changes and substitute new exercises. An organized set of advanced workout program along with advanced nutritional supplements, pretty much guarantees your success.

Advanced workout program

Before starting with your advance workout program, please bear in mind the following points.

Always warm up before you start training
Do the work outs slowly and work your way up.
Set your goals taking into consideration your abilities.
Increase the intensity, duration and reps whenever possible.
Start slow, don't overload yourself with weights.
Divide your workout program and schedule.
Include proper rest period for your muscles.

The advance workout program that follows is just a sample work selected randomly from a list of thousands. Workouts vary from person to person and from trainer to trainer.

Monday -chest

For the following exercises, do three sets of 10 to 12 reps. try to finish your workout routine within 60 to 70 min.
Exercises include -Dumbbell flys, dumbbell press, incline press, incline flys, hip push-ups.
Do 20 min of cardio, which can include jogging, treadmill or cycling.

Tuesday -lats

Finish your workout in 80 to 90 min and include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include-Weight pull ups, dumbbell rows, narrow grip pull ups, bend over rows, alternating grip pull ups.

 Wednesday - legs

Finish your workout in 70 to 80 min and include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include-Lunges, stiff leg dead lifts, hanging leg curls, weight calf raises, skateboard squats.

Thursday - shoulders

Complete your workout within 80 to 90 min, include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include-front raise, side race, alternating dumbbell press, shrugs, rotation both inner and outer.

Friday - arms

Complete your workout program in 80 to 90 min, include 20 min of cardio.
Exercises include- Hammer curls, reverse curls, dumbbell curls, chair dips, dumbbell press, preacher curls, and skull crushers.

Saturday and Sunday

Give your body the much-needed rest.
You can however do 20 min of cardio on these days.

For an advanced body builder, half of the work is done in the gym and the rest is through nutrition. During advance workout session you stretch and break your muscle fibers causing damage. For these muscle fibers to recover and grow bigger, diet rich in proteins is a must. Your diet should include 1 gram or more proteins per pound, and not more than 15 cal per pound per day. Here are some pointers that will help you with your diet.

Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, beans, and meat.
Avoid sugar, alcohol, fatty food, fast food, salty food, and starchy food.
Drink plenty of water.
Divide your meals and space them 4 hourly.
Supplement your diet with protein powder.
Remember to load your bloodstream with proteins, pre-and post-workout.
Protein preferred for Pre-and post-workout is whey.
Protein (casein) should be taken before sleep and after getting up in the morning.

The two keywords for success are hard work and proper diet. Once you start feeling comfortable with your workout program and your nutrition schedule, don't break the rhythm. Workout routinely and success will be yours.

All In One Sports Nutrition For The Working Athlete

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Why are we drawn to sports? It is because we appreciate and take pleasure in witnessing the human spirit in motion. Athletes competing and achieving despite difficulties inspires us all. It is a reality TV show in its best. Sometimes, we can't help asking what sort of "all in one sports nutrition" they are taking.
 It's heartwarming to us those ordinary mortals, after years of training and hard work had triumphed against all odds. We know that these athletes had worked hard to develop their physical skills. We can't help but be one in their triumphs and empathize in their defeats.
 But surely this privilege is only for the professional athletes who have all the time in the world to engage in sports and sustain this with appropriate nutrition? Not necessarily true.
 For people juggling a delicate balance between their busy life and their need for physical health, All In One Sports Nutrition maybe a heaven sent.
 The secret of All In One Sports Nutrition lies in its ideal balance nutrients compacted in one package. This will save you so much time in just preparing and consuming different sports nutrition when you're in hurry. This will also save you money since you wouldn't be buying several packs of the sports nutrients with overlapping nutrients contents.
 All In One Sports Nutrition is also scientifically designed to include all the necessary nutrients needed by any athlete, and specially includes you. After long hours of workouts, All In One Sports Nutrition will work its wonder by giving you sustained energy source. And since this is complete sports nutrition, there's no reason to worry about missing one important nutrient during your last meal.
 Some sports nutrition claims that having all nutrients in one package is not advisable because there is the tendency that the manufacturer will limit other vital nutrient. This may be true for others but not with All In One Sports Nutrition. All In One Sports Nutrition was formulated exactly to contain the right balance, in the right amount, nutrients needed by athletes and sports enthusiasts, including you.
 All In One Sports Nutrition contains ingredients designed to improve athletic performance. It is also designed to hasten the recovery of muscle fatigue every after exercise. All In One Sports Nutrition contains the perfect combination of complex and carbohydrates. This combination is at the heart of every successful sports nutrients product for carbohydrates provide sustained energy needed in a sustained exercise.

 Balanced carbohydrates content of All In One Sports Nutrition
 Most commercial sports nutrients product derives their entire calorie source from simple carbohydrates. This almost always results in blood sugar swings, making it hard for athletes in general to balance and steadied their movement during training or competition. Slow and steady delivery of calorie during regimen helps the muscles not to deplete its supply of blood sugar. This is very critical during your exercise because this depletion can cause too much fatigue. This prevents also gluconeogenesis, a form of muscle cannibalism resorted to by our bodies to produce energy during an "emergency" or regimen.

 Protein content of All In One Sports Nutrition
 Aside from carbohydrates, nutritional supplement high in quality protein, will you're your muscle's re-growth and repair. Protein is a hard workers nutrient that goes a long way in maintaining your health during intense exercise. Protein produces the enzymes needed to help carbohydrates maintain energy levels during regimen.

 Benefits aside, protein intake is one the most debated issue in the fitness and sports nutrition world. Too much intake of protein, claimed by many, harms the body. Consensus however, among fitness professionals and sports nutritionist suggest a different direction. Protein intakes above the RDA appears to stimulate the loss of body fat while increasing muscle tissue.

 But All In One Sports Nutrition follows the RDA not because it supports the claims of anti-protein intake. All In One Sports Nutrition is perfect balance of necessary nutrients, carbohydrates and protein included. Aside from these two most important elements in any sports nutrition program, All In One Sports Nutrition also contains other minerals needed by your body to sustain itself during heavy exercise and other physical activities.

 So you see, there's no reason to lose hope joining the privileged groups of athletes. Your All In One Sports Nutrition will sustain you during your training and every day time-crunched life, and it will help your muscles recover fast enough for your training and sports performance tomorrow!

Almonds Nutrition Facts

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Almonds Calories And More

 Almonds calories = 575kcal
 Carbohydrate = 21.67g
 Protein = 21.22g
 Fat = 49.42g
 Fibre = 12.2g
 Calcium = 264mg
 Iron = 3.72mg
 Magnesium = 268mg
 Phosphorus = 484mg
 Potassium = 705mg
 Sodium = 68mg
 Vitamin E = 26.22mg

 Let's take a look at some almonds nutrition facts. As with most nuts, calories can be high. However, largely unknown among the numerous almonds nutrition facts is that, potentially, eating almonds can decrease the chances of weight gain.

 Almonds nutrition facts you didn't know about

 A study has shown that people who ate nuts on two occasions or more per week were significantly less likely to put on weight than those who hardly ate nuts at all.
 The high amount of almonds' calories is almost cancelled out by their capacity to promote a decreased intake of trans fatty acids, animal protein, sodium, cholesterol and sugars, observed in the study while increasing the intake of monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vegetable protein, vitamin E, copper and magnesium.

 Information on the health benefits of almondsAlmonds health benefits

 Other almond benefits

 Almonds are known to increase the body's levels of antioxidants and reduce surges in blood sugar- which affects insulin - after eating.
 A number of studies have revealed that eating almonds with a high glycaemic index food significantly lowers the glycaemic index of the meal and lessens the rise in blood sugar after eating.

 They are high in magnesium. A natural calcium channel blocker, magnesium promotes the dilation of veins and arteries
 Almonds are also a very good source of protein, which is essential for growth and for the repair of tissues.

 Healthy Almond Meal

 Guilt free

 This cake recipe is a great way to have a piece of cake without the guilty conscience!

 As a snack or for afters
 Low in fat and high in nourishment, this recipe can be made to either be had as a nibble or as a variance for afters, pour sour cream or yogurt on top for another fantastic variation.
 The great thing about this recipe is it can be adapted to as you need it to be.

 Change it if you need to!

 For those with wheat intolerance, just ditch the flour and boost the almonds.
 Egg intolerance? Merely exchange the egg with a cup of luke warm water. This recipe is so versatile, you can switch things around very easily.
 As well, if you don't have time to simmer the lemons (or if you simply prefer not to!) Citrus limon concentrate can be used, although you don't get the same zingy flavor.

 These are the ingredients for a a super healthy, easy almond cake recipe
 2-3 lemons
 3 medium eggs
 200g caster sugar
 50g plain flour
 200g ground almonds
 1 tsp baking powder

 Cover the lemons with water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer for around an hour.
 Halve the lemons discarding pips. Place them into a blender complete with skins, and blend until a paste is achieved.
 Preheat the oven to 170C. Grease a 2lb (900g) tin with knob of butter or a splash ofoil spray, and line with greaseproof paper.
 Beat the eggs and sugar together.
 Fold the flour, baking powder, almonds and lemon paste into the egg mix.
 Pour into the tin and bake for 45 mins to an hour.
 for ten mins. After this time, turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely before eating.

 Almonds - what you didn't know!

 The almond is an attractive, medium sized tree which is actually part of the rose family. The almond tree is also closely related to the peach apricot and plum.
 Similar to the peach, the almond consists of a seed surrounded by a hard outer shell, which in turn is surrounded by a fleshier part.
 The sweet flesh of the peach is the part of the fruit that is eaten, while with the almond, it is the tasty inner seed that is consumed

4 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba

Refrigerated Spice Cookies

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It's been quite a few years since one of the readers of our free Amazing Cookies newsletter sent in the recipe I'm going to share with you today.

But even though a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since I first tried this recipe, it's as good as ever.

Try it and see if you don't agree! :)

Bielka's Refrigerated Spice Cookies

1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup light molasses
2 cup unbleached white flour
1/4 cup ground almonds
1/2 tsp grated orange peel
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp baking soda
Vegetable cooking spray

In a small pot over medium heat, combine honey, butter, and molasses and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool for three minutes.

While mixture is cooling, combine remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Stir in honey mixture until well combined.

Divide dough into four equal pieces and roll each piece into a log. Wrap each log in plastic wrap and refrigerate two or three hours or overnight.

Preheat oven to 375 F. Lightly coat a non-stick baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside. Lightly flour work surface. Roll each log into a thin dough about 1/8" thick. Cut into shapes with cookie cutters. Transfer to baking sheet and bake for five minutes or until firm. Cool on wire cooling racks.

Makes 4 dozen delicious cookies.

Oh, before I shut this off, if you have a favorite spice cookie recipe you'd like to share, please use the "comment" link below to do just that.

Chet "Spice Cookie" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

How to Sleep Better

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If you're having trouble sleeping, I have a tip for you: start using your feet.

Say what?

Look, anyone who knows squat about natural health knows daily exercise is a sensible thing to do.

Well, medical science recently confirmed what us health nuts have known forever: older and middle-age people reported sleeping better when they added regular exercise to their days.

These aging baby boomers fell asleep about 15 minutes earlier and slept about 45 minutes longer at night.

Since most of us live frenetic lives and are seriously sleep-deprived anyway, doesn't it make sense to use our feet and legs for something other than appendages to move us from car to desk to car to home?

Of course it does.

So make a commitment today to exercise at least four times during the next seven days.

Begin today by brisk walking, swimming, or biking for at least 20 minutes.

This approach beats the tar out of the drug approach.

Sadly, though they compose only about 20% of the population, older Americans receive almost half the medications prescribed by doctors to aid sleep.

And these sorry drugs cause confusion, falls, extended drowsiness, and a host of other nasty side effects.

Here are some other exercising tips:
  • A drop in body temperature aids sound sleep. So time your exercise five to six hours before bedtime.

  • Make your exercise vigorous enough to make you sweat a little. Previous studies have shown that non-aerobic stretching and concentration exercises alone did not impart sleep.

  • Stick with it! Participants in this study did not report improved sleep until they had been exercising for 16 weeks.
By the way, people sleep better on a healthy bed. If you have time, check out our Healthy Bed Checklist.

Chet "Sleep Tips" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Two Cookie Recipes

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I haven't shared a cookie recipe in quite some time, so let's make up for that lapse right now, shall we?

Here's a terrific little recipe for...


This recipe calls for apples rather than fat to keep the recipe moist. The sugar can also be substituted with a favorite alternative for those with diabetes. Try with other nuts such as hazelnuts or add dried fruit such as dates. This recipe makes 8-12 fingers

1 green apple, peeled and diced
1 Tbs butter
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/3 cup sugar (or favorite alternative sweetener)
1/2 cup whole meal plain flour, sifted
1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Stew apple on stove top over low heat till soft.

Puree apple. In a large bowl, combine pureed apple with butter and stir until butter has melted.

Beat in eggs and sugar till combined. Add sifted cocoa and flour, plus the pecans . Mix well.

Grease and line a loaf tin. Spread mixture over base of tin. Bake in a moderate oven (350F) for 25-30 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when tested. Cool in tin.

Cut into fingers and serve.

... and here's a great recipe for...


2 jars baby banana puree or 1 cup mashed banana
1 Tbs softened butter
1/3 cup orange juice
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
3 Tbs honey
1 cup oats
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup raisins
1/4 tsp nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350 F. Beat together the first ingredients. Stir in dry ingredients. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Makes about 1 1/2 dozen cookies.

On another note, if you like healthy cookies, as well as traditional cookies, click here and sign up for my free weekly cookie recipe newsletter.

Or surf on over to my 101 favorite cookie recipes website. :)

Chet "Cookie Recipes" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Headache Relief

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Here's a quick headache relief tip that I received several years ago from a reader of one of my newsletters:
Chet, for a whopper of a headache I get relief by heating a wet wash cloth in the microwave until hot, then placing it on top of my head, lying down, and relaxing.

The moist heat must increase the blood circulation to the head -- maybe that's why this works so well?
Well, the next time your skull feels like it's going to explode, try the above headache relief tip.

Oh, be careful to not get the wash cloth too hot. You don't want to burn your hands or your hair!

After trying this tip, return to this blog entry and let me know how it worked for you by commenting, eh?

Chet "Headache Relief" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Snack to Lose Weight

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This weight loss tip may come as a big surprise, but if you want to shed some pounds, you need to...

Snack between meals!

Whoa, what a great idea, eh?

You see, the human body wasn't designed to eat three meals a day, scheduled at the same time each day, the way most of us do.

Indeed, our bodies are always working, churning away and burning energy whether awake or asleep.

So instead of consuming your daily quotient of calories in three meals, spread 'em out over four or five or six mini-meals.

Remember, though, success only comes if you eat smaller meals.

You do NOT want to eat six full-sized meals every day!

By approaching your eating this way, you'll boost your metabolism, not get as hungry, and lose weight at the same time.

Try this simple tip and see if it doesn't work just the way I said it would. :)

Chet "I Snack to Lose Weight" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus